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Euphoria 03-22-2012 02:35 PM

NFL better move the Superbowl
The commish isn't going to be welcome to attend it in New Orleans.

foreverfan 03-22-2012 02:37 PM

saintfan 03-22-2012 02:37 PM

Oh I hope they don't. Please Lord let them keep it in New Orleans. I want so badly to see the most unpleasant reception Goodell will receive in our beloved city.

SaintsBro 03-22-2012 02:39 PM

It is gonna be one heck of a weird weekend, isn't it?

Rugby Saint II 03-22-2012 03:00 PM

Stay classy my friends...........keep it on the down low!:wink:

Rickh 03-22-2012 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 391080)
The commish isn't going to be welcome to attend it in New Orleans.

I'm really worried about this. New Orleans doesn't need the bad pub an incident would bring. They really may want to reconsider....

I know it hurts the city but damn why'd this have to happen this year...

FinSaint 03-22-2012 05:10 PM

It'll only benefit the city with all of the monetary income that type of a sports event creates - I see no reason to postpone or move it to another city.

Marlboro Man 03-22-2012 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 391082)

Absofreakin love this LOL. We need to send out the Nation to the airport and egg Goodells limo when he leaves the airport and when he leaves the game too. I'm sure we have agents EVERYWHERE that can get us the info we need, like hotel, flight, arrival time etc, etc.

SaintsBro 03-22-2012 05:48 PM

I seriously wonder about this in terms of the larger tourism picture, though...I just think this city is so built up on hospitality, and charm, and this premise of letting people from other places come down here and be stupid, let them dance and party and pee in the streets and whatnot....the economy here is largely based on taking people's money when they come from other places, and smiling pleasantly at them while they have a good time and counting the money after they's sort of a charade, this idea of it being a really fun-loving place with easygoing people....most people I know in the city don't actually like tourists, they just put up with it with a fake smile, or tolerate them when they ask for directions or come around. Every tourist place is like that.

Well what will the mood be like, I wonder, out on Bourbon and in the Quarter, or in the hotels and bars, when all these NFL people come down here to have their glitzy party, and NOBODY here in the city is in the mood to party?

I mean, already pretty much every bit of good will or hospitality that the average people had in this city, towards the NFL organization, or the Super Bowl, it's pretty much evaporated at this point. If the Saints suck next year, the mood will be even WORSE when this game weekend comes around next year. Even the fans of the other teams who do eventually get to the Super Bowl, Saints fans are not gonna want to see them or hear them, or have anything to do with them. It could get ugly.

I mean, seriously -- what's gonna happen, if on Super Bowl weekend some fan of a team from out of town is in a bar, and he starts wisecracking jokes about bounties, in a loud voice, calling the Saints cheaters, tainted, stuff like that, and being a real jerk about it? What's gonna happen if the bartender or bouncer has worked like quadruple long shifts all weekend, like LONG hours, and all these out-of-town idiots have been giving him smack about the Saints all weekend? And what if him or somebody else in the bar has just finally had ENOUGH of hearing about it? It could get reeeeally ugly out there, I think.

ChrisXVI 03-22-2012 06:10 PM

It's gonna be ugly. I get the whole influx of money and the economical aspect but I don't see how they can have the Superbowl in New Orleans after all of this just for the reason of safety. They're going to bring a bunch of morons into New Orleans and of course they'll get liquored up... It can't possibly end well. For the sake of the reputation of the fine people of the Gulf Coast in general, think about moving the Superbowl.

AsylumGuido 03-22-2012 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 391200)
It's gonna be ugly. I get the whole influx of money and the economical aspect but I don't see how they can have the Superbowl in New Orleans after all of this just for the reason of safety. They're going to bring a bunch of morons into New Orleans and of course they'll get liquored up... It can't possibly end well. For the sake of the reputation of the fine people of the Gulf Coast in general, think about moving the Superbowl.

I couldn't disagree with you more. First, it takes years of planning to host a Super Bowl. No one else could do it.

Second, it would totally devastate the economy of the city since many have spent money preparing for this landfall.

Third, this whole thing going on now will be an afterthought since the Saints will be in the Super Bowl.

