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LKelley67 03-21-2005 09:00 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
hey, several have been noting the lack of AB ire of late. you don't have go through a thread or two with the veterans here to see where they stand. so rather than go thru the same routine with the same faces let's do it different. it seems there are quite a few faces so let's watch them and hear what they have to say. so for this thread i request only new guys, let's say members with LESS THAN 200 POSTS.

okay, let it hang out. is aaron the talented star needing more support that is the saints ticket to the super bowl? or is he a hinderance from the franchise making substantial progress to the next step?

what sayeth ye seers with less than 200 posts?

jnormand 03-21-2005 09:29 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
I used to be on the Brooks bandwagon. I got kind of tired of hearing how he was showing that he might have the leadership the Saints were waiting for and that he just needs to mature and all that. Half the time he puts up decent numbers, the other half of the time, he sucks. He dosen\'t read defenses well. I hate the backward passes and still try to figure out how he actually does that on accident. I don\'t think he is a bad QB....just not the one the Saints can trust to QB them to the SuperBowl. The problem with Brooks is that for all the positives he brings to the game, he screws up so bad or loses the confidence in the team or fans so much, no body really cares about how well he did. Everyone believes that next week will be totally different. He believes he is far better than he really is, and probably believes that HE is the most under rated QB in the NFL. Do I believe Jake Delhomme is Is he smarter...yes.

I don\'t hate Brooks. I think he is a decent QB sometimes. I\'m just tired of all the baggage.

So where do I stand as far as Brooks:

I really don\'t care if the guy is cut or if he stays. I just would like to draft or aquire a young QB to fill in for Mr. Smiles when they decide to trade, cut or demote him.

bignic26 03-21-2005 09:42 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
I\'ve had a few crown and cokes so please forgive me if I make mistakes. To me Aaron Brooks is the ugliest QB in the game. The only QB that\'s even close is Kitna, but he don\'t even start. He\'s got this weird little elfish face and bug eyes that send shivers down my spine. The guy gives me the creeps.

Aside from his godawful looks, the guy is a second rate bum posing as a starter in the NFL. He has no talent, heart, charm, devotion, *****, dedication, etc I could go on all night. :beer2:

The bottom line is this: Brooks = a big pile of ****. He can\'t throw, or run, or make good audibles, or lead, or keep his filthy mouth shut in the papers. He\'s got no class. He\'s a two bit bum who\'s time is about to run out in NO. Just wait till his booty buddy Haslett\'s gone, he\'ll be tap dancing for tips on Bourbon street. Him and his lil sidekick Horn :beer2:

I now intend to prove once and for all that Aaron Brooks defies logic...
Let\'s look at some facts here. I looked at a few QBs who I consider to be in the same class as Brooks. Guys who are either equal to his talent or a little above his talent. I ran some tests using compiled stats and the results were amazing. The other QBs who were as good or slightly better than Brooks aren\'t even in the league anymore. That tells me something right there. The QBs who were the same in talent level (Akili Smith and R.Leaf) seemed to have vanished long ago. The QBs who were slightly better are also gone (Doug Flutie, Tim Couch) If all of these similar players are gone, then why is our big pile of **** still making stupid passes? Just doesn\'t make sense. My tests defied logic, which in turn means that Aaron Brooks defies logic. After all of these years I finally did it, this is my biggest discovery since I proved that Joe was banging Willie\'s wife!!! :hump:


I\'ve had a few crown and cokes
Really ?????

[Edited on 22/3/2005 by saintz08]

saintz08 03-21-2005 09:53 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

turbo_dog 03-21-2005 10:54 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
Is there a way to keep this thread invisible from Gumbo? I\'m worried about his head exploding.


bayouking318 03-22-2005 12:44 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
I for one believe AB is a ok starter compared to what is out there. My only gripe with AB is if the rumors are true bout him wanting a contract like McNabb, Vick, & Manning he is crazy! I don\'t know if it is true cuz I haven\'t seen any proof behind the rumors.

duece4pres 03-22-2005 01:28 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
The first time that I called in to the Buddy D show happened to be his last show. I spoke with him about Brooks and referred to him as garbage. Buddy D ripped into me, and I deserved every bit of it. I said many times at the end of last season that I hated Brooks and that he was terrible. Hey, I\'m a die hard Saints fan. Black and Gold runs through my veigns, so I have a right to vent every once in a while.

I believe, IF THE SAINTS HAVE A RUNNING GAME THIS SEASON, Brooks will be lethal with a balanced attack and an improved line. The defense will be a lot better this year. Take pressure off Brooks and he will bring his A game.

I hope I don\'t eat my words at the end of next season!!

GoldenTomb 03-22-2005 08:27 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

The first time that I called in to the Buddy D show happened to be his last show. I spoke with him about Brooks and referred to him as garbage. Buddy D ripped into me, and I deserved every bit of it. I said many times at the end of last season that I hated Brooks and that he was terrible. Hey, I\'m a die hard Saints fan. Black and Gold runs through my veigns, so I have a right to vent every once in a while.

