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saints1234 04-24-2012 07:58 PM

Might as well blame us for this to..........
My good buddy and huge Saints fan showed me this today its so true there blaming the Saints for everything else so we might as well come clean about everything else that the Saints are responsibly for.......

The Saints faked the moon landing
The Saints perpetrated the "Paul is Dead" hoax
The Saints put fluoride in your children's water
The Saints were responsible for Disco
The Saints orchestrated the JFK conspiracy
The Saints caused gas to go above $3.00 a gallon
The Saints shot J.R.
Tom Benson, as a young man, developed Area 51
Morten Anderson's leg caused global warming
The Saints sank the Titanic
A Saintsation tempted Adam into eating the apple in the Garden of Eden
The Saints run with scissors.
The Saints carried out the bounty on Jimmy Hoffa
The Saints 2009 season caused Charlie Sheen's meltdown...WINNING!
The Saints wiped out the dinosaurs
The Saints made a weeble wobble fall down.
The Saints are responsible for slinkys never going down the stairs like they do in the commercials.
The Saints tripped the father of the Bama`s recruit and made him break the BCS Championship Trophy.
The Saints are responsible for me running out of coffee the other day.
It wasn't the Dingo that ate the was the Saints
The Saints are to blame for childhood obesity
The Saints are the reason my marriage is in the toliet

ChrisXVI 04-24-2012 08:47 PM

OldMaid 04-24-2012 11:18 PM

The Saints made the Beloved Patriots lose to the NY Ginats.
The Saints made Denver Broncos trade Tebow to NYJ.
The Saints made Britney Spears go crazy and lose her mind .
The Saints caused the War of 1812
The Saints made the devil do it.
The Saints kept Monica Lewinsky's blue dress from The Gap.

Someone else , add to the list. Keep it going.
The Saints did all of this too according to a source.

TheOak 04-25-2012 07:05 AM

The most important travesty caused by the New Orleans Saints was undoubtedly removing the entire contents of Al Capone's vault making Geraldo Rivera look a lot like John Clayton before John Clayton looked like Pat Yasinskas, which made John Barr so jealous he gave a false report about Loomis having a headset wired to listen to the opposing teams conversations and play calling.

This chain of events Proves that Brett Favre is a psychic..... How so? Because OBVIOUSLY foreseeing this chain of events made him send pictures of his junk to a cheerleader in New York.

Prove me wrong

pherein 04-25-2012 07:11 AM

I just really wish Benson would stop with the green house gases, its killing the ice caps.

Rugby Saint II 04-26-2012 12:08 PM

The Saints made me drink!:razz:

savoyk 04-26-2012 12:35 PM

Don't forget the BP oil was the SAINTS!

st thomas 04-26-2012 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by saints1234 (Post 400247)
My good buddy and huge Saints fan showed me this today its so true there blaming the Saints for everything else so we might as well come clean about everything else that the Saints are responsibly for.......

The Saints faked the moon landing
The Saints perpetrated the "Paul is Dead" hoax
The Saints put fluoride in your children's water
The Saints were responsible for Disco
The Saints orchestrated the JFK conspiracy
The Saints caused gas to go above $3.00 a gallon
The Saints shot J.R.
Tom Benson, as a young man, developed Area 51
Morten Anderson's leg caused global warming
The Saints sank the Titanic
A Saintsation tempted Adam into eating the apple in the Garden of Eden
The Saints run with scissors.
The Saints carried out the bounty on Jimmy Hoffa
The Saints 2009 season caused Charlie Sheen's meltdown...WINNING!
The Saints wiped out the dinosaurs
The Saints made a weeble wobble fall down.
The Saints are responsible for slinkys never going down the stairs like they do in the commercials.
The Saints tripped the father of the Bama`s recruit and made him break the BCS Championship Trophy.
The Saints are responsible for me running out of coffee the other day.
It wasn't the Dingo that ate the was the Saints
The Saints are to blame for childhood obesity
The Saints are the reason my marriage is in the toliet

this is total bs only about half is true. lol

Seer1 04-26-2012 01:16 PM

The Saints put a bounty on Abraham Lincoln
The Saints put a bounty on Archduke Ferdinand
The Saints wrote and directed The Matrix III
The Saints built the Chernobyl nuclear plant
The Saints banned the Corvair and the VW Bug
.........Remember the Maine?????

42alpha saint 04-26-2012 02:04 PM

Vietnam? It was the Saints

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