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Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
The fleur de lis, a French symbol used by royal families dating back to the 13th century, and emblazoned on the New Orleans Saints helmet, is now being called a symbol of slavery, drawing comparisons to the recent uproar against the Confederate battle flag.
Read more: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist | The Daily Caller |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
This is just getting ridiculous! There are so many fricking flags in the world. If we nitpick every damn flag in the world. Someone somewhere would find cause. We don't have bigger problems than flags? JEEzus!
I find the rainbow flag oppressive to the last of us Conservatives. But that will be jammed down my throat til the die I die now. |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
I highly doubt the fleur de lis will reach the proportion of the confederate flag. The confederate flag is well publicized to be carried by hate groups like the klu klux klan, skinheads & biker gangs that teach superior race. In the civil war the south (confederate army)were fighting to be in control of their property and at the time African American were considered property not a person. Fleur de lis symbols are not carried by hate groups or anyone that I know of that committed a hate crime
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
That theory has been around a long time. Nothing came from it before and nothing will now.
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Someone of stature needs to tell those self righteous sobs to find a suitably pointed fleur de lis and ..... sit on it.
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
This won't go as far. Too many Blacks identify with it as well. It's nothing like the Confederate flag.
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Saints are on thin ice anyway.
Why the very name of the team screams religiosity or something. In fact, I might be going out on a limb here but I think "Saints" (at least until SCOTUS redefines it to mean ax-wielding child molester) has a Christian connotation. How could they be so insensitive to non-Christian NFL fans??? |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
the really weird part is most people that visit there always talk about the link back to civil war being a huge plus as a tourist. most expected slaves in hiding and hooded masks running around. to their surprise most thought racism in New Orleans was not any worse than other major city in the country. the strong connection to the past seemed to be more about the positives that have been lost in society. southern charm and hospitality.
New Orleans might just be cutting their nose off on this one and tourism could be the hurt more than they can see. something they can not afford to lose. |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Well, this is the unintended consequence of these actions...since people can be pretty much offended by anything
The confederate flag has a place in the history of this nation. I don't understand the logic of flying it from government buildings because they lost, but it should be displayed in museums, etc. Some people may use it as a symbol of racism, but I do not find that to be the overriding theme of people who display it. They themselves may or may not be prejudice, but the reason for them flying the flag generally is an issue of pride of hailing from the south. |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
BUT...I'm not sure what part of the south you live in, where I am for most people who fly it, wear it, whatever they are racist. I get the heritage angle, I do. But once it was adopted by the klan and other racist groups is heritage it became a heritage of hatred and prejudice. Look at the swastika. That is an ancient symbol used in many different incantations throughout history and the world as a religious symbol (Hindu temples throughout India) or a symbol of good luck (many including the Cherokee nation). Once the swastika became associated with the nazis and what they stand for... Well i hope you can see where i am going with this. |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Well, while the politicians and the radicals are in charge of revising history, we've got some more flags to remove based on association...
http://cdn1.theweek.co.uk/sites/thew...?itok=mBbRFAcA Of course, if men would really want to learn the truth of their history and not burn it nor remove it, they'd know that those were the flags of the United States and that a few more stars were added since that civic pride march of 1925... Ironically, we cling to a symbol in the State of Louisiana that was used to brand thousands of slaves (i.e. Code Noir) and represented allegiance to the same European monarchical tyranny that came into conflict with thirteen of its colonies in North America... Symbols, Flags are not just what their history was, but how we take them up, learn from them and apply them in our lives today... Flag, Statue Removing is a terrible road to start down as it leads to book burning, nighttime marches by torch, and annexing lesser neighboring sovereignties... |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
I was in the Kappa Alpha Order in college. Our fraternity represents the values of the old south........not slavery. When I was in college the president of the University brought me in to his office to ask that we not fly the confederate flag which is our official flag at the football games. I was polite and said Hell No!!!
I have flown the flag many times over my house. I had a confederate flag on my bumper and was told by a black child that I was racist so I had to rethink it. I eventually only flew my flag in my bed room........and I stopped that when black friends told me it was offensive. I still love that flag. The American flag is the most beautiful in the world followed closely by the confederate flag. Oh yes, I love rainbows but am not overly fond of homosexuals.......they creep me out. And the rainbow flag represents unnatural acts to me. And I find it offensive, but does anyone care? No. :nono: |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Honestly, it was why I said 'They themselves may or may not be prejudice, but the reason for them flying the flag generally is an issue of pride of hailing from the south." So yeah, I get that people who wear it may be prejudice, some may even be racist (not synonymous terms even though they are portrayed to be), but I do not believe, nor have my interactions with these people indicated, that they wear it because they hate black people. They usually wear it because of where they are from. The fact that some may be prejudice or in some cases racist is not the reason they wear the flag or display it. Matter of fact, where they are from more than likely is cause for how they see things vs the reason they wear the flag. Now the KKK uniform, that to me is more akin to the Nazi symbol. I hope I am making sense. We just disagree, which is okay. I think you're argument makes sense. It is logical, and noting wrong with you seeing things that way. |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
We're going to the hilt on this stuff.
