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arsaint 03-05-2012 03:27 PM

OK this is getting out of hand
This speculation by the media is idiotic.

What are they going to do, suspend half the D for a season and have Payton and Loomis fired?

If we are proven to have done something wrong (and it sounds like we did), then chunk out some fines or take some draft picks, but after that give it a freaking rest.

Hell, some of these people would not be satisfied until Goodell disbands the team.

I think we know why Brees wants 69 million the first 3 years now - he's expecting to get killed as a reprecussion from all this crap... :brood:

TheEnigma 03-05-2012 03:31 PM

I hate to say this, but I don't see this ending well for us. I have been hearing that the consequences from this will be heavy. I hope I am wrong, but knowing how Goodell is, he is not going to just let this slide.

arsaint 03-05-2012 03:36 PM

I hear that too, and I sure it will be more than any of us want to see, but where does it end?

Do we get in a situation when 5, 7, 9 or all of our starters are suspended half or all of the season?

There is punishment, and then there is just plain DESTROYING a franchise.

You're going to tell me (Goodell) that the Niners never did this? The Ravens? Steelers? Etc?

I'm fine with the Saints having to pay the piper for this, but it needs to be somewhat reasonable.

RockyMountainSaint 03-05-2012 03:38 PM

The power center wants us ignorant, small market losers to know our place.

How dare the "Aints" have the temerity to win a Super Bowl?

Super Bowls are reserved for the "Elite" teams. Not us "hicks".

saintfan 03-05-2012 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by RockyMountainSaint (Post 383105)

How dare the "Aints" have the temerity to win a Super Bowl?

Temerity? Points for you sir! :praise:

SloMotion 03-05-2012 03:46 PM

You think the media's out of hand, how about the speculation and BS being posted by visiting B&G members on their homeboards? I'm sick of the two-faced garbage, lurk around here and then go back to your board and troll.

These are members of this board. Check out the visitor messages on their profiles, I posted some of their quotes from another board on how they think Saints fans are "nutty", support injuring other players, what a POS team the Saints are and how the league should deal with them.

I'm sorry, but it just ain't right ... Black and Gold deserves better ... much better.


RockyMountainSaint 03-05-2012 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 383106)
Temerity? Points for you sir! :praise:

Just for the rest of the "hicks" who don't have command of the English language, because they don't live on the "favored" coasts.

Temerity | Define Temerity at

RockyMountainSaint 03-05-2012 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 383109)
You think the media's out of hand, how about the speculation and BS being posted by visiting B&G members on their homeboards? I'm sick of the two-faced garbage, lurk around here and then go back to your board and troll.

These are members of this board. Check out the visitor messages on their profiles, I posted some of their quotes from another board on how they think Saints fans are "nutty", support injuring other players, what a POS team the Saints are and how the league should deal with them.

I'm sorry, but it just ain't right ... Black and Gold deserves better ... much better.



j/k SloMo! You da man!

jokeray 03-05-2012 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 383109)
You think the media's out of hand, how about the speculation and BS being posted by visiting B&G members on their homeboards? I'm sick of the two-faced garbage, lurk around here and then go back to your board and troll.

These are members of this board. Check out the visitor messages on their profiles, I posted some of their quotes from another board on how they think Saints fans are "nutty", support injuring other players, what a POS team the Saints are and how the league should deal with them.

I'm sorry, but it just ain't right ... Black and Gold deserves better ... much better.


For the record, c'mon over and see exactly what I said, not what my FRIEND SloMo is twisting my words to be.

Here is EXACTLY what I said on the Lions boards:

In Response to Re: New Orlean Saints "Bounty" Controversy:

I like the Saints fans, but some of them are going a bit nutty over on their message boards trying to defend this. plenty of talk about Suh Stomp, and Spygate. I'm fine with big hits, I'm fine with incentives for fumbles, int's, and forced fumbles. Cannot be ok with money for injuring another person.
Posted by Jokeray

In my defense, some of you are a little nutty in the defense of this, in my opinion. Did you see the part where I also said I liked you guys, right there at the start of my post? And I didn't say you are all nutty, hjust some.

