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Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Not hardly!! I just believe in trying to be fair. If I find an article on Brooks screwing up or being a distraction, I will post it. I\'m a SAINTS FAN first and while some might think I will stand up for Brooks no matter what -- YOU ARE WRONG!! Don\'t get me wrong, I\'m still in favor of Brooks, but at this point I wouldn\'t mind seeing Bouman play, just to see if anything would change. I don\'t see much risk of doing that right now. Damn, I\'m tired of editing you two. Clean it up! [Edited on 1/10/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
My word, I don\'t believe it. You and I actually agree on the fact that Bouman should get some time. Now, had you said that when I said it TWO WEEKS AGO, maybe we wouldn\'t hate each others guts at this point.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Remeber Brooks when he took over th Saints\' offense after Blake went down. He was scrambing all over the field MAKING plays happen. Now I know he wants to be more of a pocket passer, but he seems to be waiting for someone else to make the plays develop. Brooks needs to be the leader of this offensive team...both on the field and in the lockerroom. I don\'t see that leadership quality in him. I like Brooks...he has all the tools to be a great quarterback, but something does seem to be lacking and it is hard to put your finger on exactly what it is.
Oh yeah...and Donte Stallworth dropping all these passes doesn\'t seem to be helping much either. Of all the Saints offensive players, I was looking for him to have a bust out year. So far, it is just a bust year. :casstet: |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Been in College Station for the last three days for those of you that thik I went AWOL...
Now, I didn\'t get to see the game but I was able to listen to some of it on the radio...and it didn\'t sound like the team had a very good game in either phase. I fully expected to see this site full of comments readying Aaron Brooks for an ousting, but it won\'t happen, and furthermore it shouldn\'t. I recognize Brooks played poorly...probably his worst game as a Saint...but this team has issues that go WAY beyond Aaron Brooks. Changing the QB might make Whodat and Saintz08 happy, but it\'d be a knee-jerk response and an obvious desperate attempt at a quick fix. Of all the terrible play so far this season, Sunday night was the only game in which Brooks played poorly. I\'m not sure I understand how anyone who\'d being honest could think that another QB could have better results with al the problems on this team. I\'ve been a defender of Haz, but if I were in charge I\'d force some new co-ordinators on him, whether he liked it or not. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
I agree with Sainfan that some new co-ordinators are in order. Especially defensively. We do not have the talent level on the defense necessary to run the blitzing in your face style that Venturi has a penchant for.
Offensively, I think we are a little too predictable. I am not a Brooks hater, I just feel that he needs to show a little more leadership on the field and go back to the style of play he had when he first took over for the injured Blake. Making plays happen, not waiting for them to develop. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
saintsfan --
There are those who have been just waiting on Aaron to have one bad game, so they can call for his head !! I have went on record and said I wouldn\'t mind Bouman getting a chance just to see if it would spark this offense. I don\'t know if it would or not, but at this point, I don\'t see what it would hurt. I try to be fair about the QB situation, but some memebers(you know who you are) are trying to pin EVERYTHING on Brooks !! At the sametime I\'m not opposed to Aaron playing, because he isn\'t the problem. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
I\'m going on record as saying that Brooks is NOT the sole problem of this team. Haz/Venturi/McCarthy and Brooks all play a part in the downfall of this team. Brooks has let the fans down with his attitude and lack of respect for the game. So what you will, but a guy that smiles constantly during bad games shows no respect.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
I want a move made NOW. Fire HAZ or McCarthy ASAP. Nothing brings a team closer than having to go through adversity. Playing the rest of the season short a coach may have the players step up and make a statement about themselves. It may give them something to build on as teammates next year.
I do know that staying with the status Quo is not going to do anything but tear this team apart even more. This will cause players to have anomosity among each other and make it that much harder to get team chemistry back next year. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Brooks is definately not the only problem with this team. You could put Dan Marino or John Elway in as quarterback and this team would only be marginally more competitive.