I believe, IF THE SAINTS HAVE A RUNNING GAME THIS SEASON, Brooks will be lethal with a balanced attack and an improved line. The defense will be a lot better this year. Take pressure off Brooks and he will bring his A game.

I hope I don\'t eat my words at the end of next season!!
Buddy D ripped into you for that??? I\'ve heard him say as much, in his own words. I used to be as big an AB fan as any....I still have a gold AB jersey that I wear in the presence of other teams\' fans. I only vent my real opinions to other Saints fans...which is....he is a bum. I don\'t agree with bignic totally, because I think he is one of the most talented QBs in the league. However, he is an example of how far you can get on talent alone, without heart, intelligence, and leadership. He will continue to show glimpses of the superstar that he will never be. Those moments will be enough to keep hope alive for some, but it\'s been 4 years of the same crap and I refuse to believe in him anymore. Maybe he will be good someday, but not for the Saints.

bignic26 03-22-2005 08:36 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
Sorry about that last post, I got a little carried away. I was a little tipsy last night and I lost it. I\'m not the biggest Brooks fan, but he\'s all we got. So we might as well stand behind the bum. :casstet:

WhoDat 03-22-2005 09:11 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
You guys want Billy in the thread? OK. I\'ll reply... here he comes.

AB is not a terrible NFL QB. He has tremendous raw talent and when he\'s on he can be impressive. Otherwise, he is lacking in a great number of areas that you want and have come to expect from a starting NFL QB.

- Can\'t throw a touch pass (which affects the deep ball - can\'t throw a 50 yard laser shot very well - though he does try)

- He can\'t seem to read a defense very well. Billy is gonna tell you that the coaches didn\'t let him. Maybe they didn\'t let him b/c for 4 years he demonstrated that he cannot - and to allow him to do so creates a liability.

- He creates his own pressure. He consistent rolls into the rush, and when he sees pressure coming, rather than slide and keep his eyes down field, he does that retarded spin move or backpeddle, which only makes things worse.

- He is not anywhere near the rushing threat that was initally anticipated. He looks like Gumby out there with his long-a$$ legs flopping around when he runs.

- Maybe his biggest flaw - he can\'t hit a WR in stride to save his life. He is constantly throwing behind WRs, at their feet or way over their heads. Maybe that\'s why our WRs are always hurt - b/c they\'re being led into monster hits (just ask Donte Stallworth or Jerome Pathon about that). He also seems to be more inaccurate at the beginning of games (think that may be why the Saints always started slow out of the blocks?)

- AB is most lacking in this area. He is in no way a leader. He doesn\'t have much fight in him (a la Favre or Young... or Delhomme :) ). He isn\'t very smart, which is why he keeps making the same stupid mistakes over and over again. That also explains why he hasn\'t progressed as expected. Generally, you want a QB to be a \"student of the game\" who is also a \"fiery leader\" and \"fierce competitor.\" AB is none of those things.

Compound all that with the fact that AB\'s contract gave him a TOP 5 salary at the time of his signing, and that his pressence has caused the Saints to discard at least Delhomme, Bulger, and O\'Sullivan, and it\'s hard to call AB beneficial to this team. Right now, I can say I hope he stays healthy b/c we\'re screwed without him. But then, you have to ask, if the Saints had had Blake, Delhomme, and Bulger without Brooks - would this ever really have been a problem? Would every good QB the Saints have who might appear to maybe threaten AB\'s role as starter have had to be shipped off? I doubt it.

Billy in... 3... 2...

GumboBC 03-22-2005 09:19 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
LMAO!! Some of you guys must be really bored.

This is a really silly thread. It takes more than stupidity to get me going.

One of the reasons I argue with WhoDat so much is because he thinks his posts through and it\'s a challenge for me when I debate him. And yes, WhoDat pisses me off at times, but that\'s been going on for years. Generally, I enjoy debating with WhoDat no matter what he says.

Now, as for some of you guys ... you\'ve got a long way to go before you can get under my skin like WhoDat.

And this thread doesn\'t come close to getting me riled up.

Try again. ;)

[Edited on 22/3/2005 by GumboBC]

WhoDat 03-22-2005 09:21 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

You guys ever want Billy to reply to a Brooks thread, just let me know. :)

WhoDat 03-22-2005 09:22 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

Now, as for some of you guys ... you\'ve got a long way to go before you can get under my skin like WhoDat.
And that just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :)

sailorsaint 03-22-2005 09:36 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
I\'ve always defended AB in the past, but I think this year is his make or break year. He\'s a decent QB, just not real good at making snap decisions under pressure (the backwards pass is a really good example!). With a \"simplified\" offense and an improved line, more emphasis on the running game this year, and a (hopefully) improved receiving corp, he will do enough to help us into the playoffs and maybe to the NFC championship. Of course a lot depends on our defense stepping up, but that\'s not the point of this thread.
Compared to the other \"elite\" QBs in the league he falls short, I admit. He doesn\'t seem to have the drive or heart of Favre, the accuracy of Culpepper, the brains of Manning, or the legs of Vick. But as someone mentioned earlier, he is ours, and we have to have faith because that\'s all that we can do. I do believe that we need to address the QB issue in the draft this year, you know, for the future!
Bottomline......I hope he plays well enough this year to improve his trade quality for next year!