All teams have some nutty fans, hell, us Lions fans have a guy NAMED Sean Payton that called in bomb threats because the saints were beating us so bad. Doesn't mean all fans of that team needs to be judged by the few bad apples.

Cheers. (Nice try, Smolo.....but not really)

arsaint 03-05-2012 03:59 PM

1) Fine the organization
2) Take away the 2013 1st rounder
3) Fine any Saints coaches / staff involved
4) Do whatever with Gregg Williams since this isn't his 1st rodeo with this.
5) Call it a day

Really, I go back to this - are you going to suspend our entire defense?

Do we get Will Smith and Sedrick Ellis on odd weeks and Jordan and Franklin on evens?

There comes a point where this could easily go from punishing the participants to killing a franchise.

SloMotion 03-05-2012 03:59 PM

... hehehe :mrgreen: ... and for the record, I wasn't the one who went to the league with this scandal ... even though it may appear I have the propensity to do so, :mrgreen:

But yeah, I figure someone needs to out the embedded trolls. What's that old saying, "The message board tree must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of posers and trolls" ... or something like that.

It's "on", like Ndamukong ... just defending my turf.

SaintsBro 03-05-2012 04:04 PM

I know. It is TOTALLY out of hand. The idea of 22-27 players involved on D, how many of those can you reasonably suspend? It would be utterly ridiculous.

Jonathan Vilma is the only one that I have personally heard mentioned by name: I think he' s toast. Since he seems like the one caught holding the smoking gun, I think Vilma will be given a Deuce-like suspension, a really long one, a year or something, a suspension that may end up causing him to hang up his cleats. And if he really did this, then goodbye and good riddance.

The *real* culprit is Gregg Williams and THAT is where the disciplinary focus should be, throw the book at HIM, by all means. The whole "who knew what when" thing about the Saints front office is being completely overdone; it's obvious to anyone with a brain who looks at it, that Gregg Williams was doing this as a rogue operation, and even if they knew he was doing it, I'm not sure that there probably was very much that Payton or Loomis could have done, to stop it, if Williams was doing this behind their backs or acting as a rogue operator. It's just how Williams was, he didn't give a $%$#% about anything. I hope that cooler heads prevail and people realize, this guy was a loose cannon and a bad egg, and that is where the focus of the investigation should be. Deal with it and move on.

RockyMountainSaint 03-05-2012 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by jokeray (Post 383115)
For the record, c'mon over and see exactly what I said, not what my FRIEND SloMo is twisting my words to be.

Here is EXACTLY what I said on the Lions boards:

In Response to Re: New Orlean Saints "Bounty" Controversy:

In my defense, some of you are a little nutty in the defense of this, in my opinion. Did you see the part where I also said I liked you guys, right there at the start of my post? And I didn't say you are all nutty, hjust some.

All teams have some nutty fans, hell, us Lions fans have a guy NAMED Sean Payton that called in bomb threats because the saints were beating us so bad. Doesn't mean all fans of that team needs to be judged by the few bad apples.

Cheers. (Nice try, Smolo.....but not really)

Perhaps you could try to understand that this is a very anxious time for the SAINTS fans on this SAINTS board.

If our posts on this SAINTS board regarding our team are perceived as "a little nutty"? I ask you to remember Suhgate and understand.

This is a VERY fairly run board. It is also a public forum that was established to discuss the SAINTS. You are welcome here.

I will exercise my right to speak my mind here. STFU with the Lions infighting and go away for awhile!

jokeray 03-05-2012 04:09 PM

I do think GW will take the brunt of the punishment. Unless more info comes out about others involvement in it, I bet the saints, saints coaches and saints players get slapped with fines only.

Or I'd look into which ones ACTUALLY took the money for injuring someone, and look into suspending them.

