12-01-2009, 03:21 PM
Senior Citizen
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Gulfport, MS
Posts: 3,180
First Take....
This show is killing me.... It's bad enough, that Bayless, was too gutless, to come to work today, and back up his comments about the Saints after that beatdown of his boy Brady last night, but the guy who took his place, making the comment, "The Saints are the hottest team right now, not the best, that would be the Vikings. The Vikes are ahead of the Saints in every category as a team." Paraphrased by me of course, but essentially what he said. Is their a rule, that who ever sits in that chair HAS to be a moronic douche? Unbelievable. What game did he watch last night?
What's popular is not always right, and what's right is not always popular.....