SaintPauly |
02-02-2010 06:38 PM |
Re: Colts Receivers better than Ours?
Originally Posted by Stlrfan
(Post 202573)
I just had to interject yet again (mostly because I can't believe this guy is still at it), but you guys are being too kind. The games you won this year were blowouts and not just to anybody, we're talking good teams. You beat the Giants by 21, Eagles by 26 and the Pats by 21. These teams aren't the likes of Jacksonville, Houston, etc. The "good" teams Indy beat were Denver by 12, Miami by a whopping 4, a game they shouldn't have won and were totally outplayed (I believe you guys beat them by a bigger margin) and the most telling is the Pats that Indy beat by 1 point DUE TO LUCK. Oh but that's right, luck has nothing to do with the Colts (thank God for that horseshoe on their helmets). They are the lucky recipients of getting into the SB by not playing the Steelers or Chargers, both teams that have knocked them out of the POs before, just like the SB in 2006, they didn't have to play either team then either. Yeah, playing two 9-7 teams is really impressive. But no, there's no luck there. The whole reason Indy is in the SB is pure luck. If I were a betting person, I would definitely be laying my money on the Saints.
This whole, "our division is tougher than yours", is just mind boggling to me. Anyone who knows football knows, that division games are ALWAYS the toughest games you are going to play. I remember hearing Brees say, that as a player, you count a division win, as two wins, in your mind, because you know that they are going to be the hardest.
I think, and have always thought, that this game Sunday, is going to be a good one. No where, in any post, have I said that, we are going to roll the Colts. I said, I WISH we would, but that's not saying, it's going to happen.
This Indy guy is something else.