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WhoDat 10-13-2004 06:21 PM

The Definitive 'It' Article

I\'m simply saying he\'s harder on Brooks than most. He denies this. He says he\'s fair. He\'s entitled to his opinion, but then so am I and so are you.
If this were true there would be no problem. I disagree with people on this board all the time. I have no problem admitting that I am harsh on Brooks. He deserves it. So does Haslett.

But the issue here is not whether or not AB is a good QB - I\'ve told you that I think he is, though not as good as you think. This isn\'t about Haslett being a bad coach - which everyone here seems to know but you. If we simply disagreed it would be one thing, but we don\'t simply disagree. You\'ve been claiming that I have a hidden agenda for years - you attack people not arguments. When I return some of your own medicine, WWIII breaks out. Interesting, don\'t you think?

saintz08 10-14-2004 02:09 AM

The Definitive 'It' Article

I\'m accused of favoring Brooks to the Nth degree.
That\'s putting it mildly .... ;)

The man who\'s night time prayer starts

Now I lay me down to Sleep
I hope that Brooks is here for keeps
If I should die before I wake
A picture of Brooks I hope to take .....

saintfan 10-14-2004 08:21 AM

The Definitive 'It' Article
Hey Whodat...see that \"pesonal\" attack right there by 08.

Better call him down but quick!


{Editor\'s Note: I wonder if he gets it yet?}

saintfan 10-14-2004 08:25 AM

The Definitive 'It' Article

When I return some of your own medicine, WWIII breaks out. Interesting, don\'t you think?
Man O Man. Once again I\'ll simply say this \"Medicine\" you speak\'ve been dishing it out for years. Now, all of a sudden, you wanna act offended. You don\'t want me posting in threads (using my \"style\" of course) you participate in according to your recent whine yesterday, but you jump right in to two that I started and use your standard sarcastic rhetoric. What\'s sad is that you eithre (a) don\'t see the hypocracy or (b) don\'t care.

GumboBC 10-14-2004 08:42 AM

The Definitive 'It' Article
WhoDat --

Man, what are you trying to say. Sounds like you\'re nit-picking to me.

You like to find a MINOR problem and make it sound like the MAIN problem.

If you have cancer --- you don\'t worry too much about a pimple on your face. Now, you point to the pimple and say it doesn\'t look very nice and it\'s a little bothersome. But, the cancer is going to kill your azz if you don\'t do something about it.

Let me ask you something, WhoDat???


I think we would be 0-5.

I\'ve tried to tell you it\'s hard to win with NO defense. Damn near impossible.

I\'ll be waitng for your answer... ;)

WhoDat 10-14-2004 09:07 AM

The Definitive 'It' Article

Couldn\'t say. Neither could you. I would estimate we would be 2-3.

This gets to the root of my post in response to your thread. I suggest you read that.

saintfan 10-14-2004 09:14 AM

The Definitive 'It' Article
So then we\'re no better off if we have \"it\" at QB? Hmmm...I always thought you said we would be. ;)

saintz08 10-14-2004 11:12 AM

The Definitive 'It' Article
Rather have \"IT \" at quarterback .

Rather than Some Hope of \"IT\"

That\'s more like \"S*IT\" then \"IT\"...... ;)

biloxi-indian 10-14-2004 11:25 AM

The Definitive 'It' Article
What happend to \"IT\".

Several things to consider; our coaches do not have IT, some players don\'t have IT, and for sure the owner don\'t have IT.

As far as fans go, we get IT every weekend (except of course on our bye week)!


BlackandBlue 10-14-2004 12:22 PM

The Definitive 'It' Article

As far as fans go, we get IT every weekend (except of course on our bye week)!
I\'m sorry, I get IT every night ;)

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