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Bellamy's contract...

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; I think Bellamy will be fine, in \'04. Since we are in \'05, I guess you are agreeing he is done as of \'04. Cool. :P...

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Old 03-09-2005, 06:14 PM   #21
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Bellamy's contract...

I think Bellamy will be fine, in \'04.
Since we are in \'05, I guess you are agreeing he is done as of \'04. Cool. :P
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Old 03-09-2005, 06:15 PM   #22
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Bellamy's contract...

Seems like a non issue to me. What did Pathon make this year? Three times that. 800K is a drop in the bucket and Bellemy is a Haslett guy (for better or worse).

I\'m not saying I\'m in love with Bellamy, I think anyone could pile up tackles at the safety spot on our team. He has made a few plays and been durable, but he has been a constant on a bad secondary. I think they know what they get with him and they like that. he is certainly not getting any quicker.

I agree that it was interesting that Bellamy was considered a priority signing. He\'s an average safety who is getting old who just knows the system (if you want to call it that). I would imagine it would be easy to maintain status quo or improve in that slot.

The thing I don\'t get is the suggestion that we could have used that money to sign Hartwell. He is asking for a 10 million $$ signing bonus. Did we have 9.2 mil and the 800 broke us? I seriously doubt it
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Old 03-09-2005, 06:18 PM   #23
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Bellamy's contract...

The point was the money could be used to sweeten a deal to Hartwell yasoon. I guess that was missed somehow. NOONE said we were on the verge of getting Hartwell, but $800,000 dollars more toward whatever we WOULD offer him sure couldn\'t hurt.
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