My 2 cents.

SloMotion 03-05-2012 04:13 PM


Rocky Mountain Saint: Perhaps you could try to understand that this is a very anxious time for the SAINTS fans on this SAINTS board.

If our posts on this SAINTS board regarding our team are perceived as "a little nutty"? I ask you to remember Suhgate and understand.

This is a VERY fairly run board. It is also a public forum that was established to discuss the SAINTS. You are welcome here.

I will exercise my right to speak my mind here. STFU with the Lions infighting and go away for awhile!
Yeah, because Jokeray doesn't ever, ever twist anyone else's words around .... I apologize for the infighting, but I'm just trying to get jokeray & lionsfan#54 to act accordingly and with respect to B&G and it's members. The only way I knew how was to expose this stuff.

I apologize to the board, but I felt it needed to be done to finally put an end to it.

jokeray 03-05-2012 04:17 PM

I'm here talking football, how am i not acting accordingly?

Unlike Smolo, I am actually making posts about the subjects in these here threads, unlike him.

I seriously think most of what you guys are hearing from the media is more of the TMZ scandal-type reporting that's been going on for about a year or 2 in the nfl.

THey blow everything out of preportion, and you guys are deep in it. As an outsider, I really think you guys are going to be ok. That ***** in STL is going to take most of the punishment.

SloMotion 03-05-2012 04:19 PM

Not having a good day? :lol: And so, who exactly are the "nutty" posters on here and who exactly is supporting payments for injuring players? If you don't mind me asking.

jokeray 03-05-2012 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 383137)
Not having a good day? :lol:

great contribution to the thread!

SloMotion 03-05-2012 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by jokeray (Post 383138)
great contribution to the thread!


Actually, I edited it .... there's more Skippy.

alexonfyre 03-05-2012 04:27 PM

Seeing as your troll war has permeated even your signatures, I think that is what is REALLY out of hand here. (Though to be fair, I think joker wins that particular battle, =P)

In any case, I have never seen a case where the former player members of the media have been so far off of what the non-former players are saying.

Former players all say, not a big deal, happens everywhere, fined for getting caught, 2-4 game suspensions for coaches for not complying with the league.

saintfan 03-05-2012 04:29 PM

C'mon guys. There's enough drama going on in the world. As much as this topic sucks, let's try to stay on it.

RockyMountainSaint 03-05-2012 04:32 PM

What the hell, it is the off-season. I suppose that if I have to choose, I prefer watching Lions fans tear each other apart as opposed to watching Saints fans do the same.

Feline on Feline crime! (no offense intended ForeverFan)


jokeray 03-05-2012 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 383150)
C'mon guys. There's enough drama going on in the world. As much as this topic sucks, let's try to stay on it.

I'm trying. I came out here this morning to talk about the "bounty" stuff with my fellow NFL fans. Smolo then stirred up all this excrement. I won't let him say those things about me and let him get away with it.

I feel bad for you guys, that you are going through this 'bounty" mess, but I seriously don't think you guys are going to get into as much trouble as you think. You guys have a lot of media coming down on you right now. I know the feeling, but punishment will be handed down, and you guys will be just fine in 2012.

RockyMountainSaint 03-05-2012 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by jokeray (Post 383158)
I feel bad for you guys, that you are going through this 'bounty" mess, but I seriously don't think you guys are going to get into as much trouble as you think. You guys have a lot of media coming down on you right now.

The media is an extension of the NFL. All of this wild speculation about "Death Penalty" type sanctions is designed to make the lesser penalty seem more palatable when it is enacted.

The punishment will not fit the crime. It will be portrayed that Goodell is being benevolent, when in fact the Saints will get far more punishment than is deserved. The rest of the league will get a pass and Roger will be portrayed like this:

SloMotion 03-05-2012 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by jokeray (Post 383158)
I'm trying. I came out here this morning to talk about the "bounty" stuff with my fellow NFL fans. Smolo then stirred up all this excrement. I won't let him say those things about me and let him get away with it.

