03-24-2012, 06:24 AM
1000 Posts +
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 3,923
I'm in total agreement with your post and every reply to it that I've read... I haven't watched sportscenter in over a week, which is easily a record for me. And as for NFL Network, they have always sucked in my opinion.
The one guy who has been on my nerves the most, and not because he's said anything more negative than any of the other writers, but because he won't shut up about it: Is Pat Yasinskas. He continually kisses Goodell's butt and seems to be almost taunting Saints fans by reminding us every 5 minutes about suspensions looming, and Drew Brees' contract issues...
Do the entire Who Dat nation a giant favor and shut the hell up, Yastinkass!
If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.