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J.T. O'Sullivan..

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; i believe the reason the saints gave in trading jt was he would be a rfa this yr anyway, and they could\'nt afford him.... i wonder if gb had trouble signing him? smitty...

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Old 03-05-2005, 05:32 AM   #11
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J.T. O'Sullivan..

i believe the reason the saints gave in trading jt was he would be a rfa this yr anyway, and they could\'nt afford him.... i wonder if gb had trouble signing him? smitty
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Old 03-05-2005, 09:27 AM   #12
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J.T. O'Sullivan..

He looked awfully good in NFL Europe last year.

Then again, so did Rohan Davey...
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Old 03-05-2005, 09:42 AM   #13
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J.T. O'Sullivan..

well as long as he was 3rd on depth charts, I don\'t see he would have been that much of a problem to sign. The fact that he made some waves in NFLE and we were tring to bring in a CD... he became trade bait. Only time will tell if he becomes anything. I like the guy myslef. GB isn\'t letting him go per-say. He isn\'t done and we haven\'t heard the last of him.
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Old 03-05-2005, 11:34 AM   #14
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J.T. O'Sullivan..

He looked awfully good in NFL Europe last year.

Then again, so did Rohan Davey...
And so did Jake Delhomme.
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Old 03-05-2005, 11:40 AM   #15
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J.T. O'Sullivan..

Wow then why are you opposing bringing him back here for a 6th rounder? It\'s not like we are offering a gazillion dollars or anything. Basically we don\'t have anything to lose here... we got our CB and possibly getting our talented fan favorite backup QB back.

Rohan Davey is being pursed as possibly the Browns starting QB now that Holcomb has signed with the Bills. And with 3 rings, he isn\'t do so bad for himself.
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Old 03-05-2005, 11:54 AM   #16
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J.T. O'Sullivan..

There is a reason that we traded him, and there is a reason that GB isn\'t keeping him.
Yep, the reason we traded him .....M. McKenzie,
the reason GB is letting him go...if they do, is because he is a restricted free-agent and may be able to get a better contract from someone else who would only have to give up a sixth round pick.

I wonder what GB\'s reason for letting AB go was?
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Old 03-05-2005, 12:34 PM   #17
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J.T. O'Sullivan..

Well, that alone ought to convince all of you that we should definitely NOT sign JT back!

Also, what is the deal. JT never did a single thing in the preseason! It\'s like people decided he was our savior based on NOTHING. Why don\'t you all just start thinking our new savior is Klingsbury and get over JT?
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Old 03-05-2005, 12:55 PM   #18
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J.T. O'Sullivan..

Well, that alone ought to convince all of you that we should definitely NOT sign JT back!

Also, what is the deal. JT never did a single thing in the preseason! It\'s like people decided he was our savior based on NOTHING. Why don\'t you all just start thinking our new savior is Klingsbury and get over JT?
JK..I can\'t speak for everyone else, and I did not get to see any of last year\'s preseason games. However, the year before that during preseason I got to see him play a couple of times, and there was something that I saw that I liked. It\'s one of those things where it wasn\'t like he had these awesome physical skills, but it was more of just having the knack to make things happen. Also, he seemed to have the kind of fire that you like to see in a QB. It\'s really hard to describe, and I\'m not really sure if he would have been the answer or not. That is the problem and where the frustration sets in. Since AB has taken over as the starter, nobody else has had a chance to work with the first unit in a REAL situation. You would like to see what someone can do before he leaves the Saints. Not saying he would have been the answer...what I am saying is that we will never know. Just like we never got a chance to see what Jake could do, really, or Bulger. Nobody is saying he would have been the savior, they are just saying they would have liked to see if that possibility existed.

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Old 03-05-2005, 01:04 PM   #19
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J.T. O'Sullivan..

O\'Sulivan deserves to be a 3rd string QB on some team. The only way you play him is if it\'s an emergency. How many teams do you see standing in line to sign him up?

Some fans get enamored by some back-up QB because they see \"something\" in a preseason game or \"something\" over in NFL Europe. Yet, NFL coaches don\'t seem to be seeing that \"something\" that persuades them to give any of these backups a chance to start.

Not unless it\'s an emergency. Take Delhomme for example. He had been in the NFL for years. Even after Carolina signed him, they still started Peete over Delhomme. Rodney Peete ain\'t exactly the hardest guy to beat out.

You never know how a QB is gonna do unitl he gets thrown into the fire. No matter what that \"something\" you might see in a QB is ... it really don\'t mean too much.
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Old 03-05-2005, 01:20 PM   #20
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J.T. O'Sullivan..

Lol JKool, who\'s proclaiming him as any type of savior? You are putting words in our mouths making something up to prove a point that isn\'t there.

Bulger got away. Delhomme got away. Sullivan can be had back for a 6th rounder... whOOPITY DOOo. Some of you people act like we are giving up our either draft or sign him to a gazillion dollars. Lighten up. Obviously we saw something in him when we drafted him and Green Bay saw something in him when they traded for him.

\"Teams looking for a solid young backup could do worse than to consider restricted free agent J.T. O\'Sullivan of Green Bay. The three-year veteran, who spent the first two years of his career with New Orleans, is an intriguing guy and carries only a sixth-round price tag as compensation if someone signed him away from the Packers. The youngster is bright, has a good enough arm and really has a command of the West Coast-style offense.\" <~~ Obviously some experts believe something is there also.

Sigh Gumbo we let you have your 31 year old former probowler Mayberry, gimme my 3rd string QB. GEEZ!

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