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It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
With the current record and the season being basically over now, its a no brainer to make a move at QB or Off. Coord position. Staying with the same thing over and over is not going to make any headway.
Keeping both these guys in their duties is only in these two individuals best interest ... not the teams. Time to give someone else a chance to see what they can do. Its time to do it for the defense who are going out there playing their azz off. Its time to do it for Horn, Conwell, and Pathon. Its time to face the fact that McCarthy will not be here next year. It time to face the fact that Brooks will have to win the starting job at QB and the competition starts right now. Its time to face the fact HAZ is not the coach everyone thought he was. Haslett is a puppet who can't stand on his own. How many times have we heard a report where Haz has told someone he does not know what the problem is. Hokie said that he spoke to Haz monday and HAZ told him he did not know what to do to stop Ind. Haz brought in another head coach to teach him how to run the screen play. THIS IS NOT THE SIGN OF A STRONG LEADER and ROLE MODEL FOR A TEAM. Its time to cut the losses and gain a liitle respect back. |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
It\'s as good a time as any, the Bears are going to be desperate to come in and make a strong showing on the road. Kordell came out of today\'s game thinking he might keep his job. I\'m willing to be that Urlacher\'s whole job next week is to spy Duece and see if Brooks can beat them with his arm.
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Who\'s to take over? Well this is a problem. It seems Haslett has had to go to other head coaches for advice because he is surrounded by poor coaches. read the Bios on the saints website. Only a couple have Pro playing experience and none come from Big football programs. This is the most rediculous cast of coaches I have seen assembled on a football team much less an NFL team.
I say give it to the equipment boy because he has probably overheard enough complaints from the players that he knows more of what to do than any of the coaches. |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Give the team to the arena coach. Might be fun to watch. :P
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Well alright FWtex .
Who\'s to take over? Well this is a problem. It seems Haslett has had to go to other head coaches for advice because he is surrounded by poor coaches. read the Bios on the saints website. Only a couple have Pro playing experience and none come from Big football programs. This is the most rediculous cast of coaches I have seen assembled on a football team much less an NFL team. Been preaching this since the Mule assembled this team of misfits . Liked Zook he had some interesting background . Now lets take this to the next level . Mueller - originally hired by Benson . There was a reason he was demoted in Seattle . After taking a hard look at the staff that was put together , does it appear they were put together so they could be controlled by Mueller ??? Mueller most likely has some control issues and that is what put him in direct conflict with Benson . My original tandem going into 2000 , was Casserly and Kubiak . Casserly always seemed to come out on top of a trade situation , especially with the Saints . Kubiak at the time seemed to be able to handle himself and an offense . It is beginning to look more and more like a total rebuild ...... |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
I really hate to agree with this, but I\'ve had a gut feeling about this since Mueller got fired. But a total rebuild puts us on another 3 year plan. When are we ever going to do this right?
Casserly would have been a great choice, he\'s doing really well in Houston. I have no clue on who I\'d try to get at this point. :casstet: |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Radical thought - giving me goose bumps here ....
Bill Walsh - General manager Not like someone could get him out of the Bay area , but could be a very interesting thought ...... |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
right on FWtex.
I know every year we say..wait till next year....but you guys know, just like I know, this was supposed to be our year. Only one win away last year for a playoff birth, all the cards were in place this year, the defense was better, bringing back the 3rd highest scoring offense in the league, best return man on Special teams..ect ect....WTF WENT WRONG? Everyone has valid opinions on where to lay the blame. But something we can all agree on is the fact that if we keep doing what we`ve been doing, we`re gonna keep getting what we`ve been getting; EXCUSES! I feel the winds of change blowing in the Big Easy. Did you see Brett Favre against Seattle? He ran, he passed,he shuffled, he blocked and he literally fought his way to victory....Now thats the kinda QB we need. I`ll be happy to pay $60 a game,$20 to park, and drink warm $5 beer to see a QB perform like that. ( I happen to believe our 3rd string QB has some these qualities, but we`ll see.) |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Alot of people are talking about George Seiffart wanting to come back to the NFL. Not really sure of how i feel about him being our coach though. I say let Denny Green come in and run the entire show. He is a good coach and was taught by one of the best in the business.