I feel bad for you guys, that you are going through this 'bounty" mess, but I seriously don't think you guys are going to get into as much trouble as you think. You guys have a lot of media coming down on you right now. I know the feeling, but punishment will be handed down, and you guys will be just fine in 2012.

Oh, knock off the crap and the innocent act, Skippy ... I know you too well. You came on here this morning to bait/troll & flame because you felt the board was comparing Bountygate to SuhStomp and you can't take it whenever anyone even remotely suggests Suh isn't the next coming of Christ.

You don't come on here telling people how they can think or what opinions they can have or what direction their threads can go. Maybe you get away with it on the "Official" Lions Message Board because of your relationship with the board administator up there, but have some better manners down here. I told you before, this is the "adult" table.

Take some time to read the posts and be part of the board before you begin your BS and call B&G members "nutty" or say they support the injuring of players for money. That goes for your buddy Lionsfan#54 too.

Both of you grow up. You want to talk football, talk football, but knock off your stupid games and act like an adult.

I'll let you have the last word because I know it's important to you ... I've made my point, and frankly, I'm just plain tired of you.


jokeray 03-05-2012 04:57 PM

uh, take a look at my posts today! I've been out here talking football, except when I HAVE to respond to your bull ****.

Peace out, Saints fans, mad respect for you and your city.

Will try to come back again tomorrow. Try to keep Smolo under control, eh?

RockyMountainSaint 03-05-2012 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 383170)
Maybe you get away with it on the "Official" Lions Message Board because of your relationship with the board administator up there

DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jokeray 03-05-2012 04:59 PM! But I can take a joke...good one!

RockyMountainSaint 03-05-2012 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by jokeray (Post 383178)! But I can take a joke...good one!

Dude, I hope y'alls off-season is better than ours has been so far.

I don't wish this crap on anyone other than falcons fans!

SloMotion 03-05-2012 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by RockyMountainSaint (Post 383177)
DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... that is kinda' how it is up there, real 'cliquey' ... that even looks like a Michigan State flag in the background, :lol:

RockyMountainSaint 03-05-2012 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 383184)
... that is kinda' how it is up there, real 'cliquey' ... that even looks like a Michigan State flag in the background, :lol:

Good eye! Sparty!

It wasn't meant to be an insult. Just funny.

SloMotion 03-05-2012 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by RockyMountainSaint (Post 383193)
Good eye! Sparty!

It wasn't meant to be an insult. Just funny.

No man, I'm actually impressed you could find something like that with the connection to Michigan/the Lions, :lol: ... it's all in good fun, just some good-natured ribbing or a bunch of guys sitting around talking football, :lol:, at least that's how jokeray puts it when he's the one dishing it out and not the target, up there where the mods/admins got his back. :lol:.


SloMotion 03-05-2012 05:33 PM

Ooops, never did that before ....

Originally Posted by RockyMountainSaint (Post 383193)
Good eye! Sparty!

It wasn't meant to be an insult. Just funny.

No man, I'm actually impressed you could find something like that with the connection to Michigan/the Lions, :lol: ... it's all in good fun, just some good-natured ribbing or a bunch of guys sitting around talking football, :lol:, at least that's how jokeray puts it when he's the one dishing it out and not the target, up there where the mods/admins got his back. :lol:.


SloMotion 03-05-2012 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by jokeray (Post 383176)
Will try to come back again tomorrow. Try to keep Smolo under control, eh?

Yeah, come on back, Skippy ... just remember, respect the opinions of others, respect the board, don't talk negatively about the board (B&G) or it's members back on your home board, maybe quit trying to bait me by having me in your signature line (though it is kinda' flattering, :)) and don't get your panties in a bunch just because the rest of the country may not necessarily have the same 'man-love' for Ndamukong Suh that you do and want to compare Bountygate to Suhstomp.

