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OK this is getting out of hand

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Euph, I promise you that I didn't mean grey as a euphemism! It is funny now! One of my favorite things in life over the years has been waiting for some fool to create a power rankings list. I get ...

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Old 03-05-2012, 07:41 PM   #41
Mmm That Smell!
Join Date: Oct 1998
Location: Metairie Terrace
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Euph, I promise you that I didn't mean grey as a euphemism! It is funny now!

One of my favorite things in life over the years has been waiting for some fool to create a power rankings list. I get giddy when I see it because I know what's next.
Another fool will post it here and lament the lack of respect for the Saints.

I begin the countdown...............

Euphoria's head starts hurting. He thinks to himself: "Why Lord? Why must I always be the voice of reason?"

The next step is some douche like me baiting you.

Let the Gayness begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm no one.
Who are you?
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Old 03-05-2012, 07:46 PM   #42
Mmm That Smell!
Join Date: Oct 1998
Location: Metairie Terrace
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Originally Posted by vpheughan View Post
Take a cue from Hendrick racing. Jimmy Johnsons crew chief gets nailed for cheating year after year after year. Gets suspended, fined and put on NASCAR DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION. All they did was win 5 count em 5 championships in a row. Do like they do Say "I'm sorry", pay the fines and move on.
Bill B has the same model in Foxboro.

Sean and Mickey's problem is that they haven't won enough Bowls YET.

The larger problem for us is: Small market teams should serve as cannon fodder for the big boys!

It's always gonna be tough.......
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OK this is getting out of hand This thread Refback 03-05-2012 04:56 PM 13

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