11-22-2013, 03:11 PM
100th Post
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 329
Re: so expect Hicks to be fined
Originally Posted by The Dude
Just because something looks worse on film doesn't mean it is. If Bree's neck hadn't gone all rubber boy then that would not have even been called. I'm so tired of the pussification of today's qb. Hicks hit was just as illegal as Brooks. The Brees hit just looked worse on film.
I actually agree with you with regards to the hits on qbs. Where I differ is the comparison that nicks hit was worse. There was a lot more force behind the brooks hit (not saying that's a bad thing) and there was a follow through which started from the collarbone up through the neck area. Where as the nicks hit was incidental on the helmet at best and only for a moment before he could wrap ryan up and bring him to the ground. The nfl network guys were acting like nicks bashed ryan over the head with a sledgehammer and then snatched out his soul mortal kombat style.