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Lord_Saint83 11-03-2013 05:25 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
They say this was one we could afford to lose. That jets d-line is damn good and the o-line didn't rise to the occasion. That being said its not the end of the world we can still beat carolina for the crown but at the end of the season for the run game and drew's sake they should reevaluate the o-line, they can't handle aggressive d-line teams.

UK_WhoDat 11-03-2013 05:27 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
Just wondering.

We're not a Super Bowl team
Who are then?

spkb25 11-03-2013 06:14 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 543958)
for some reason on a 3rd and inches we call an end-around with our 3rd string TE.

you just lied. on 3rd and an inch we called a fake pitch to the tailback, and handed off to the fb who plunged through for a first down, except the jets had called a timeout and away went the first. so on the next 3rd and an inch we ran a little screen/out to the fb and he was wide open, had the first, but dropped a perfectly placed pass.

no such play was ran on 3rd and an inch, did you watch the game?

ChrisXVI 11-03-2013 06:17 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 544192)
you just lied. on 3rd and an inch we called a fake pitch to the tailback, and handed off to the fb who plunged through for a first down, except the jets had called a timeout and away went the first. so on the next 3rd and an inch we ran a little screen/out to the fb and he was wide open, had the first, but dropped a perfectly placed pass.

no such play was ran on 3rd and an inch, did you watch the game?

I think u need to re-watch the game. Drew handed the ball off to Hill... Our 3rd string TE on the play I'm talking about.

spkb25 11-03-2013 06:21 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 544193)
I think u need to re-watch the game. Drew handed the ball off to Hill... Our 3rd string TE on the play I'm talking about.

no, I just told you exactly what happened on the two plays we had on 3rd and an inch. (we ran two because of the timeout called by the jets) You are talking about 3rd down and an inch to go, right? Because that is the 2 plays I just told you and that is when they were ran, on 3rd and an inch.

You sir have no idea what you're saying, which makes your post suspect (and your opinion)

ChrisXVI 11-03-2013 06:25 PM

We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 544196)
no, I just told you exactly what happened on the two plays we had on 3rd and an inch. (we ran two because of the timeout called by the jets) You are talking about 3rd down and an inch to go, right? Because that is the 2 plays I just told you and that is when they were ran, on 3rd and an inch.

You sir have no idea what you're saying, which makes your post suspect (and your opinion)

Ok, it was a 4th down play. Feel like a big man now? You know damn well what play I'm talking about but way to go winning at the internet! It was a stupid play call.

spkb25 11-03-2013 06:34 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 544199)
Ok, maybe it was a 4th down play. Feel like a big man now? You know damn well what play I'm talking about but way to go winning at the internet! It was a stupid play call.

I didn't know what play you were talking about because there was no such play ran on 3rd and inches.

Feel like a big man, no. I feel right :) and I love the **** out of that feeling.

That said I wasn't overly excited at that call, but we should have never been there because the two prior, brilliant calls on 3rd down, both would have got us a first. Ultimately Collins failed :), not SP, because he dropped the GD ball.

it was an absolute ****ty game on the road, they happen. Season isn't over, we'll play better.

We are starting to get really banged up, and that does scare me.

The one thing I do love about this team, since 09 (minus last year) even when we play our absolute worst somehow we are still in the same game and have a chance to win. We played bad today as a team, and that is why we lost, not that call by SP. Sorry

voodooido 11-03-2013 06:47 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 543958)
No running game, no run defense and for some reason on a 3rd and inches we call an end-around with our 3rd string TE. I'm sorry all you holier than thou veterans that post here but Payton shouldn't be calling the plays. He's done an awful job this year. We were setting records with Carmichael calling the plays... Now we're losing to a Jets team that has 2 of the worst starting CB's in the league. It wasn't just an off game, it was a very real wake up call that we're not quite there as an elite team.

Yeah that was a big bone head call for sure.As for the running game it is never going to happen with the o-line. Saints o-lie is the worst since before Brees.

Danno 11-03-2013 06:53 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by UK_WhoDat (Post 544171)
Just wondering.
Who are then?


The Dude 11-03-2013 06:58 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by thebdj (Post 543980)
Payton shouldn't be calling the offensive plays??????

Today was one of the worst offensive performances I have seen from the Saints in years but are you on something mate? At the end of the day it is one loss. You are calling out arguably the best offensive play caller in a decade? Wow.

