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WhoDat 01-25-2005 03:07 PM

How long does it take to build a champion?

Got a link to ANY article that says that? Or even suggests that?

Cause I can find links to articles that say just the OPPOSITE.

You aren\'t going to win any arguements with things you dream up in your head. And unitl you provide SOME PROOF, that\'s what I think you are doing.

I\'m waiting on the PROOF, saintwhodi.
Billy - Whoodi is relying on my comments. If you watched the Carolina game, then you will know exactly what I\'m talking about. The commentators were talking about Brooks\' comments about \"being great\" - this was after all of the analysts on ESPN laughed at him and crushed Brooks on natinal TV, and the Fox folks, led by Bradshaw, made fun of him - during the game the commentators said that at the team meeting on Saturday night at the hotel, AB stood up and started talking about how it was a total team effort that got them there, how he was proud and confident, blah blah blah. Apparently, and according to the commentators, the team didn\'t react much at all. Mike McKenzie then stood up and got the team psyched up. He was referred to during the piece as the \"spiritual leader\" of the team. They suggested that it would be hard for a team to rally behind a QB who had called himself a great player on a bad team just a few days earlier.

Do you remember that? There is no link b/c it wasn\'t published. It was broadcast.

It is sad that a guy who has been on the team for less than half a season, and who was referred to as a basket case in GB, can come in and be more of a leader than a guy who started at QB for the team for 5 years. If comments like the ones AB made in the media, his comments about \"fake love\", the rumors about Horn being upset, Turley speaking out against him, Grant getting in a fight with him, rumors in the paper about the organization questioning him as the answer and starting to believe they made a mistake with him, and now his biggest supporter leaving (McCarthy) isn\'t enough to infer that Brooks probably isn\'t well liked or a good leader, then I don\'t know what is. Obviously, the team knows he can\'t lead - why else would they have sent him to leadership classes and brought in Joe Montana to tutor him?

saintswhodi 01-25-2005 03:16 PM

How long does it take to build a champion?
Thanks Who. I was wondering why I couldn\'t find it when I remember you and I discussing it before. Glad to know I wasn\'t losing my marbles.

[Edited on 25/1/2005 by saintswhodi]

GumboBC 01-25-2005 03:23 PM

How long does it take to build a champion?

Billy - Whoodi is relying on my comments.
Oh, boy!!! This is worse than I thought. Didn\'t you start the \"Brooks Must Go\" club?

Not exactly a good credible source, IMO... :P

I watched the Panther game and no one ever said the team didn\'t react to Brooks\' speech. They did say that McKenzie was quickly becoming a vocal leader on the defense.

That\'s the way I remember it and if you have no link then I can\'t take your word for it.

The rest of that stuff you posted is \"skewed\" and that\'s putting it kindly!! ;)

[Edited on 25/1/2005 by GumboBC]

saintswhodi 01-25-2005 03:25 PM

How long does it take to build a champion?
Gumbo, found an interesting article for you while looking this up.


Yes, Manning has 31 touchdown passes, but his four interceptions inside the 20 are more than anybody in the NFL except for Aaron Brooks.
An article that focuses strictly how NFL qbs perform in clutch situation. But that\'s your boy.

WhoDat 01-25-2005 03:39 PM

How long does it take to build a champion?
posted on 2/1/2005 at 10:56

Anybody see ESPN this morning? See the preview of the Saints/Carolina game? Boomer actually read Brooks\' quote about being great on the air. It got big laughs before Tom Jackson suggested that Aaron Brooks IS THE PROBLEM on the team. They let Haslett off the hook, which I don\'t agree with, but they destroyed Aaron. I\'m starting to think Brooks may be gone after this year.

posted on 2/1/2005 at 20:50

Anybody hear the commentators today talking about the team meeting last night (Saturday before the game)? They said AB got up after Haslett and talked about how he was proud of the team, how they had done it together, and how it was all for one. Apparently the players weren\'t that moved - kind of hypocritical after his comments in the media. They said McKenzie got up next and he was really the one who got the team pumped up. I laughed out loud. It\'s funny that a guy who has been on the team for half a season has more credibility with his teammates and is a better leader than the guy who has started at QB for 4.5 years. I guess the guy showing the \"fake love\" is the problem, not the other way around.