Y'all are making far too big a deal of this. In a couple of weeks we'll be moving on with an interim coach and planning for the draft.

Chill out!

AlaskaSaints 03-22-2012 06:41 PM

It will be more difficult to get out of an away game without an incident.

I'm a fighter. I can deal with that. I just don't want to get locked up in a Brees jersey, that's all. Cause then you gotta beat more ass down at lockup.

I mean, I may never get done whipping ass over this bounty program!


Beastmode 03-22-2012 06:57 PM

I'm with AG, too much prior planning involved and money spent. I've been wrong before but moving the SB would be a logistics nightmare having to book another city which may already have events that would have to be cancelled and money refunded, so that's a double whammy of problems.

Also, it would look bad on the NFL..when does the punishment end? All the suspensions have differnt end dates, the picks as well. A line has to be drawn somewhere on punishing the Saints and the city. It's still not over either. We will likely have players suspened all with different suspense dates...enough is enough.

NOLA54 03-22-2012 07:09 PM

Let's keep it here so we can be the first team to play in its own facility for the Super Bowl. Boy! That will chap some asses. Won't it?

OldMaid 03-22-2012 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 391174)
It'll only benefit the city with all of the monetary income that type of a sports event creates - I see no reason to postpone or move it to another city.

Agreed. What did the City of New Orleans do?
If Goodell moves the SB, not that he will, well, why stop there with the absurd. Strip Benson of his toy, N.O.Saints.

Really everyone. Breathe. Lets stop posting the sburd...of SP out for a year is pretty absurd. Worst news is over. SP, etc. Saints will RISE over this; Saints 'fans will rise to be classy. City of N.O. Tourism Comision , police, etc., will roll out bargains and fun events and things for being SB hosts as every SB host city does.

AsylumGuido 03-22-2012 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by NOLA54 (Post 391228)
Let's keep it here so we can be the first team to play in its own facility for the Super Bowl. Boy! That will chap some asses. Won't it?

Not that I am into chapping asses, but I'm cool with those who do, but it would be pretty damned sweet, no?


dsrdsrdsr 03-22-2012 07:18 PM

If this board was representative of the whole city, then the SB would be moved, no question. No-one in the NFL would worry about a bunch of people who don't want a SB, not getting one. There's a precedent to show it could be done - the Superbowl after 9/11 was delayed a week, and that was with only 4 months' notice.

CharityMike 03-22-2012 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by dsrdsrdsr (Post 391233)
If this board was representative of the whole city, then the SB would be moved, no question. No-one in the NFL would worry about a bunch of people who don't want a SB, not getting one. There's a precedent to show it could be done - the Superbowl after 9/11 was delayed a week, and that was with only 4 months' notice.

Am I understanding you are saying: If the entire city of N.O. was on this board, then the SB would be moved from here?

Don't make me get the Bounty Hunter..

OldMaid 03-22-2012 07:30 PM

SB host city = money for your city, state. It is a big thing for Mr. Benson to be the host.
SB 2013 is in N.O. and nothing can change that. Even Goodell would not, can not change that.Talk about lawsuit against NFL from City of New Orleans, bad pr move for NFL.
What happened was wrong. Bad. This bounty thing was not a good idea.
Ok. Done. punishments, severe as they are, done.
Ummm, this is not treason against the USA or something. Really.


AsylumGuido 03-22-2012 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by dsrdsrdsr (Post 391233)
If this board was representative of the whole city, then the SB would be moved, no question. No-one in the NFL would worry about a bunch of people who don't want a SB, not getting one. There's a precedent to show it could be done - the Superbowl after 9/11 was delayed a week, and that was with only 4 months' notice.

Sorry... you are a dumbass.

Carry on.


AsylumGuido 03-22-2012 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by dsrdsrdsr (Post 391233)
If this board was representative of the whole city, then the SB would be moved, no question. No-one in the NFL would worry about a bunch of people who don't want a SB, not getting one. There's a precedent to show it could be done - the Superbowl after 9/11 was delayed a week, and that was with only 4 months' notice.