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Well folks, get used to seeing what you\'ve seen all season. Haslett won\'t get canned until the end of the year b/c there\'s no one to be the interim head coach. Venturi has done it before, but obviously we\'re not going to him. He ruined what was a good defense. McCarthy is a very big part of the problem so he won\'t get the nod either. So, for the rest of this season expect to see Brooks at the helm, Venturi following Haslett around like a lost puppy, McCarthy calling two tightend sets and Deuce up the middle, and Haslett stuttering about not know what went wrong every monday.
I have always liked Ron Zook. Despite what Florida has done (which was a no-win situation for Zook in the first place), I think he is a very good coach. Maybe, if LSU beats Florida by the four or five scores that they should beat them by, and seeing Arkansas and Georgia on their schedule in the next two weeks, U of F will make a move and dump Zook. We could pick him up to be D-Coord, and then fire Haslett and let him be interim head coach and then hire him on after the season.... Or maybe LSU could go undefeated, play for a National Championship, and give Saban everything he needs to leave. If so, the Saints would be the best possible place for him to make his NFL debut. He\'s already loved down there. With a great season at LSU he\'d be close to god status. The fans would give him the three years he needed to rebuild this team without question - whereas the pressure would come sooner in any other NFL town in the country for him. Thoughts? What about Ray Rhodes for head coach? |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Lovie Smith
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
I wouldn\'t be against it completely, but I don\'t see Haz gettin the AX anytime this year or at the end of it. I have less of a problem with Haz as I do with our O and D coordinators anyway. Furthermore, you can only play with what you\'ve got and our roster is delpeted. I\'m not makin\' excuses for Rick, and I do think we need another defensive coordinator. It must also be said that when the defense fails to stop anyone and your team is playing catch up ball from the first possession on it makes the offensive coordinator\'s job that much more difficult.
Circumstances must be weighed before ya ax the guy, and with the injury problems the Saints have had this year and the fact that we\'ve had to play to VERY good teams with all those injury problems may not be an \"out\" or an excuse but it really does have to be considered. Of course 99.9 percent of you will disagree but then this board is infested with Brooks bashers. Again, I\'ll stick to my guns and tell you all there is NO REASON to bench AB. Even the TV announcers caught up to the dropped passes ya\'ll continue to excuse. Brooks made some \"not so good\" throws yesterday and he made some very good ones too. Of course Saintzs08 pops off about the deep ball INT -- but as usual he fails, due to his agenda, to acknowledge the fact that the receiver fell down. We had 344 total years yesterday against a VERY good defense. Pentalites and special temas play killed us. Funny how I\'ve yet to see that mentioned by anyone...oh, I forgot, this is the \"agenda\" board. What the hell did I expect? |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
We all have to face facts.Untul we go 1-8, 1-9, Benson won\'t do anything as far as a coaching move. Brooks has got to be benched. Has it ever dawned on Haz or McCarthy that Brooks might actually BENEFIT by sitting for awhile? It happened to Culpepper in Minny and it worked wonders. The basic fact is, when you have a rb that has over 185 yards total offense and you can only manage one td, then you can only come to ONE conclusion. BAD QUARTERBACK PRODUCTION. PERIOD!!!
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
I do agree that making a switch at QB might help out things. But at this point I don\'t see any point for it. I don\'t think that AB\'s production is the main reason for our performance this year. I don\'t think that he is one of the top 5 QB\'s (like Billy was trying to tell us preseason). But there are many other reasons to the Saints losing, and it shouldn\'t all be blamed on AB. One of the main problems is the O line. Too bad we can\'t make an O-Line switch...
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
EXCUSE ME? The qb not the problem? How many times did AB get sacked yesterday? The offensive line played good enough to win, that\'s for sure. Having a qb throwing balls over the heads of wr\'s and throwing one in the dirt that was a fumble and losing us 8 yards, THAT\'S YOUR PROBLEM! Get a clue already, even the commentators were commenting on Brooks bad play. OPEN YOUR EYES! ELI MANNING-FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND EVERYTHING THAT\'S HOLY!