Mississippi, you're next. NAACP Leader: Next Target Is The Mississippi State Flag And I live in Arkansas and you can bet your sweet patootie it is on the hit list, too. And all you confederate flag folks - get ready to be charged with a hate crime if the movement has its way... Lib Rag Salon Calls For Law To Make Flying The Confederate Flag A “Hate Crime”… | Weasel Zippers |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
General Lee? Jefferson Davis?
These were brave men who defended their land Why does everything have to be so polarized? |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
When is the Bible going in a museum?:
And if a man sells his daughter to be a female slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. If she does not please her master, who has betrothed her to himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has dealt deceitfully with her. And if he has betrothed her to his son, he shall deal with her according to the custom of daughters. If he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marriage rights. And if he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free, without paying money. —Exodus 21 There are several more passages on slavery. Everybody needs to chill out. Our whole economy is based off of dirt cheap foreign labor which is actually slavery since they have no rights, labor laws or standards for working conditions. Their conditions are soo poor in fact, even if we used our prison populations to make goods we still could not get close to what it costs foreign workers. Slavery never went away! This is why China is struggling right now. They tried to increase conditions and wages only to have companies start moving to other markets like Malaysia which is why they fast tracked the trade deal but you won't hear a word about that in the media. Never mind that though, let's talk about flags. |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
IDK, I think they're reaching on this one, :neutral:.
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
IT WAS USED TO BRAND SLAVES IN THE EARLY 1700'S. I doubt that any of those people are even remembered by the people that bring up this foolish racism charge in the first place.
Historians say fleur-de-lis has troubled history THE DEFINITION OF THE FLEUR DE LIS: Fleur-de-lis | Define Fleur-de-lis at Dictionary.com |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
We can debate this till the end of time, but the truth is removing symbols and flags is not going to change a damn thing. If you want to see change, remove the shallow minded, can't think for themselves idiots from this country. And why the f**k is nothing being done about these losers desecrating the American flag?
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Why is this country trying to demolish individualism? It seems like we're being pushed into believing everything and everyone is equal. I fear that we're being turned into mindless drones where everything is normal and if you oppose it then you're the "weird one." Orwell is becoming less and less of a fiction writer: War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Because INDIVIDUALS don't have to be attached to the teet of government to survive. If you're dependent in some way (and hell with Obamacare we all are whether we want to be or not), you better vote right to keep the right sugar daddy in power, handing out the scraps from his table. Too many people gave up freedom and a self-reliant life for a so-called guaranteed (and very meager), government-funded exisitance... |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
The "offended party" aka Black people aren't talking about this or sharing this. I've only seen the article posted by White people and never by a major news source. This won't gain any steam like I said before. Most people outside of Mississippi and Louisiana don't even know it's called a fleur-de-lis or anything about its origins. This is nothing like the Confederate flag. Don't fret.
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Let me guess team "Owners" will be next! Cars have both master and slave cylinders in them, better ban the automobile while they're at it.
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Y'all know the Fleur De Lis is the emblem for the Boy Scout of America too. Pretty sure there is enough support of that organization to make this a wash.
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
The Fleur de lis offensive...
I believe the continued Political Correctness attacks on virtually anything someone could find offensive to be worse... I have CSA soldiers on both sides of my family with C.S.A. tombstones. I never really flew the Stars and Bars. And yes, I have learned some were slaveholders, some not. I can see how the Bars and stars is offensive, but the fleur de lis - COME ON We might as well ban the CROSS. It was used to symbolize the crusades when fighting for Jerusalem and is on current flags and almost every protestant church in the U.S. SOMEONE may find it offensive, so we should remove ALL of them. WHERE DOES IT STOP... The CSA battle the "Army of Virginia" flag has become confrontational due to the usage by some groups. I wonder when the outrage will come when people in Louisiana realize several of the State National Guard armories are owned by the Daughters of the Confederacy (DoC) and leased by the State (i.e. - Funding the Organization). The Armory in Shreveport is owned by the DoC, and the history of Ft. Humbug goes back to the confederacy (and just happens to be the LAST Confederate fort to surrender). If I am not mistaken the Battalion flag contains streamers from the Civil War. I believe, I may just go out and purchase a "Bonnie Blue" to fly. |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Seck also believes it shouldn’t be taken down as it is now embraced as a symbol of unity.
