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BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 09:20 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!

You must\'ve missed the whole Edgerrin James ACL surgery bubba. Can\'t be much of an all pro running back when you\'re rehabbing a knee. And last year he was out a fair bit too. I fully expect him to come on strong this year though.

A balanced game should take Indy deep into the playoffs.

:hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: could stand to spend more time in the film room rather than happy feet around/back out of his protection/wait on WR separation to make his throws.

But maybe if :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: will come in from walking on water, he could help Duece win a game or two for us.

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 09:25 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
BMG --

I didn\'t miss a thing. Do your homework and go check out Indy\'s rushings stats !!

I can\'t do everything for ya : BUBBA

BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 09:34 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
OK :casstet:

Let\'s go ahead and cut Peyton, fine, no big deal, he can play in Canada.
Let\'s apply the \"Billy Logic\" and cut :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: too, he can back Peyton up in the CFL.

Then let\'s sign a QB who can win playoff games: Trent Dilfer. Trent Dilfer has won playoff games (more than one even) so he\'s the natural choice to lead the Saints.

But until we get Dilfer, let\'s all agree to hit the play-dough room and start making a bust for our big bust to put in the hall in Canton.

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 09:40 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
I don\'t think Peyton should be cut. In the famous words of saintsfan -- It\'s a damn good thing you don\'t make the decisons for the Saints.

BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 10:04 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Hey wait a second. Even with your number, Peyton (and to be fair we\'ll only take the past 3 years) has 63% completion.

Our master of reading defenses and English has a 55%.

Call me :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: here, but isn\'t it better to get the ball to your own guys a higher percentage of the time?

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 10:14 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Look Mr. BrooksMustGo --

I\'m not crying for Peyton Manning needs to be cut or benched. If the only arguement you can come up with for Brooks Must Go is a few completion percentage points -- Then you need to change you name to -- IdontKnowWhatTheHellIamTalkingAbout

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 10:21 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Oh -- Thanks for being fair and comparing Peytons last 3 years and Brooks first 3 years

How bout we compare their first 3 years to be fair??

Peyton Manning -- 59%

Aaron Brooks -- 56%

BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 10:23 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Looking at over the past 3 years, Peyton even has a better completion percentage than Brett Favre who is averaging about 60%, which is still better than :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: .

But hey, I must not have any more brains than :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine:. I thought the object of the game was to make sure your guys catch the ball. Go figure

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 10:29 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
You can\'t be all bad since you\'re a Saints fan. Tell ya what -- Turn on your TV tomorrow and -- Like it or Not -- There he will be -- Larger than Life -- Mr. Aaron Brooks.

I know it kills ya for him to throw all those TD passes. Maybe you have big plans on someone else taking his job -- But, you know what?? That\'s exactly what they are gonna have to do.

Jump on the Aaron Express before it\'s too late. If you are off -- Stay off 4 ever --

Just kidding -- I\'ve saved a seat 4 u --- :P

[Edited on 14/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

[Edited on 14/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 10:35 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!

I don\'t care what anyone else says about you, you\'re alright in my book. :D

I\'d very much like to see a big win tomorrow.

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