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Talking about Ray Rhodes, It seems to me that last year there was this very wise sage of a man here at B&G that was calling for the Saints to hire Ray as the defensive co-ordinator. Boy was that guy smart. But now it would be impossible to get him to come as D. C. It would have to H.C. or nothing. Dopes anyone remember who that wise man was? :D :D :D :D ME!LOLOLOLOLOL
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Brooks still gives us the best chance to win a football game. The guy has learned nothing from what happened late last season and all this talk what he has been working on in the off-season - zero improvement. That\'s what annoys me the most. Ship him out of town at the end of the season and DRAFT ELI! But until then he\'ll be our QB. Deal with it. |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Dog, would you read what I said and not what you think I said...
I\'m not saying that he was perfect. He was far from it. But when you have an O line that has more holes in it than swiss cheese... damn, the boy was running for his life the whole game. Would another QB not have to run? I doubt it. Should we change up the QB\'s? I didn\'t say it was a bad thing, I just didn\'t see a reason for it. But I\'m not ruling it out either. It may be good. We will wait and see. |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
3RD, come on guy. I can hear just as well as the next guy. Not one time did I hear one commentator say the offensive line was playing poorly. Quite the contrary, there was many a time that they said, \"Brooks had plenty of time to complete the pass and just didn\'t\". Brooks is playing poorly and he is one of the MAIN reasons we are not scoring right now. There can be NO doubt about that. If Brooks EVER learns how to STEP UP in the pocket, rather than from side to side, he may just have something, but to date, he has yet to show that ability.
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Heard the commentator Say \" Brooks needs to drop the ball into the receiver \"
Saw Horn chew on Brooks a little on the sidelines . Wonder if Horn is going to get the Turley treatment ??? Saintsfan - Horn fell down ??? If at any point , most likely in amazement some one caught a deep pass ..... :P Speaking of Turley . Does anyone know what Brooks grade was when he took those off season leadership classes ??? Do you think he got a little plaque to hang in his locker ??? |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Saintz08, right on! That was funny! I don\'t think Brooks did well enough to get a plaque. Maybe the teacher told him to write \" I WILL NOT MISS OPEN RECEIVERS\" 1,000 times on the chalkboard.
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Does anyone remember Todd Bouman starting in place of Cullpepper and throwing for 345 yards and 4 tds to win NFC Offensive Player of the Week? Hmm, I do. Yet, you guys would have more faith in Jake, then this guy. Now, why would that be? I think Bouman, if Haz ever gets off his ASS, can end up replacing Brooks for good. Bouman has the skills and will step up IN the pocket rather than around like idiot boy. Give Bouman a chance and see what he can do. If he can\'t DRAFT ELI MANNIG!
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Yeah, 08, not only are you old are tired you need a new pair of glasses it seems...he DID fall down...good lord.
...and yeah I seem to recall the announcers stating that a particular dropped pass would end up on Brooks\' stastics and not the receiver\'s. Numerous times in the game they spoke of the dropped balls and at one point they called out our TE indicating that there is NO EXCUSE for dropping the number of passes he\'s dropped this year. True, Horn was quite unhappy with a particular throw..Brooks overthrew him sure enough. He came back as I recall to hit him in the numbers for a TD...or did you fail to see that play? Furthermore, your boy Delhomme threw some pretty good balls, and he also caused his receivers to have to turn around and leave their feet causing them to get popped numerous times in the game yesterday...difference is the Panthers receivers CAUGHT THE DAMN BALL. Guess you missed that too huh? Maybe you were drunk by then. And, your boy Jake overthrew a wide open receiver on the first play of the game. Wanna see that play executed properly watch the Cowboys re-plays and you\'ll see Quincy Carter execute that play perfectly. Maybe you can send the tape to Jake. Maybe \"swampi\" can push your wheelchair down to the optomotrist for ya. I\'m sure he\'ll be happy to wheel you by the liquor store afterward. [Edited on 6/10/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Joesam, this is the kind of nonsense you let this freak get away with...just incase you missed it. |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
General ! From you I take that as a compliment. Btw, try finding another word will. Swampi,. Boy, that public education is REALLY paying off isn\'t it? BWAAAAAAAA! and Aaron Brooks should put your heads together and make an of selves! BWAAAAA!
