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slow moving appeal process allows peppers to play against A

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; the nfl will wait an extra week to hear peppers appeal, how unjust is that?!?!? appeals on suspensions are generally held on tuesdays after the appeal, and that would make it for today, so Y is the NFL waiting ...

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Old 11-19-2002, 12:04 PM   #1
The Dark Overlord
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slow moving appeal process allows peppers to play against A

the nfl will wait an extra week to hear peppers appeal, how unjust is that?!?!?
appeals on suspensions are generally held on tuesdays after the appeal, and that would make it for today, so Y is the NFL waiting another week? B/C the NFL has its possible rookie of the year getting suspended and its all about politics, this is totally unfair to blue collar players, complete bull sheet

[Edited on 19/11/2002 by pakowitz]
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