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voodooido 05-29-2013 01:40 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
He blew over a .24%! That's triple the legal limit. Freaking idiot!

jnormand 05-29-2013 01:59 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
There is no excuse for this. What? He didn't have the money for a cab? BS.

TheOak 05-29-2013 02:01 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by AllSaints (Post 505326)
wtf I jus ordered this guys jersey n he does something like this ! ! !

Change the Name on the back to LegalLimit and the number to 3X

SapperSaint 05-29-2013 02:11 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
I don't take DUI's lightly. I lost a friend to a DUI and not just "a person I know". Myself along with 15 other friends were involved in it. myself, and one other were the only two able to walk (thats how bad the wreck was). So him getting a DUI is a big deal. I have a special breed of hatred for a drunk driver.

Mardigras9 05-29-2013 02:43 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Disappointing, no doubt.
Most importantly, thank goodness no one was hurt because there is no excuse to be in that situation NFL player or not. Alternatives are too easy to keep you from driving drunk.
Surprising? Not even slightly. This type of behavior is common place when these kids come into NFL money and fame.

SaintsBro 05-29-2013 02:55 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
I mean obviously Payton cannot be responsible for every single thing that every single guy does during their off hours, especially during the off season, but this is HIGHLY un-Saints like behavior -- you have to kinda wonder if maybe Morgan hasn't had that much time in the Sean Payton world, with Sean Payton actually in the building. I mean, his first year, he goes down on IR in preseason, then he comes back and is on the team for a whole year WITHOUT Payton around... If you ask me, he's never really seen what the players and character/off-field behavior of this team and Sean Payton is REALLY supposed to be like. This makes me shudder to wonder what sort of other wild, undisciplined, stupid things were going on last year, off the field, that we don't even know about. Incredibly dumb move on his part.

xan 05-29-2013 02:55 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
a cab is $50. This likely will cost him several hundreds of thousands in salary and make him unmarketable for endorsements further limiting his earnings potential. To pile onto the sentiment,

you can't fix stupid.

ClintSaints 05-29-2013 02:59 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 505268)
If you are drunk behind the wheel sleeping and the keys are in the ignition, on the floor, on the seat, that constitutes a DUI. Even if you are in the parking lot. Being found on the Expressway means he got there some how. He is not getting out of this.

He will lose from a game check to $50k for a fist offense.

NFL pushing for increased DUI player discipline -

You're probably right, but he wasn't actually driving when he was arrested. None of us know exactly what happened because we weren't there. The only thing we know is he was sitting in his car drunk as a skunk. Now if he were actually intending to drive before he passed out, then he's an irresponsible moron and I want nothing to do with him.

TheOak 05-29-2013 03:07 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by ClintSaints (Post 505350)
You're probably right, but he wasn't actually driving when he was arrested. None of us know exactly what happened because we weren't there. The only thing we know is he was sitting in his car drunk as a skunk. Now if he were actually intending to drive before he passed out, then he's an irresponsible moron and I want nothing to do with him.

I worked bars for years. If you left the bar, went out to your car, put the keys on the floor and went to sleep drunk then a cop found you....

The assumption is you passed out trying to get the keys in the ignition...

Because obviously if I had passed out trying to start the car I would just say "fell asleep: .. ;-)

If you intend to sleep it off in your car, the keys need to be put in your glove box.... and DO NOT sleep in the drivers seat!

You can not get behind the steering wheel drink with keys close enough to reach.

Sleeping it off on the side of the Highway is well unsafe? :dunce:

Ashley 05-29-2013 03:24 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Bad mistake, it will cost him a ton of money, time, and now he is tagged. People do dumb things all the time. By no means am I trying to defend him, I hope this is a slap to the face. #19 just might be back, and ole Joe is back on the sideline......I just want DH back that's all

AllSaints 05-29-2013 04:53 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
I think Joe Morgan will def be playin in the black and gold this year he is becoming a playmaking deep threat for us n besides him colston n moore on the WR core they have experience... He maybe n the dog house of Paytons but look for him to put good numbers this year

Danno 05-29-2013 06:17 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by AllSaints (Post 505362)
I think Joe Morgan will def be playin in the black and gold this year he is becoming a playmaking deep threat for us n besides him colston n moore on the WR core they have experience... He maybe n the dog house of Paytons but look for him to put good numbers this year

True, this is the kind of incident that usually grabs a young man's attention. It may even improve his commitment and focus during camp.

