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Cruize 09-10-2015 08:25 AM

Re: Are You Kidding Me??? Saints Cameron Jordan investigated for nightclub incident.
Much to do about nothing.

xan 09-10-2015 09:02 AM

Re: Are You Kidding Me??? Saints Cameron Jordan investigated for nightclub incident.
Damages? Harm?

This isn't the 1700's when you dueled with pistols because you felt your "manhood" or "womanhood" insulted. Grow up, get a life, and stop hanging around nightclubs. Both sides. Otherwise, don't waste our tax dollars chasing down your dysfunction.

jeanpierre 09-10-2015 10:14 PM

Re: Are You Kidding Me??? Saints Cameron Jordan investigated for nightclub incident.

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 666755)
Do you know how long its been since I've been to a club, except to see my cousin sing? Why do NFL players go to clubs? Could they not get interested in fishing? Youre an NFL player. You could get a girl at the washateria.


spkb25 09-11-2015 04:26 AM

Re: Are You Kidding Me??? Saints Cameron Jordan investigated for nightclub incident.

Originally Posted by Budsdrinker (Post 666649)
It's not the team or coach, it's the country. the whole country is turning into a bunch of whiners always getting their feelings hurt about something. OOH he touch me, I need a million dollars now!! WTF throw a drink in his face and move on like it was in the old days. Everyone one is too soft today and easily offended. Man up and stop this Pussification of America

I don't think she should receive money, but it certainly appears Cam is likely wrong. He didn't beat them up or anything, but touching her ass like that makes me lose respect for him. The only way I'd feel different abut it is if she was hanging out with him all night and shaking her ass (intentionally) in his face and then he smacked it. Like she was hanging out with them and started being sexual toward them, etc. But if all she did was walk by and he smacker her ass...I have absolutely no respect for that type of behavior. It is beyond repulsive. And if he did do that, smacked her ass as she was walking by, yeah that is a form of assault.

spkb25 09-11-2015 04:28 AM

Re: Are You Kidding Me??? Saints Cameron Jordan investigated for nightclub incident.

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 666520)
I have one question...

In light of the bad press with Darren Sharper and the release of Junior Galette...

Is the bar now set so that Cam Jordan has to be moved off the Saints roster?!?

I don't think we can afford to eat any more dead money

homerj07 09-11-2015 09:01 AM

Re: Are You Kidding Me??? Saints Cameron Jordan investigated for nightclub incident.
Too many players have their heads shoved up their own asses. Cam is not an isolated case. It's becoming more and more comon.

AsylumGuido 09-11-2015 10:10 AM

Re: Are You Kidding Me??? Saints Cameron Jordan investigated for nightclub incident.

Originally Posted by homerj07 (Post 666941)
Too many players have their heads shoved up their own asses. Cam is not an isolated case. It's becoming more and more comon.

No, not more and more common, just more and more reported. I will lay money that the number of these type of incidents were MUCH higher 20-25 years ago.

jeanpierre 09-11-2015 04:13 PM

Re: Are You Kidding Me??? Saints Cameron Jordan investigated for nightclub incident.
Well, now it's going to reach critical mass...

Orleans Parish Sheriff Deputies ignored complainants request for assistance - turns out OPS Deputies are not supposed to be pulling security details in bars are establishments licensed to distribute liquor...

ChrisXVI 09-11-2015 05:06 PM

Re: Are You Kidding Me??? Saints Cameron Jordan investigated for nightclub incident.

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 666998)
Well, now it's going to reach critical mass...

Orleans Parish Sheriff Deputies ignored complainants request for assistance - turns out OPS Deputies are not supposed to be pulling security details in bars are establishments licensed to distribute liquor...

So I gather that means an athlete got special treatment from the cops?? Color me shocked!

AsylumGuido 09-11-2015 08:01 PM

Re: Are You Kidding Me??? Saints Cameron Jordan investigated for nightclub incident.

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 667003)
So I gather that means an athlete got special treatment from the cops?? Color me shocked!

No, it means cops were working in an environment that they are not allowed to work in while off duty. It has nothing to do with any athlete.

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