He is known for being one of the best offensive minds in the game, not specifically for his play calling ability. There is a difference.
No clue as to why Carmichael is not calling plays.

rezburna 11-03-2013 07:11 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
People said the playcalling was questionable last year too. Like I said before, execution was the issue. After last year people have the nerve to complain about Sean Payton? Right....

hagan714 11-04-2013 12:28 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 544031)
Tuck and roll when you bail off the Saints bandwagon!

been sitting in this wagon so long my a$$ is made of wood. i could not bail if i wanted to. hell i help build it on day one. i have pieces of tulane stadium covering the holes i have kicked in it over the years

i am one with the wagon.
i am one with the wagon.

god i hate termites. stop chewing up my wagon and my butt

i am one with the wagon.
i am one with the wagon.

one game aint the end of the world but the rose color glasses have to come off we need to admit we are not so great. good but not great. improvement is need and has been needed since the end of last season.

i am one with the wagon.
i am one with the wagon.

stay on my wagon for this train is heading to playoffs but for the love of god and all that is holy stop spreading praise around when it is not deserved. over hyping is just as bad trashing.

i am one with the wagon.
i am one with the wagon.

i have been through much worse than this;)

forgive the Transcendental Meditation but it is need through out the season

WHODATINCA 11-04-2013 02:09 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by WillMacKenzie (Post 544048)
I'd like to see more of a commitment to trying to run. I understand the line isn't all-pro, but commit. And leave a RB in to help protect Brees. All the empty sets leave 0 threat to run, and you are making yourself one dimensional. Brees will be dead by week 10 if we don't do a better job. Still not a lost season though, just a rough patch. It'll do good to face adversity in the long run

If we don't do what you suggest, then we should teach Brees to lean his head into the oncoming rusher -- so at least we get some yards out of it. Worked well today!!

WHODATINCA 11-04-2013 02:13 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 544236)
People said the playcalling was questionable last year too. Like I said before, execution was the issue. After last year people have the nerve to complain about Sean Payton? Right....

Call me nervy. But, yeah, some of the play calling today sucked. And, I have questioned it previously in games this season. Again, no run game is part of the questioned play calling.

dizzle88 11-04-2013 03:28 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 544422)
Call me nervy. But, yeah, some of the play calling today sucked. And, I have questioned it previously in games this season. Again, no run game is part of the questioned play calling.

We ran twice...thats right twice in the second quarter, then we start running it in the 3rd and ingram and PT have a bit of success

The play calling is flawed but their are also other huge issues like;

where can we find an O line before next week
When will our offense realize their are more targets than jimmy graham to throw to
Will nick toon ever learn to catch, he was praised for his outstanding hands in college, currently he has 1 catch and 3 drops for the season
Will we ever see a proper committment to the run game

QBREES9 11-04-2013 08:06 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
Relax, we have been there before.

Cruize 11-04-2013 08:44 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
The Saints were not the best team in the NFL the year they won the Super Bowl. It can happen again. :)

Danno 11-04-2013 08:45 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 544531)
The Saints were not the best team in the NFL the year they won the Super Bowl. It can happen again. :)

Its pretty much happened for most of the last decade too.

SaintsBro 11-04-2013 08:48 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by UK_WhoDat (Post 544171)
Just wondering.
Who are then?


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 544214)


Danno 11-04-2013 08:51 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 544535)


jnormand 11-04-2013 09:20 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
My team is 6-2, not 2-6. My team is in first place in the division, not last. My teams head coach is a risk taking coach that inspires confidence and is known as one of the games most aggressive and best play callers.

My team is the New Orleans Saints.

Who the hell are you talking about?

Danno 11-04-2013 09:36 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 544559)
My team is 6-2, not 2-6. My team is in first place in the division, not last. My teams head coach is a risk taking coach that inspires confidence and is known as one of the games most aggressive and best play callers.

My team is the New Orleans Saints.

Who the hell are you talking about?

Now THATS what I'm talkin bout!!!!!

Hell Yeah!!!

SaintsBro 11-04-2013 09:38 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
The Ravens last year were 6-2. The 49ers last year were 6-2 also.

The Giants the year before were 5-3.

The Packers were 5-3 in 2010.

The Steelers were 6-2 in 2008.

How in the world can you honestly stand up and say, that you know the Saints are not a Super Bowl team?

exile 11-04-2013 09:41 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 544572)
The Ravens last year were 6-2. The 49ers last year were 6-2 also.

The Giants the year before were 5-3.

The Packers were 5-3 in 2010.

The Steelers were 6-2 in 2008.

How in the world can you honestly stand up and say, that you know the Saints are not a Super Bowl team?

Also, think 2008 Arizona Cardinals :D. 9-7.

hagan714 11-04-2013 09:43 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
win the division comes first
then the playoffs comes second
then the super bowl comes last

as far as i see we have not done any of three at week 8 so lets see what week 9 has to offer

win in week 9 helps to get to step 1 win the division.

wild cards are for the wimpy Cinderella teams ;)

Papa Voodoo 11-04-2013 10:22 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
How about Nick Toon catches those 2 balls.