Other reasons I see for the Saints problems. 1. Coaching - No not Haslett.. the offensive and defensive co-ordinators. Venturi tries to run a defense that we don\'t have the talent level for and McCarthy is too predictable. 2. Linebackers - When three of your top five tacklers are DB\'s and your first linebacker doesn\'t show up on the list until #7, something is wrong. 3. Age in secondary - Why we signed Ashley Ambrose, I will never know. Why we passed up on Marcus Trufant in the draft, I will never know. 4. Offensive Line - At first, I thought that trading Turley was going to be a good thing for team chemistry. Now I see how terribly wrong I really was. 5. Defensive Line - Sure Grady Jackson can muscle his way through an offensive line..but then what? If the quarterback takes one step left or right, Jackson doesn\'t have the speed to catch him. Sullivan, even before he was injured, is a bust so far in my opinion. 6. Injuries - I don\'t care what team you are..if you lose 6 of your starting defensive players, you are not going to be good. That being said, with the exception of the Colts game, the defense has outplayed the offense. 7. Turnovers - You are not going to win many games or go to too many playoff games with a -7 turnover margin, second worst in the NFL only in front of Arizona at -10. 8. Astronomy - Obviously, the stars are aligned against us. That can be the only reason I see that an offense that was the 3rd highest scoring offense in the NFL last year is now the 20th overall ranked offense this year. I can\'t wait to hear the opinions on this post. Be gentle. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
2. Nailed it 3. Not so fast. Sullivan will be a stud. Everybody thought Grant was a bust pick too. He\'ll be a pro-bowler in 2 years. Sullivan will stud out in 2 years. But yes, we should have addressed the CB spot better in FA, or drafted one in the 2nd or 3rd. 4. WRONG. Turley sucks. He demanded to stay at LT, and demanded top LT money. He\'s not even a good RT. Gandy is a better LT. 5. Wrong. DL was good before injuries hit. Sullivan will be a stud. Wait and see. 6. Nailed it. How good would TB be if they lost Sapp, Brooks, Rice, Lynch and Barber? Those are the positions we lost. I\'m not gonna slam the Defense because it isn\'t on the field yet. 7. Nailed it. 8. I don\'t believe in Astronomy nonsense. Our players need to step it up mentally, emotionally and physically. We need to get smarter, meaner and stronger. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Only thing I would have a beef with is:
Other than that....who could argue. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
My comment on Sullivan is based on observation of his play during games. I watched him get no push off the line..while the rest of the of the D-line at least gets one or two steps closer to the play, Sullivan seems to be frozen. Could this be chalked up to being a rookie..sure..but strength off the line is not coached. He seems confused out there. He is always trailing plays, never being in on the intial action. Now I could be wrong about him, and God knows I hope I am, but Trufant would have been a better acquisition in the draft, and I believe time will bear this out.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
You are right about the Jets last year BC, but they didn\'t start winning until they made a change at quarterback. Let me make this clear, I am not saying that Brooks needs to be yanked (as I said in previous post), but a change, probably many changes, need to be made.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Like I said..I hope I am wrong about him, but I don\'t think I am.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Jets had Chad Pennington and a coach in Herman Edwards who oozes confidence and motivation. Brooks smiles while losing and Haz doesn\'t have a clue on how to right the ship. Also, the Jets didn\'t collapse TWO years in a row before last year. Haslett obviously underestimated the psychological effect it had on his players. We are paying for it this year.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Dog --
Here\'s the deal. Haslett has done a poor job. But, it\'s not like he isn\'t capiable of winning games. To hear you, you would think that Haslett doesn\'t know a damn thing about football. While I don\'t have any HIGH hopes that great things are going to happen for the Saints this year, it\'s entirley POSSIBLE that something COULD happen to turn things around. I would rather hang my hat on that possibility than to let fans like yourself tell me \"IT\'S OVER\". Of course have a losing mentality !! [Edited on 2/10/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
He pulled a team Parcells built out of the fire once, but if you look at that team since Parcells left it\'s been a comedy of errors from a team management standpoint. I seriously doubt Edwards keeps his job if the Jets fail to see the post season. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
The statement the doggie made regarding Herman Edwards is typical of most of the junk that people post in here. Other teams have isues too, but the people that post in here cut \'em slack. Donovan McNabb had a bad game because of \"this\" or because of \"that\" they say, but never do they say he sucks and needs to be benched. In fact the TV announcer for the Eagles last game said he wanted to see Donovan smile more! All I could do was think about Brooks and all the so called \"know it alls\" in here that think they know more about what they\'re talkin about then the people getting paid to do this stuff FOR REAL, not sit there and hide behind a monitor pretending to know what the hell is going on. In here all people want to do it cut people, bench people, and fire people where the Saints are concerned, and they ALL know whats BEST for the team...or that\'s what they\'d have you believe.