The true measure of a man is in how he responds to things like this. I'm hoping its a wakeup call from the front desk of Maturity Inn.

I've made worse mistakes at that age and I turned out... OK, I'm a bad example but you get the point :p

I have high hopes for this young man both on and off the field. He's now one of my camp favorites.

westbankdaze 05-29-2013 06:58 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Aww man. I am so disappointed in him. I mean come on, don't let the fans down man. We are all excited about this next season dude. Dammit so frustrating.

Choupique 05-29-2013 07:03 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Young people often make unwise choices. They're not as perfect as some of you seem to think you are.

I hope he rebounds from this unwise choice he made.

He didn't rob a bank. Ya'll make it sound like he is a career criminal.

Give the kid a break. Try to act "religious" and compassionate. I'm quite sure you all are part of some religious organization, right???

I'm not.

You'll have to explain your hypocrisy to me. You seem to make unwise choices too. Kick someone when they're down?

Your minister / priest teach you that? or is it just a reflection of your character?

sure you want to be judging that kid?

some of you would seem to make awesome roman citizens. you're an angry oprah mob, America...

jeanpierre 05-29-2013 07:50 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 505254)

Not a bad mug shot; there have been worse...

hagan714 05-29-2013 08:02 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

darksoul35 05-29-2013 08:14 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Everyone is acting like dude should get the death penalty. I know driving drunk is wrong but if I could trade that for some of the things I did as a kid I would trade it in a heart beat. There is a lot of throwing stones going on. I hope the kid learns from it and betters himself. How he responds will show his true character.

QBREES9 05-29-2013 08:29 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Get the man some help !!!! 12 step program something. LOL..... Dumb Joe, you can hurt someone, and yourself.

darksoul35 05-29-2013 10:01 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 505391)
Not a bad mug shot; there have been worse...

Yall got to tell me who this dude in this pic is. I cried for an hour lookin at that dude.

jeanpierre 05-29-2013 10:24 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by darksoul35 (Post 505419)
Yall got to tell me who this dude in this pic is. I cried for an hour lookin at that dude.

Desmond Bryant, Defensive End, formerly of the Oakland Raiders now with Cleveland...

The funny part is > He's Crimson Pride! And not the one in Alabama; the guy is a Harvard alum...No Schiott!!!

Clarke 05-29-2013 11:29 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Stupid mistake by Morgan, this definitely puts him in the dog house. That said, I think he'll eventually work his way back into the starting line up. I hope this doesn't make us consider bringing back Henderson. The guy brings nothing to this team anymore. Use the extra reps on Toon and Stills. We need to start looking forward at the WR position!

NOS2SB 05-30-2013 01:43 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Give the guy a break. I'm sure many on this forum have driven drunk once in their lives. I don't condone it, but it happens. Hell, I got a DUI when I was arround that age and had to learn the hard way. Haven't drove drunk since and won't.

Cruize 05-30-2013 02:00 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
You only harmed yourself Joe. You are blessed. Be a man and never let it happen again.

D_it_up 05-30-2013 03:26 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
1) How many members of this forum drink alcohol?
2) By show of hands, how many that drink have never, ever, EVER driven after drinking, if even after a few? (I never got caught is not an acceptable answer).

Wait. Are those crickets I'm hearing?.

The kid made a mistake. None of us here are judge, jury and executioner of his life. Dig around in your own backyard before you dig around in someone else's.

Crusader 05-30-2013 03:34 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by D_it_up (Post 505434)
1) How many members of this forum drink alcohol?
2) By show of hands, how many that drink have never, ever, EVER driven after drinking, if even after a few? (I never got caught is not an acceptable answer).

I have never ever and will never ever. The only exception would be if there was an absolute emergency and no othr way to get help, get someone to safety etc. There just are no excuses.

D_it_up 05-30-2013 03:40 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 505436)
I have never ever and will never ever. The only exception would be if there was an absolute emergency and no othr way to get help, get someone to safety etc. There just are no excuses.

Well, I guarantee you are one of the very few.

dizzle88 05-30-2013 03:49 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by D_it_up (Post 505434)
1) How many members of this forum drink alcohol?
2) By show of hands, how many that drink have never, ever, EVER driven after drinking, if even after a few? (I never got caught is not an acceptable answer).

