TopCow |
09-12-2010 09:33 PM |
The players' use of an NFL game with a captive audience to air their salary agenda is a violation of ethics, plain and simple. People shell out bucks to be entertained, not to be manipulated into rubber stamping players' debatable plea for a more favorable contract. It makes no difference whether the players' cause has merit or not. The fact that they are using an entertainment forum to plead their personal cause is way out of line.
A gentleman posted on this thread previously that he is a teacher. Awesome. If you, sir, were to use your classroom as a forum to air your personal grievances or causes, you should rightly expect to get your south side chewed by your school administrators. Or be fired. And rightfully so. You are being paid to teach, not to appeal for support of your personal causes AT WORK. The same is true for all of us. And the same is true for NFL players. Fans are paying to be entertained by them, not to support their quest for more money. Or whatever they want more of.
If players want better contracts, great. They should go seek them on their own time. But they should not use an NFL game that people pay to see as a forum to explicitly forward their cause.
I don't care about NFL labor disputes. And I object to way in which NFL players are going about seeking my support in their dispute. It is unethical, it is manipulative, and it pizzes me off.