12-16-2011, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by jeanpierre
Polamalu? Respect from me? Not so much.
Didn't care for some of his cheap shot schiott that started at USC.
Ronnie Lott - hated, I mean I hated, the 49'ers; but of all of 'em, including Young and Rice, I wish we had Lott most of all.
He was as tough as they come and to geaux with Jackston, Johnson, Mills, and Swilling - it would have been the greatest defense ever - even with Toi 'Toast' Cook at cornerback...
I don't like plays that Harper made - I understand what he did, but I don't like it as Karma has a way of coming back on your other guys...
Why do you hate good players? No wonder you choked in joesams playoffs