02-21-2005, 06:06 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 1
Darren Howard for Randy Moss
What are ya'lls thoughts on the saints trading Howard for Moss??? If you think about it, it would be the most explosive offense in recent years. Haslett approaches Benson and says, "This s my final chance, you get me this guy and I promise the playoffs." If we do not make it , I will resign. The Vikings get what they desparately need in a high profile defensive tackle and you also make the deal even more sweet by throwing in Stallworth. The Saints had the opportunity to draft Moss and, like many times before, drafted someone who is not even part of the team now. I am not in dreamland when i propose this transaction, I am someone who is taking the mindset of recent division,conference, and SuperBowl Champions. What are your takes?