As I have said numerous times before, it\'s a damn good thing some of these people aren\'t in charge. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
I hate bringing Ditka into it...but... Time to dump Haz (or at least one of the asst\'s) and see if we can right this ship. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
I said I wouldn\'t mind see Bouman play, because I didn\'t think it could hurt anything. I now want to take that back. I am anxious as anyone for this offesne to get back to it\'s scoring ways, which is why I was open to putting Bouman in. Really, it didn\'t make any difference to me if Aaron or Bouman was in there. But, McCarthy is RIGHT !! Aaron needs to play now, MORE than ever. It is part of the maturity process for a NFL quarterback!!
Brooks had 3 good games and 1 bad one. It would be FOOLISH to pull Brooks !! What if Bouman come in and had 2 good games and 1 bad one. Do you just keep playing musical chairs at the QB position? Saintsfan is RIGHT !! McNabb had 2 bad games and you don\'t see his coach or the fans (at least the smart ones) calling for him to be benched. We just have a bunch of HYPOCRITICAL fans here and the main ones are WhoDat and 08. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Canuck, I really wouldn\'t want to give any credit at all for Ditka building our team. That team wasn\'t poised to be in the playoffs the year Haslett and Mueller took over. It was the off-season transactions and renewed sense of hope that got us there. Although I can agree that Edwards and Haslett can be synonymous in this sense. Both have lost/gotten rid of players for different reasons only to see success dwindling away. Both have had to work with a currently inept front office staff and have each played a part in the problems there as well.
I just don\'t think Parcells deserves to be dishonored by bearing mention in the same sentence as Ditka. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Billy, Which side of the fence are you on? First you defended Brooks, then you said McCarthy was an idiot (more or less). Then you said that you would like to see Bouman play. Now you are saying keep in Brooks because the great and wise McCarthy says so. Come on, look where that advise is coming from. Do you really still have faith in him? (McCarthy\'s judgement, not Brooks arm)
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
LummOx --
Question for you. What are your thoughts on the QB position?? Is Aaron the problem on offense? Should we put Bouman in to see if he provides a spark? Help !! I\'m so confused !! :( I\'m asking because you are one of the FEW members that isn\'t biased and I respect your opinion. Hey, don\'t get the wrong idea or anything chump ;) |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
I don\'t like giving Ditka too much credit either, but he started building the puzzle. Mueller then came in and added way more pieces. I don\'t see what Haz has done.
I didn\'t mean to dishonour Parcells. I guess it would have been better to (although less accurate) to compare Mueller to Parcells. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
When a team is losing it\'s easy to get caught up in wanting to change this player and that player, but sometimes you just got to stay the course. Hell I don\'t have the answers !! I wish I did !! [Edited on 2/10/2003 by BillyCarpenter1] |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
ok, that\'s cool. Thanks for being truthful.
I agree that Brooks has only had one bad game, however all reports are also saying he doesn\'t have the leadership quality. I loved the boy (not in that way) when he took over for Blake. But what happened to that passion? If we make him ride pine for a game or two, will that bring back the spark, both to the team, and to him? If there is a chance in that. Then I say pull him. But if the team still really stands behind him, then let him still lead. The last thing we need is to have musical QB\'s (al la Bungles). |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
I agree that I haven\'t heard anything out of the locker room. But the way that Haz is circling the wagons, that doesn\'t suprise me. I am basing this off the look on the sidelines. It all goes back to his big goofy smile. Now that may be more of a nervious reaction (which I think I rememeber you saying), or it could be that he just doesn\'t care. I think that this team lacks the leadership from everywhere. This isn\'t just Brooks responsiblity, it is also Duece\'s, Horn\'s, Haz\'s and whoever we still have standing on D. The problem is, no one has stood up. The last person/people who actually did get this team all fired up are now playing in St. Louis and Miami. AB is probably loosing faith in his recievers and viceversa, and that is probably why he isn\'t playing well. But where is that scramble that he used to have. We know that he is capable of it, but it seems that he would rather sit in the pocket and get nailed all day, then scamble and make plays happen.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Every mistake is being magnified because of the turnovers and because the defense is allowing to many points. It\'s causing Aaron to have to force things and putting too much pressure on the offense in general. If they can cut out the turnovers and the defense can play respectful -- I think you will see a different team.