[Edited on 6/10/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Saintfan, if you go back and look, I generally don\'t let anyone get by with to much. However, I have to admit that I don\'t ride this board 24/7. Right now I have something that is even more importantant to me than waiting for some fool to make an ass out of himself. Right now I\'m getting maybe 3 hours sleep a day trying to take care of an 81 year old father that may not make it through the night. There are other things in life that mean more than two guys calling each other names. I can only wish that they would get some sense and cut me some slack on this crap so I don\'t have to ride this every hour of every day! I assume that what a lot of people say, that \"we all eventually grow up\", is true.
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Point taken and understood, but Billy C gets away with nothing I assume because of his reputation and this freak posts this kind of crap daily. Just wondering when his reputation begins to preceed him too I guess. I\'m really not trying to make your life any more difficult than it already is, but this jerk grates on my every nerve, and I know I\'m not alone in that regard.
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Regarding, putting Bouman in, what is the point? We may be playing poorly, but the Bears are ten times worse. I am very, very surprised they won last week.
The entire team should play well next week. Their is no added spark(no point) to playing Bouman THIS WEEK because regardless we will play well. I\'ll take a wait and see approach until Tampa simply because, while we are playing poorly we have the potential to get it together. However, if we do not get together in these next two weeks something should be done. |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Well then my friend, may I make a suggestion? Under your name it says moderator, help out and moderate. ;) It would be of great help to me.
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Bob Stoops is not going to take the Saints job if offered to him.
He\'s making 2 million a year at OU, he has an administration that is committed to winning and giving him all the tools to win, and he\'s the king of Oklahoma right now. He could crash and burn next year and it won\'t keep him from being a hero for years to come. Besides, he was the other big candidate for the Cleveland job that Butch Davis took. I\'d rather be the coach of a premier college program than coach of any pro team in the country. It\'s too hard to keep people happy in the pros. We ought to be looking for pro coaches who are ready to take the head coaching job, guys like Lovie Smith or Ted Cottrell who have something to prove on the pro level. |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
On that Kyle Turley thought , PFW reports .
New Orleans Following two straight late-season collapses that left the team out of the playoffs, the Saints made an effort in the offseason to clear the locker room of bad seeds. OT Kyle Turley, one of the more outspoken players in New Orleans history, was traded, and character became a big issue with the team. But that strategy may come back to bite the Saints. We’re told the team lacks a sense of urgency considering its rough start, and there is speculation that a lack of intensity during the week is keeping the Saints from being prepared on Sundays. Head coach Jim Haslett refused to lash out following an embarrassing 55-21 loss to the Colts in Week Four, instead saying that his players have to get back to enjoying football and just go out and have fun on the field. Some insiders believe that all the injuries that the team has suffered  five players were listed as “out� for Week Five, and four more were listed as “doubtful� on the official injury list  has created a built-in excuse for the Saints’ lackluster performance. With Haslett unwilling to rattle the team’s cage, there is a fear that the season could fall apart very quickly in New Orleans. |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Interesting Report :
Saints | Brooks To Be Benched? - from www.KFFL.com Fri, 3 Oct 2003 15:45:56 -0700 ESPN.com\'s Len Pasquarelli reports some of the veterans on the New Orleans Saints believe it\'s time for the coaching staff to bench QB Aaron Brooks and allow backup QB Todd Bouman an opportunity to start. If this is true , it would be real interesting why the veterans think so ??? [Edited on 7/10/2003 by saintz08] |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Two of the players last year were Horn and Pathon. From listening to Horn after the last two games I would have to say he is on it again. I am really thinking there may be some sabotage going on within the offense. Some of it may be leftover bad feelings for last year that has been re-ignited with the offense production.
