09-30-2013, 01:47 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Mike and Mike blast the city of New Orleans
I was listening this morning, like I rarely do for obvious reasons and one of the Mikes was talking about how he was here and was terrified of being robbed. He said he was set up with all of his equipment before the dome reopening Atlanta game and a cop came up to him and said "you are going to get robbed" and walked away. He was talking about how the cop didn't offer to help or any suggestions where to go that was safer. He said he was scared ****less. He said last year when he came for the Super Bowl he left a restaurant and walked around the corner and looked around and was obviously in the wrong place and was scared to death. Basically made it sound like our whole city is dangerous. I don't totally disagree, but still. He did go on to say we know how to show people a good time and the SB was great.