Never have and never will, I've always thought that driving is a privilege and it can be taken away very easily

Have you ever noticed how when you dont have your car for a day (service, MOT etc) you all of a sudden have loads of stuff you want to do

Long story short, I wouldnt put myself in that kind of position because i value the freedom of driving too much

D_it_up 05-30-2013 03:55 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that I was surrounded by actual saints here and not just fans of the team.

darksoul35 05-30-2013 07:15 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 505421)
Desmond Bryant, Defensive End, formerly of the Oakland Raiders now with Cleveland...

The funny part is > He's Crimson Pride! And not the one in Alabama; the guy is a Harvard alum...No Schiott!!!

Thank tou that made my night. Every time I get in a bad mood im looking at that pic.

TheOak 05-30-2013 07:22 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by D_it_up (Post 505439)
I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that I was surrounded by actual saints here and not just fans of the team.


Originally Posted by NOS2SB (Post 505430)
Give the guy a break. I'm sure many on this forum have driven drunk once in their lives. I don't condone it, but it happens. Hell, I got a DUI when I was arround that age and had to learn the hard way. Haven't drove drunk since and won't.

Ahhh sensibility.

When and where I grew up (Abbeville/mid-late 80s) I do not ever remember anyone getting a DWI, there were no seat belt laws, there were no open container laws either either. At 15 I had a drivers license, and poor judgment. On a Saturday night the streets were full of underage kids drinking and driving I suppose poor judgment was something only I suffered.. That is however no excuse.

At the age of 23 I got my first and only DWI, my father had to bail me out and bring me home. If anything I remember about that night it is what he told me in the car ride home. "I am not going to chew your azz, you are an adult and you have not done anything I have not done before, You just got caught. Hopefully we have both learned a lesson from this."

While getting behind the wheel drunk was poor judgment, at some point in the night he had the sensibility to pull over and not continue with poor judgment.

I see some anomalies in here as typically alcohol is not known to support good judgment once it is consumed. Perhaps it is the brand and type of alcohol that supports a sound decision making process. I personally have never come across that brand.

I am making no excuses for Joe, just stating my experiences.

D_it_up 05-30-2013 08:24 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
I got one just two months after I turned 21. Paid the price, learned from it, moved on. It's been 16 years since that happened and I rarely even drink anymore. If I do, I have three different cab companies in my cell phone for that reason alone.

I say let the guy learn from his mistake before we go start a lynch mob after him holding torches and pitchforks. If he makes the mistake again, then cut ties. Of course, it's not my decision, but that's what I would do. Plus, I would tack on about 50 extra suicides while he watched the rest of the team practice.

SapperSaint 05-30-2013 08:29 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
I am in no way saying Joe is the most evil person ever to wear a Saints uniform. I am not saying that he should be kicked off the team. But what I am saying, is that I do not like drunk drivers.

This is not a personal attack to Joe or to any of you that have done it. It happens everyday. Somebody, somewhere, is drunk or have had one too many and is behind the wheel of a vehicle right now.

Here is the thing. Lets just say he had caused a wreck and taken someones life. Not only has he caused pain to the victims family and friends, he has to go through life knowing that he killed someone. Everytime someone looks at him, they will know he killed someone. I hear all of this "Some of you are cast the first stone, people", BS. No, I have not gotten behind the wheel after drinking. I know first hand what it can lead to.

Don't tell me that this was just a little slap on the hand situation. He, just like everyone else; with or around him, knew he was drunk and shouldn't have driven. No one had the balls to stop him, Joe included. Thats the problem.

I wonder if he had killed someone one if most of you would be saying "Give the guy a break"? Be pissed at me all you want for my stance on this. I'm just greatful that no one was hurt/injured/killed.

TheOak 05-30-2013 08:31 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Oh he will pay the piper. The process of paying your debt to society for a DUI is painful.

Community Service - To be done on weekends
Sitting through AA meetings.
Typically all of those things all into the period of the 30 days when he will not have his license.

Financially the league will punish him harder than the Courts. This i find quite difficult to swallow as what he does on his own personal time is not for an employer to punish. But it is in The CBA and that was agreed upon.

TheOak 05-30-2013 08:35 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 505465)
I am in no way saying Joe is the most evil person ever to wear a Saints uniform. I am not saying that he should be kicked off the team. But what I am saying, is that I do not like drunk drivers.

This is not a personal attack to Joe or to any of you that have done it. It happens everyday. Somebody, somewhere, is drunk or have had one too many and is behind the wheel of a vehicle right now.