Check the IP address of this idiot too, Halo. Looks like another troll.

dsrdsrdsr 03-22-2012 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by CharityMike (Post 391234)
Am I understanding you are saying: If the entire city of N.O. was on this board, then the SB would be moved from here?

Don't make me get the Bounty Hunter..

What I'm saying is, if the entire city - or a substantial majority - felt the same way as [some of] the people on this board, then the Superbowl would be moved. If hundreds of thousands took to the streets saying "don't bring it here", it would be moved. Actually 10,000 or so might be enough. But you aren't going to catch the mayor saying it, or the Saints ownership, or the senators or congressmen, because there's too much money riding on it, and a lot of that money is to be made by voters who don't feel like giving it up.

dsrdsrdsr 03-22-2012 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 391256)
Check the IP address of this idiot too, Halo. Looks like another troll.

You don't need to check my IP address, it's Lancashire England. We get live NFL over here too.

Why a troll? I'm being polite. Just not agreeing with most of you.

|Mitch| 03-22-2012 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 391255)
Sorry... you are a dumbass.

Carry on.


LOL! :bng:

ChrisXVI 03-22-2012 08:16 PM

It's kind of true though... If everyone is so angry and opposed to the NFL's punishment of the Saints why would we want to host them down here?? I get the economical aspect but come on... how is that going to affect your life??

Choupique 03-22-2012 08:17 PM

tar and feather notsogoodells ass. i felt that way before bountygate.

they won't move the $tupidbowl. get a clue.

papz 03-22-2012 08:29 PM

Let's take it down a notch fellas.

FinSaint 03-22-2012 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 391268)
I get the economical aspect but come on... how is that going to affect your life??

That's a fairly self-centered way of looking at the situation - think about all of the small business owners, who have made their short term financial plans with the Super Bowl in mind.

foreverfan 03-22-2012 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by papz (Post 391278)
Let's take it down a notch fellas.


Euphoria 03-22-2012 09:17 PM

I am sure if the Saints were in it it would be less harsh but if they aren't in it... I can see everywhere Goodell goes he'll be greeted with boo's the whole time he is in NO.

At least I would hope.

AsylumGuido 03-22-2012 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 391308)
I am sure if the Saints were in it it would be less harsh but if they aren't in it... I can see everywhere Goodell goes he'll be greeted with boo's the whole time he is in NO.

At least I would hope.

And how is that a bad thing?


Srgt. Hulka 03-22-2012 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 391308)
...I can see everywhere Goodell goes he'll be greeted with boo's the whole time he is in NO.

Hell, I might make a special trip to New Orleans just so I can boo him in person.

Saintswrath 03-22-2012 11:14 PM

Man oh man.. ya'll are a trip.

hagan714 03-23-2012 05:26 AM

i am lmao no way should they move the game this could be fun

darstep 03-23-2012 09:28 AM

It all falls into place when it's the Saints playing for the prize in the Dome.
At that point we want Goodell front and center to witness the whole thing.
I hope we pull a quadruple; SB 47-50.

Supertek 03-23-2012 10:48 AM

Moving not an option but I do not think he will be pleased by the time he leave here. He needs to be heckled constantly. Went way overboard with his acusations and he is lying to the media to justify everything. Knocking someone out of a game is what they all try to do but he has taken it to another level.

Rickh 03-23-2012 11:39 AM

He hasn't even thought about the fan base. That is obvious. Now it's New Orleans' turn to just blindly accept this show up in droves to volunteer for jobs there and greet the NFL brass with a big smile on our faces?


HouYat 03-23-2012 09:21 PM

I can just see Goodell bringing a food taster with him to every meal he has in our fine restaurants during SB week. Chefs & waiters are fans too!:bng:

TXGSP 03-23-2012 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 391375)
Hell, I might make a special trip to New Orleans just so I can boo him in person.

I would go for that - even pull out my old Drill Sergeant hat just to get a little extra motivation (not that it would be needed).

Euphoria 03-23-2012 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by HouYat (Post 391777)
I can just see Goodell bringing a food taster with him to every meal he has in our fine restaurants during SB week. Chefs & waiters are fans too!:bng:

start a bounty for the cook or waiter who spits in his food?

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