Utah_Saint 11-04-2013 10:48 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
I know if someone had told me before the season had started, that at the half way point in the season, the Saints would be 6-2, have a game lead in the division, and a 4 game lead on the falcons, I'd been happier than a fat kid with a Twinkie.

SaintnDE 11-04-2013 10:51 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by Utah_Saint (Post 544595)
I know if someone had told me before the season had started, that at the half way point in the season, the Saints would be 6-2, have a game lead in the division, and a 4 game lead on the falcons, I'd been happier than a fat kid with a Twinkie.

I would have said "You are HIGH".

jeanpierre 11-04-2013 11:33 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 543958)
No running game, no run defense and for some reason on a 3rd and inches we call an end-around with our 3rd string TE. I'm sorry all you holier than thou veterans that post here but Payton shouldn't be calling the plays. He's done an awful job this year. We were setting records with Carmichael calling the plays... Now we're losing to a Jets team that has 2 of the worst starting CB's in the league. It wasn't just an off game, it was a very real wake up call that we're not quite there as an elite team.

ehlah, here we geaux...

jeanpierre 11-04-2013 11:36 AM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 544559)
My team is 6-2, not 2-6. My team is in first place in the division, not last. My teams head coach is a risk taking coach that inspires confidence and is known as one of the games most aggressive and best play callers.

My team is the New Orleans Saints.

Who the hell are you talking about?

Just to clarify - the "Toilet of Idaho"?!?

Take it that's not one of those cool, large swooshy waterslide parks, is it?!?

or rather a non-complimentary slight on an area of Idaho comparable to "The East" in New Orleans?!?

TheOak 11-04-2013 12:08 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
Have a look at the running games of the SB Champions for the last 6 years.

SaintsBro 11-04-2013 12:11 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
Well I suppose we can still play for pride, I guess, right?

Barry from MS 11-04-2013 05:07 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
We are not a Super Bowl team. We are 6-2 at the half way point. Duplicate that in the 2nd half of the season and it is 12-4. Not a lot of 12-4 Super Bowl winners with that kind of regular season record. Better yet, how about we just tank the 2nd half, drop the next 4 in a row to be 6-6, roar into the playoffs on all cylinders at 10-6, pimp-slap Seattle @ Seattle (a place where it is IMPOSSIBLE to beat them), and then punk-slam Goodell with that trophy-thingy upside his festered noggin in New York come February 14.

Of course, if we go 6-6 in that scenario, we can rid ourselves of that awful bandwagon adoration before we super-judy-chop the rest of the NFL in the proverbial junk.

Wish folks could quit comparing a Saints Super Bowl-related idea with comparisons to the '09 year. You don't need to win 13 straight to begin a season to win a Super Bowl. It don't hurt, but it ain't an automatic ticket.

Boutte 11-04-2013 05:42 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team
I agree we're not a favorite to go all the way but I disagree with the rest of your statement.

Mardigras9 11-04-2013 06:19 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 544031)
Tuck and roll when you bail off the Saints bandwagon!

I wish I could like this x10.
When is the last season we have been through when the Saints didn't lay an egg, and on the road of coarse also? If they pay like that two weeks in a row, then time for concern. The O-line was spanked again, just like earlier in the season. Let's see if they rebound this time. If DLP didn't get caught holding, who knows may have stole it anyway.

Danno 11-04-2013 06:28 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 544031)
Tuck and roll when you bail off the Saints bandwagon!

I have no idea how I missed that earlier.

That is f'ing awesome! :cheers:

WHODATINCA 11-04-2013 06:50 PM

Re: We're not a Super Bowl team

Originally Posted by Barry from MS (Post 544724)
We are not a Super Bowl team. We are 6-2 at the half way point. Duplicate that in the 2nd half of the season and it is 12-4. Not a lot of 12-4 Super Bowl winners with that kind of regular season record. Better yet, how about we just tank the 2nd half, drop the next 4 in a row to be 6-6, roar into the playoffs on all cylinders at 10-6, pimp-slap Seattle @ Seattle (a place where it is IMPOSSIBLE to beat them), and then punk-slam Goodell with that trophy-thingy upside his festered noggin in New York come February 14.

Of course, if we go 6-6 in that scenario, we can rid ourselves of that awful bandwagon adoration before we super-judy-chop the rest of the NFL in the proverbial junk.

Wish folks could quit comparing a Saints Super Bowl-related idea with comparisons to the '09 year. You don't need to win 13 straight to begin a season to win a Super Bowl. It don't hurt, but it ain't an automatic ticket.

OMG!!! LMAO!!! Awesome good.

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