Two posts from the day of the Carolina game. You\'ll see that they are exactly what I\'m claiming today. It\'s not surprising to me at all that you missed entirely any suggestion that AB had a flaw. Again, you\'ll see my recollection posted earlier in this thread matches exactly what I said then.

Frankly - I don\'t care whether you believe it or not. I could show you a document signed in blood by Tom Benson, Mickey Mouse Loomis, Jim Haslett, Mike McCarthy, and 20 bishops with corresponding DNA tests to prove it was their blood, in which they all agreed AB is the major problem with the Saints, and you would still suggest that I\'m skewing the facts for a personal agenda. I guess if anyone knows how to skew.... LOL.

WhoDat 01-25-2005 03:42 PM

How long does it take to build a champion?
Was there a rift between you and Aaron Brooks last season?

There were some things that were said that got back to Aaron.

Who said them? Did you say them?

I won\'t say. But there were some things that were said in our position meetings by all the players watching film. Those things got back to Aaron, and I think they made him feel like we were talking about him behind his back....

Did the rift affect the way you two played together on the field?

I don\'t want to say it did. I can\'t answer for A.B. I don\'t think it did. We\'re still men and we still have to do our jobs. I was doing my job and Aaron was doing his job.

Here\'s one of the stories about problems between Horn and Brooks posted on the Times Picayunne\'s web site. Is that credible? Afterall, it is on the internet, so you kow it has to be true.

JKool 01-25-2005 03:42 PM

How long does it take to build a champion?
Alright, normally I\'m pretty cool headed, and I like all of you guys a lot, but

I\'m sick of it being implied that anyone who thinks we can win with Brooks is an idot. I am not an idot, and I think we can win with Brooks!

No one has replied to this: Brooks has won a playoff game, he can carry us to eight wins with Duece having a mediocre season, our OLine sucking, and having nearly the WORST ranked D in NFL history. WTF.

I\'m as sick of reading post after post about why Brooks needs to go right now, when there are perfectly good posts about that going on with perfectly good discussions. It is like pretending to change the topic and then bringing up the same points.

No offense Whodi, I think you\'re great, and I love your arguments; you are easily one of the best new additions. I understand that you think no one is hearing your view because some people can argue to an impasse. Many people who are reading this site agree with you - you don\'t need to carry on a personal crusade. I\'m sorry if that came off harsh, but I\'m tired and I\'ve said a lot about this elsewhere and I\'m beginning to feel ignored (as you probably do). That said, I feel like we get somewhere in one post, and then three other post spring up with the exact same stuff in them.


I\'m not saying that good arguments haven\'t been given, but when there are three other live posts on the same issue AND you intend to bring up the same arguments again - I say go back to the old posts and put it there. I\'m tired of discussing the same argument over and over again in different threads - when it is alive and well in SEVERAL other threads.

I\'m going to take some time off I think. This is dumb.

WhoDat 01-25-2005 03:45 PM

How long does it take to build a champion?
We\'re going to need a soy latte, fresh unsprayed organic fruit, yogurt and granola... STAT!! :)

BrooksMustGo 01-25-2005 03:48 PM

How long does it take to build a champion?
I\'m re-lauching the \"Billy for Moderator\" movement.

GumboBC 01-25-2005 03:48 PM

How long does it take to build a champion?
WhoDat --

In other words.. NO ONE ever said they didn\'t want to play with Brooks. NO ONE !! Which is what saintwhodi said!!

I heard all the comments you are talking about and all they commented on was about Brooks calling himself great and the team mediocre!!

Then of course you threw in all of your \"personal\" comments.

Believe me, I keep up with all that\'s going on.

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