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Ok . You guys win.

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; No smog in Chicago - very clear actually. We\'re in the plains states on a lake, so the winds whip across here and there\'s no place for smog to form. Plus, Chicago does a ton of beautification works, which basically ...

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Old 12-11-2003, 11:58 AM   #31
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Ok . You guys win.

No smog in Chicago - very clear actually. We\'re in the plains states on a lake, so the winds whip across here and there\'s no place for smog to form. Plus, Chicago does a ton of beautification works, which basically translates into - we ship all of our plants and waste over to Indiana and just put a park in its place. Works great for us, but have you ever been to Gary, Indiana? It makes the Industrial section of Baton Rouge look like the Ritz.
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Old 12-11-2003, 12:03 PM   #32
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 842
Ok . You guys win.

we ship all of our plants and waste over to Indiana and just put a park in its place
How \'bout shipping Brian Urlacher to New Orleans and we\'ll put a Ruff in his place? How \'bout that one??.....LOL.........
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