Don't forget to bring Lionsfan#54/Southpaw7391 with you, it'd be a pleasure having him around to explain some of his remarks up there on the "Official" Lions Message Board, :grin:

Hopefully this was a learning experience for you and you've gained some integrity. Like I told you, this is the "adult" table, it's nothing like being on your board, bro.



AlaskaSaints 03-05-2012 05:58 PM

One thing missing... The body.

No BODY, no crime.


Euphoria 03-05-2012 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 383220)
One thing missing... The body.

No BODY, no crime.


LOL. I like this but unfortunately there is still attempted murder?

RockyMountainSaint 03-05-2012 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 383222)
LOL. I like this but unfortunately there is still attempted murder?

That is a grey area Euph, kinda like POWER RANKINGS!

Where do you think the Saints are in the off season power rankings?

Are we getting the respect that we deserve?


Euphoria 03-05-2012 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by RockyMountainSaint (Post 383224)
That is a grey area Euph, kinda like POWER RANKINGS!

Where do you think the Saints are in the off season power rankings?

Are we getting the respect that we deserve?



You so afraid to use the word. Look just because you use or spell it different doesn't excuse you from using the work so you might as well say GAY!

Its like saying the 'F-word'. Doesn't the "F-word" imply the four letter work and everyone knows what it means so why try and disguise what ya really mean.

Sorry for my rant but I have become so anti PC these days. I am going to say and speak my mind and if I offend I don't care its just words.

Its like if someone calls me a crawfish eater... should I be offended? NO I am a crawfish eater geez!

Oh and by the way... I think our Power Rankings should increase because we can take the field with something to prove now... unless we don't and then our Power Ranking should decrees because we have to many distractions.

OldMaid 03-05-2012 06:27 PM

I agree with arsaint, Saintsbro, jokery, and RockyMntSaint.

I think this is wrong and ugly and WTF was GW 's thinking. Bounty, ugh. Wrong.
If it were a money pot for x number of tackles, sacks, etc., then that would be the same thing the players get paid for in their contracts. They have these kinds of incentives in contracts.

I am listening to NFL Network now and I am sick of hearing about this against the Saints. I do not mean this because they are our beloved Saints, but that GW did this at every team he has been on. This is also a little inside secret that has been done in the league by many teams.

I hear what you, arsaint , say about Goodell really harshly penalizing the Saints, but I think Benson might have have something to do with that not being so. I hope so. I hope he is that strong of an owner. Others owners might not have Goodell go really hard on Saints if Benson gets other teams on his side. Their teams should be investigated too. Goodell works for the owners. Really.

GW might have to take the brunt of this to save the Saints. His other teams. St.Louis Rams. GW was the one who made such a dumb remark at Colts-Saints SB media day ,"remember me hits."

NFL Net now just reported Old Man Farve says he is pleased N.O. Saints have been exposed for their dirty plays.

OH please. Those were fair tackles on him. Farve stayed too long in the game, that game, and should have retired before that season.
Then you have Warrne Sapp of all people saying in hsi 13 yrs. of palying in the NFL, he never heard of this. Umm, he really had some dirty ,unsafe plays in his career. See wikkipedia profile on him.

Thank goodness the Saints defense have not been that good as proof so where were these big tackles per a bounty.

Saints, not because they are our team, but they have not played dirty or been favored by refs. When? Where? How?

Other teams against the Saints, we can pinpoint Saints vs. other teams, and other teams vs. Saints to no end.

SF game playoff game against Saints- the helment to helment hit by SF 49's against, who was it, Graham, was a legal hit per the refs and NFL. That is the play, time, playoff game helment to helment is allowed.

vpheughan 03-05-2012 06:29 PM

Take a cue from Hendrick racing. Jimmy Johnsons crew chief gets nailed for cheating year after year after year. Gets suspended, fined and put on NASCAR DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION. All they did was win 5 count em 5 championships in a row. Do like they do Say "I'm sorry", pay the fines and move on.

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