[Edited on 2/10/2003 by BillyCarpenter1] |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Granted the D is playing like crap this year. But they also played like crap last year. No difference except all of our injuries. AB still came out looking good last year. As for the turnovers. That\'s AB\'s problem. Is he trying to force things... yup. Has he been doing that for the last 4 years.. yup. That\'s one of the things that they were hoping for when he \"matured\", is that he would stop trying to force plays. I think he still has it in him. Just he needs to play like he\'s fighting for his job/life, like he used to.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
canucksaint --
I think your trying to place to much blame on AB or the quarterback postion in general. The fact of the matter is we would probably be 1-3 no matter who would have been the QB !! No matter what anyone says, there has never been a QB in history that has won a game by himself. Not Montana, Elway, Peyton, or anyone else. How do you think Aaron would do if he played on the Bucs or Panthers?? This is a team game and those turnovers you speak of that are Aaron\'s problem?? Please !! Of all those turnovers Aaron is responsible for only 2 of them. How exactly are the rest of them Aaron\'s fault? Is he suppose to catch the ball for Donte\' to? |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Just like you I have lots of guesses and no answers. As much as we like to ride this on Haslett, Venturi & McCarthy, and even the QB, defense, whatever, these players and coaches all know more about football than any of us and they don\'t know the answers. How many teams throughout history have gone through slumps and losing streaks? There is probably a million possibilites to turn it around. Tough practices, easy practices, QB changes, benching players, calling them out in the media..... I guess each is an individual case and there is no proven formula to get this done. I have to fall it onto the shoulders of the coaches because their job description covers this area of the team. Prepare your players to be competetive. As for the QB situation....I like Aaron Brooks. Based on what I\'ve seen of him, he\'s a nice guy, has great measureables, and brings many traits that can be positive in the QB position. He has a strong arm, decent accuracy and velocity, escapability, plays through injury, pretty good throw mechanics, and alot of upside. He also, like everyone else, has many weaknesses. He has poor intangible qualities in my opinion, that no stats can backup. Lack of a fiery disposition, vocal leadership, lead by action, slow reads, lack of pocket prescence, lack of polished play disguise, lack of expereince audibling, etc. He is a very good QB prospect that has enjoyed alot of success and is now in the position, from late last year to today, to experience great adversity. There have been a handful of games that he hasn\'t shown up 100%, but his game hasn\'t deteriorated. It just hasn\'t grown much. I think on a personal level, he is growing, and we\'ll see him be a more involved team member based on his interection I\'ve seen this year. His play disguise and audible calls could be better with coaching and experiencing. He\'s not a born leader, but not every offense needs the QB to be one. It\'s just that our team doesn\'t have one that the eyes will immediately look to the QB position out of historical trend. Is the right decision to sit him down for a bit? Who knows. It is if Bouman sparks the offense. It isn\'t if we continue to be unsuccessful and it shatters Brook\'s confidence. I think that it honestly falls to Tom Benson here. Is the intention to have Haslett/Loomis run this team next year? If so, Brooks plays. If not then it doesn\'t matter. Same goes to Haslett/Loomis. Is McCarthy here next year regardless of season outcome? If so, Brooks plays. It depends what direction the team will go. To be totally honest, if I\'m the team owner, my mind is made up that I will be bringing in a new coaching staff next season. I believe we have a decent talent base to work off of, but need a proven second level coach. I need the coach that can field a consistent winner and a natural leader of a team. I would look at Bill Cowher. No, he\'s never won the big game, but he has maintained a consistent quality of product through all sorts of adversity and will be a leader when there is no player to lead. I don\'t like the guy, but Mike Shanahan is another name that would fit. I\'m not going to fold the season to get a better pick, so the news doesn\'t leak out. I try to salvage the egos and respect of the players I want to remain. I would push the current coach to have the hardest practices every week for the rest of the season, because \"if a players going to be a quitter...I want him to quit in practice, not in a game\"-Bear Bryant. So to sum it up....I have no clue. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
LOL -- Thanks LummOx. That was good reading...
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Hold on there Billy...
I\'m not blaming AB for everything. I am just looking for a bit of responsiblity to be taken. I would like to see someone step up to the plate. As I said before, I\'m not seeing it from anyone. The QB is the general on the field, he has to lead the troops. If he\'s not up to it, then others have to step in and make up for it. That is not happening on the team. I\'m not blaming AB for the balls that Donte, Horn or Conwell dropped, but how many balls were not thown on target, how many were picked off? As for having another QB, I think that sometimes a switch can raise the bar a bit. I am not blaming the QB, just asking him (or someone else) to take responsiblity. You ask how AB would do if he was playing for TB? Probably much better, they have very vocal leaders on the team, and don\'t need someone to step up. We don\'t have that luxury. |
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Trouble Brewing in Big Easy.
Billy, Not everyone is against AB.
I am not focusing on AB. Quote:
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