08-01-2012, 11:35 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: in line with my ridiculous CLEAR PLASTIC BAG
Posts: 3,650
The thing about Courtney Roby is that that the dude fights his way on to the roster every August - he does whatever is asked of him and more. He's no superstar, but he earns that freaking spot each year by making specific plays. Say what you will about him, but he is scrappy and has attitude, and sometimes he's the only guy on special teams who looks like he can actually tackle. He's been written off by people before and stuck around, when a lot of other special teams dudes in his category (Chris Reis, Pearson Proileau) are long gone. Maybe this will be his year to not make the team, but we'll see.
Also, apparently Special Teams Coach Greg McMahon's idea of a special teams "return plan" consists of Courtney Roby running out of the end zone at breakneck speed, and smacking into a wall of bodies at the 20. If we decide to go in a different direction with that, like maybe actually set up a return with some blocking, then maybe Joe Morgan might take the job from Roby. But as of right now, nobody on the team is better than Roby at running like a bezerk maniac, smacking into walls of people at the 20, and getting a concussion or neck injury from it. No one else has shown they have that skill set, LOL.