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Danno 01-13-2004 04:16 PM

Jake lights up the Saints boards
To all the Jake worshippers...
Jake beat out Rodney Peete and Chris Weinkie. WOW!

JT O\'Sullivan would be starting for Carolina this Sunday if he had signed with Carolina instead of Jake.

Its hard not to cheer for Jake, but too many people have their lips stuck in his cheeks and if he fell flat on his face and cost the Panthers the game I\'d laugh my asss off for a week.

Unfortunately I also think McNabb is extremely over-rated also so I\'m unsure who has the most glaring suck-ups. ;)

I guess I\'ll root for the defenses to knock them both out early and have a Rodney Peete / Koy Detmer shootout for MVP.

saintfan 01-13-2004 04:21 PM

Jake lights up the Saints boards
Careful Danno. Thank kind of thinking got Rush Linbaugh fired.


Danno 01-13-2004 04:24 PM

Jake lights up the Saints boards

Careful Danno. Thank kind of thinking got Rush Linbaugh fired.

Oh Yea I know, very thin ice in this hypersensitive PC world.

Next thing you know they\'ll investigate the pain pill prescriptions I took for my back.

saintz08 01-13-2004 05:12 PM

Jake lights up the Saints boards

Man you need to get that A.D.D. looked into . Got health care coverage ????

Your question Saintsfan :


Why, in your opinion, did Jake go undrafted, fail to start in NFL Europe, and get passed over by one of the (generally considered) great talent evaluators (Bill Parcells) in the game today?
The answer is square Pegs do not go in round holes .

Now I get :


I just knew I couldn\'t be the only one.

OK 08...I get that you think it\'s a Conspiracy. I also think that\'s not accurate. You and I will just have to agree to disagree. I do wonder tho why you didn\'t just pick \"A\"

(a) the great Jake Delhomme conspiracy theory
(b) Jake doesn\'t practice well
(c) Cajun Accent
(d) other

Instead you chose \"D\" and then typed \"square pegs do not go in round holes\". \"A\" is obviously how you feel. You shoulda just typed \"A\" and saved us all the trouble. Whodat would have one less kidney stone if you\'d only typed \"A\". Jeesh...
Who Dat and I are both gonna pass a kidney stone trying to figure out how the great Jake conspiracy theory applies to Jake Delhomme\"s draft status and or his 98 and 99 seasons in Europe . Considering Haslett does not become the Head Coach of the New Orleans Saints until the 2000 season .


I just knew I couldn\'t be the only one.
No, you and the other one that needs glasses .


your conspiracy theory...unless, of course you think the Conspiracy wasn\'t limited to Haz and in fact the entire NFL (to include NFLE) was in on the conspiracy.
The conspiracy theory is in the Haslett Era .

How does it apply to Jakes Draft status or NFLE time ????

BillyC 01-13-2004 05:15 PM

Jake lights up the Saints boards
I started to ask someone to PLEASE explain what you are talking about 08...But, I decided not to for the following reasons:

1. I don\'t want to drag anyone else into it.

2. I\'m scared I might understand. (but I doubt it.)

[Edited on 13/1/2004 by BillyC]

WhoDat 01-13-2004 05:25 PM

Jake lights up the Saints boards
Why do you think it took Jake Delhomme so long to get his shot?

I\'m not sure what the point of this question is. I don\'t know why it took so long. I would assume it was because the guy was from a small school and the Saints always felt they had good options at QB.

What\'s the point of the question? How is it relavant to the topic at hand? Are you trying to make a correlation between the time it took for him to get a chance and his ability?

I\'m not buying the 08 conspiracy theory, but I am saying that Haslett granted Brooks special treatment and did not fairly evaluate Delhomme\'s talent. Maybe you disagree, but if that\'s the case then I assume you prefer Jeff Blake over Delhomme too, right? I mean, you just said you don\'t know why the guy didn\'t get a chance. This year he has proven he\'s good enough to start right? So your assessment is that he has simply come into his own in the last 4 months? Prior to that he was undeserving to be a starter in the NFL?

saintz08 01-14-2004 03:43 PM

Jake lights up the Saints boards
Taken from another site :


Brooks booed at the Hornets game...
They showed Brooks on the big screen during last nights game and many fans booed him. I felt bad for him, although it was funny that his boos were louder than the boos for Timberwolves.

Not sure the masses are feelin the BEAT love ..... :P

Wonder what might happen if Jake made the big screen

saintfan 01-14-2004 03:54 PM

Jake lights up the Saints boards

I\'m not buying the 08 conspiracy theory...
Dude, that is all I was hoping to see you type. It\'s not a matter of whether or not Haz made a least that wasn\'t the direction I was trying to go in when I asked the question. You can think whatever you want to think about me or Haz, but as someone who knows a bit about football (and someone with the willingness to be honest) I knew damn well you didn\'t really buy into 08\'s silly little conspiracy theory. Everything else is up for debate and thats fine, but some people have some pretty rediculous my opinion. As for me I\'m ready now for this thread to die. ;)

Danno 01-14-2004 04:16 PM

Jake lights up the Saints boards

Taken from another site :


Brooks booed at the Hornets game...
They showed Brooks on the big screen during last nights game and many fans booed him. I felt bad for him, although it was funny that his boos were louder than the boos for Timberwolves.

Not sure the masses are feelin the BEAT love ..... :P

Wonder what might happen if Jake made the big screen
What is with you Louisiana fans?
1st my buddy says the LSU fans were absolutely rude hostile morons at the Sugar bowl. His son was wearing a OSU Buckeye shirt and the 12 year old was hasseled and screamed at for much of the game. And his dad was wearing an LSU cap! He said they were as rude as humanly possible to any and all FANS there that were from OU. He is the most polite and mild mannered person I\'ve met in years and for him to say he was fighting with fans telling them to shut-up and leave his kid alone spoke volumes.
Now they Boo Aaron at a basketball game?
I lived there in the 70\'s and don\'t remember it being so bad. I always wore my Bama shirt/jersey to the games and no one harrassed me, EVER. But now I keep reading and hearing more and more stories about abusive hostile jerks at LSU and Saints games.

saintfan 01-14-2004 04:28 PM

Jake lights up the Saints boards
Just image being surrounded by 70 thousand 08\'s...


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