Here is the thing. Lets just say he had caused a wreck and taken someones life. Not only has he caused pain to the victims family and friends, he has to go through life knowing that he killed someone. Everytime someone looks at him, they will know he killed someone. I hear all of this "Some of you are cast the first stone, people", BS. No, I have not gotten behind the wheel after drinking. I know first hand what it can lead to.

Don't tell me that this was just a little slap on the hand situation. He, just like everyone else; with or around him, knew he was drunk and shouldn't have driven. No one had the balls to stop him, Joe included. Thats the problem.

I wonder if he had killed someone one if most of you would be saying "Give the guy a break"? Be pissed at me all you want for my stance on this. I'm just greatful that no one was hurt/injured/killed.

I fully appreciate your view on people that drink and drive. However, we cant punish on should of, would of, could of. If that was the case then just make running a red light a mandatory 2 year sentence, as that could have killed someone also. When you get into the "coulds", its a very slippery slope that could lead to your basic rights being taken away. The entire gun law argument is based on "coulds".

The possibilities are part of the lesson, not the punishment.

NOS2SB 05-30-2013 08:36 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 505465)
I am in no way saying Joe is the most evil person ever to wear a Saints uniform. I am not saying that he should be kicked off the team. But what I am saying, is that I do not like drunk drivers.

This is not a personal attack to Joe or to any of you that have done it. It happens everyday. Somebody, somewhere, is drunk or have had one too many and is behind the wheel of a vehicle right now.

Here is the thing. Lets just say he had caused a wreck and taken someones life. Not only has he caused pain to the victims family and friends, he has to go through life knowing that he killed someone. Everytime someone looks at him, they will know he killed someone. I hear all of this "Some of you are cast the first stone, people", BS. No, I have not gotten behind the wheel after drinking. I know first hand what it can lead to.

Don't tell me that this was just a little slap on the hand situation. He, just like everyone else; with or around him, knew he was drunk and shouldn't have driven. No one had the balls to stop him, Joe included. Thats the problem.

I wonder if he had killed someone one if most of you would be saying "Give the guy a break"? Be pissed at me all you want for my stance on this. I'm just greatful that no one was hurt/injured/killed.

Of course we wouldn't. But you're throwing in hypotheticals. If "if" was a fifth, we'd all be drunk.

TheOak 05-30-2013 08:45 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by NOS2SB (Post 505471)
Of course we wouldn't. But you're throwing in hypotheticals. If "if" was a fifth, we'd all be drunk.

And some would have lined up a cab prior... others like me, would just call the wife to come get them.

saintsfan1976 05-30-2013 09:05 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Full disclosure; I've had a DUI as well. Fact is, I'm no angel.

My rant is not to chastise the kid as if I'm perfect, it's more that I hate to see someone with so much, risk it all like that.

Like many of us, I'm sure young Joe will learn his lesson.

Joe's making an average of $466k per year. Call a cab. Hell, BUY a cab.

TheOak 05-30-2013 09:19 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 505477)
Hell, BUY a cab.

So he can get a DUI behind the wheel of a cab? That would be a great thread.

LOL Sorry I had to , you tee'd that one up for me.

44Champs 05-30-2013 09:25 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
I've never had a DUI, but I remember doing a LOT of stupid things in my late teens and early 20's, including driving drunk but not getting caught or killing anyone. No telling what kind of trouble I would've gotten into if I would've had the amount of $$ that these guys have. Sometimes we forget that these guys, while they're men (rich men), are also still immature and finding their way. I'm not making excuses for them, just adding some perspective. I hope Joe learns from this and gets a chance to redeem himself.

SapperSaint 05-30-2013 10:12 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 505469)
I fully appreciate your view on people that drink and drive. However, we cant punish on should of, would of, could of. If that was the case then just make running a red light a mandatory 2 year sentence, as that could have killed someone also. When you get into the "coulds", its a very slippery slope that could lead to your basic rights being taken away. The entire gun law argument is based on "coulds".

The possibilities are part of the lesson, not the punishment.

Oak, I respect the hell out of you brother; but where did I say punish this guy with 500 lashing with a cat of nine tails based of what "could" have happened?

All I did was give an example of what "Could" have happened. I will go a re-read what I wrote, but I don't think I said he should be punished for what "could" have happened. I just don't agree with the "This isn't a big deal and Give the guy a break".

I'll ask this for everyone who has gotten a DUI/DWI.

Did the Judge and DA give you a break? If not, how big of a deal was it to you?

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