BTW, anyone else feel Haslett never gives duece the praise he deserves yet goes out of his way to praise Brooks? When asked if haslett thought Deuce play was miraculous considering his health Haslett responds with something like,\" I would not call it miraculous but what I\'d expect from him\". WTF? Then the next words out of his mouth are that deuce is still pretty sick and may not be able to practice until Wednesday. |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Transcript :
Q: Was it an amazing performance by Deuce yesterday? A: \"I don\'t know if it was amazing, but it was commendable for the guy just to be out there. That just shows you what kind of guy he is. He wants to win games. He knows that for us to win a game that he has to be productive. We need him out there to play. We substituted (Ki-Jana) Carter. He played a number of times to give Deuce a break.\" Not sure Haslett has any respect for his players right now . Seems Haslett has his own agenda recently and that is not to win games , but to prove he was right in backing Brooks and making him the starter . Haslett has gone to great lengths to pamper Brooks , Held special film sessions for the media , allowed him to try to play even though he was ineffective and gotten rid of players that have challenged Brooks . |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
You continue to amaze me 08. Do you realize what you\'re saying...that Haz is not winning games on purpose??? :casstet:
Dude, the \"special film session\" was for people just like YOU 08...people that refuse to see any issue with the team beyond Aaron Brooks. You\'ve still got the Delhomme hangover my man...who, by the way played a decent game against a terrible defense that gave him exactly zero pressure from start to finish. Decent, and that\'s it. I\'m sure you say those balls he threw behind his receivers that were also too high. You know, the ones that got his guys decked. Yeah, you saw \'em, but you\'d never admit it. I guess that saying about teaching old dogs new tricks is quite true where you\'re concerned. You wanna have a film breakdown competition with Haz? Boy I\'d pay money to see that...to see you fall flat on your face...and my money is on Jim baby. |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
While receiving one from Brooks , high , hard and behind you may be an acceptable thought in your mind . Not sure many would consider that an acceptable thought from any quarterback . If any coach , continued to play a player that had sustained an injury that required surgery that effected his ability to play , rather then substitute a fully qualified backup in to allow the position to be played at a capable standard . He comprimised his coaching position to win the game ..... |
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
You\'re one of the masses that wants to pin last year and the issues this year on Brooks. Lets not forget the pass that hit the receiver in the hands during the Carolina game last year...the one that would have won the game for the Saints...unless you\'re one of a handful of people posting on THIS site, then it\'s OK to forget it (and all the others)bacause the reality of the situation doesn\'t fit your agenda. The fact that the Carolina receivers caught balls above their heads and behind them (and got popped for their effort) doesn\'t mean the Saints receivers should do the same. No, OUR receivers are ONLY held accountable for catching balls if they\'re thrown chest high and in stride. Brooks did that very thing on the Pass to Deuce over the midde (and again on the screen play...a pass the Deuce dropped). He hit Horn in stride for a touchdown as I recall. On three seperate plays that I can recall readily he hit Conwell dead on and he dropped each one of \'em. Even the announcers commented on it. Sure, Brooks made some poor passes, but all QB\'s do during a game. NO EXCEPTIONS...not even Golden Boy Jake...unless your one of a few posters on this site that think he can do no wrong (because he\'s a hometown boy with a cajun accent -- ya\'ll think that\'s so cool huh), even when his mistakes are right there in front of you. You people, and particularly you 08, are laughable, because while people who watch the games without an agenda see the problems with this team, you and your deciples only see Brooks. It\'s funny really, how desperate you people have become. If the stats don\'t show your agenda (and they don\'t) then you point to intangibles. When that fails you point to ... umm ...what exactly will it be next time? The color of Brooks\' skin? Maybe he\'s just not smart enough eh? Honestly I wouldn\'t expect you to be any more creative than that.
It's time ... gotta make a change this week.
Saintfan, Speaking for myself here. I completely understand balls have hit receivers in the hands and blocks have been missed. You\'re right, it is not all AB\'s fault.
However, what you are focusing on is the physical aspects of playing football. There is a whole other dimension that needs some thought and that is the mental aspect. Now I am not talking about the mental aspect of AB but of the team, most importantly the offensive players. If the rest of the offense does not have faith in AB, or they do not want to play for AB then they are done. The saints will get exactly what they are getting right now. I am sure you have played for coaches and with teammates where you gave 110% because you knew they were the best you had and you knew they were leaving it all on the field. On the flip side I am sure you have given less than your full potential when you saw that no matter how hard you played it made no difference to the outcome. Haslett will never be able to force that square peg into the round hole. I am not bluntly saying the team is purposely playing like crap to make a statement but indirectly having AB at QB may be the problem. The offense has to be a cohesive unit, and they have not looked like a cohesive unit for a very, very long time. The only way we will know if what I am saying is correct is if AB is benched. I am willing to bet we would see a different offense than we have seen so far this year. |
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