11-09-2009, 10:14 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Metairie, LA
Posts: 13,457
Re: I almost cost us the game!
Originally Posted by primadox
I'm embarassed to say this, but I'm wearing the same shirt every week...and it hasn't been washed yet, either. The first five weeks I wore it just for the game and immediately hung it back up, but finally dumped it in the hamper after the Giants game. It was in the bottom of the hamper the last few weeks (Miami, Falcons, Panthers), and when I dug it out in its stinky, wrinkled glory and put it on, we would win. So now, I'm hanging it outside to air out each week, since I don't dare wash it and destroy the mojo. I know that if I can finally make it to Woodrow's for a game (drat these late games!!), and wear the stinky shirt, my fellow HouDats will not mind... 
So you plan on being alone for the Superbowl?