Read more: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist | The Daily Caller click bait and paranoia at its finest, the symbol isn't going anywhere |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
How many generations of Native Americans were slaughtered under the Stars and Stripes?
How many years did slavery sit in the shadow of the Stars and Stripes? For the gabillionth time, the South did not fight the civil war for SLAVERY. During the civil war, the North had SLAVES too. (I will not argue this point with anyone. Do some REAL research, other than movies) The Klan has bastardized the Stars and Bars. They turned it into a symbol of hate. I had family that faught for the South and the North. I pisses me off to see the KKK using a flag that my family faught under. It degrades what they did. It cheapen's what my family did when a picture of Hank Williams Jr or a 12 point buck or a large mouth bass is put on that flag. Do I own a "Confederate" flag? No, I don't. But I should the right to own one and fly it if I want too. I say instead of banning it; why not take ownership in it? Take it back from the KKK, intead of giving them power over it. Stop letting these so called leaders of our Nation divide us. ps: If this offends you.... get over yourself. |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
"In some ways, the French had a similar outlook, imagining a society where class was more important than race and in which everyone was entitled to fair treatment, provided they had been baptized into the Catholic Church. For all its harshness, the French Code Noir, adopted in 1685, included articles protecting the rights of freed slaves, which were essentially the same as those of whites, with the exception that they could not vote, hold public office, or marry a white person. While generally, the French, Spanish, and Portuguese codes treated slaves and free blacks less harshly and offered greater legal protection than did Protestant nations, in practice, local conditions such as slave revolts and the distance of the colonies from central administrative control probably more directly affected their experiences.. The French were also more tolerant of racial mixing, especially in sparsely settled frontier societies like Louisiana, where there were significantly fewer white women than men. At the same time, they developed elaborate color categories to define the results of that mixing."
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
"provided they had been baptized into the Catholic Church"
always read the fine print |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
It's not just this whole fleur deal or the flag. It's society as a whole. Anything or anyone "offensive" is now publicly torn apart by media and civil rights groups.
This started several years ago. Soon nothing will have the word "God" in it. This country is failing because its trying to be politically correct about everything. And while doing so, its weakening its people, government and belief system. I'm glad I won't be around to see this country destroy itself. |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
I might not see it but my son will, I don't want to even imagne the world he will see when he's my age
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
This is a means to an end. The battlefield isn't the 'Confederate' flag. The battlefield is America. One small step at a time, and it's been happening, well, truly from the beginning, but the effort to stamp out "America" really increased at the turn of the 20th Century. See the forest...
Consider too what dumping wads of Iranian Oil into the marketplace will do, and then ask yourself if this latest deal has any substance, really, beyond that...oh and the timing, don't forget the timing. :pink: Please look closely at the dancing elephant while I go and do other sinister things... |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
The National Convention (the more radical assembly of the Jacobins that replace the Legislative Assembly in France) finally voted to end slavery in all the French colonies on February 4, 1794. Thousands of whites fled the island, and even the Mulattoes were not pleased. Many owned slaves themselves and were opposed to the move.
Slavery and the French Revolution then there are these fact - The Atlantic slave traders, ordered by trade volume, were: the Portuguese, the British, the French, the Spanish, and the Dutch Empire. - Slavery was first abolished in Europe by the French Republic in 1794 - At least ten centuries of slavery for the benefit of the Muslim countries (from the ninth to the nineteenth). - There is evidence that enslaved people from some African states were exported to other states in Africa. Europeans usually bought enslaved people who were captured in endemic warfare between African states.Some Africans had made a business out of capturing Africans from neighboring ethnic groups or war captives and selling them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlant...de#cite_ref-23 Look if we all want to go over board on this topic everyone appears to be guilty one way or another. The Fleur-de-Lis is is "flower of the lily." The Roman Catholic Church ascribed the lily as the special emblem of the Virgin Mary. Due to its three "petals," the fleur-de-lis has also been used to represent the Holy Trinity |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
I agree Hagan that is what all people seem to forget is the true history.I think that slavery would have been abolished even if the South had won the war. This was not exclusive to blacks as many white or other races were placed into slavery many times in history. As stated above the truth is that blacks sold their own people into slavery. As one tribe conquered another they sold their captives to the British, Portuguese, Arabs, French and others for a bottle of gin. Yes slavery is not right but lets be truthful about its origin.
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
At the risk of weighing in on something I consider to be on the same level as power rankings,
This thread is gay. |
Re: Now The Symbol Of New Orleans Is Considered Racist
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