BreesFN9 03-22-2005 09:51 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
OK, My two cents worth!

There have been a lot of smart analysis done on this one thread. The breakdown of Brooks talent on certain situations by Whodat was fair. I think we can all agree that it could be debated to death, as it already has been by the sounds of it.To break this down even simpler is to get to the heart of what fans excpect out of their QB....HEART I think sums it up! Leadership is thrown around so much as lacking on this team, most of the time comming back to AB. Personally I think he has all the talent people saw in him early, but also agree he hasn\'t used it. It comes down to progress. A QB with that much offensive talent around him SHOULD be producing better. He does make a lot of the same mistakes over and over but I don\'t even know if that\'s what kills me. It\'s watching him SMILE :D after an interception or a Vick comeback that just eats away at me. This is why I beleive their is such a division in people regarding him. I like at the end of last year where he backed up his talk, No smiles, all business! If he can put together a season with that attitude, the results will come! Bottom line , I would like to see him develop into the QB he could be , here in NO, But If he doesn\'t produce a playoff birth this year...It ain\'t going to happen!

bignic26 03-22-2005 09:55 AM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
sailorsaint, the eternal optimist. This is his make or break year? How many make or break years does one player get before a team decides whether or not he is the future of the franchise. IMO we all know what AB is capable of. I hope you\'re right that under the supposedly \"new\" circumstances he will finally flourish. But something is telling me that we\'ve seen the best of AB, and from this point on it\'s all down hill.

natedogg02 03-22-2005 02:25 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
Man whats wrong with you guys, Brooks is a killer QB. Anyone checked his TD to INT ratio? (not so good last year but thats what happens when your down by 20 or 30 pts. right off the get go and your getting defenders running toward you wideopen unblocked) or how many games he has missed since becomming a starter? Just imagine what he could do if his WO could hang on to the ball or if every home game did\'nt feel like a road game. (Booing your QB before a game even starts, man whats up with that?)

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 02:54 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
Dude, did you just copy and paste this from the other thread? Seriously?

sailorsaint 03-22-2005 03:03 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

Man whats wrong with you guys, Brooks is a killer QB. Anyone checked his TD to INT ratio? (not so good last year but thats what happens when your down by 20 or 30 pts. right off the get go and your getting defenders running toward you wideopen unblocked) or how many games he has missed since becomming a starter? Just imagine what he could do if his WO could hang on to the ball or if every home game did\'nt feel like a road game. (Booing your QB before a game even starts, man whats up with that?)
Just in case no one saw this the first half dozen times! :casstet:

Is AB spreading some propaganda?

natedogg02 03-22-2005 03:06 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
yes i thought it fell under both threads. How can u not see that as the truth?

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 03:15 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

How can u not see that as the truth?
Cause I am not Stevie Wonder. You can\'t really believe this. How much are you getting paid to make this statement? ;)

blackwidows 03-22-2005 03:33 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
Well like it or not Brooks is the only qb to throw for 3,000 yards 4 consecutive seasons to don a Saints uniform. The only qb to run for 100 yards and pass for 400 yards in the next consecutive week. Another thing Brooks will pass Archie Manning this year for the most td passes alltime in a Saints uniform. He is basically the best qb the Saints ever had bar none other than his poor instints. Not to mention the only qb to lead the Saints to a playoff victory.

CONS: Tends to roll back 15 yards than tries to out juke everyone. Forces throws that are not there instead of throwing it away. When the running lane is obvious does not have the instincts to find it when all receivers are covered.

The smiling thing really does not bother me it shoes a high confidence level. I think this is way of telling everyone he thinks he can comeback against any opponents lead which he often does. I would rather him do that than get frustrated and get down on himself.

At the same time he does have poor instincts at times. Thats something you cannot teach is instintcts. What I mean bye instincts is decision making.

Give me brooks over these qbs any day
Billy joe tolliver

billy joe hobert
bobby herbert
steve wilson
heath shuler
jeff Blake
danny wuerful
delhomme ? since he did not get to start a full season

so this shores up Brooks is the best we ever had. Now i\'m not saying he does not have bad attributes which I listed above. I rest my case on this and I will not respond to another Brooks rant again. The horse has been beaten, ate and turned into waste than ate again.

[Edited on 22/3/2005 by blackwidows]

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 03:37 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

The smiling thing really does not bother me it shoes a high confidence level. I think this is way of telling everyone he thinks he can comeback against any opponents lead which he often does
First part, Dr. Phil quote of the day, except the shoeing a high confidence level. Second part, probably the most wrong statement ever made about AB. I think we need to define \"often\' in that one.

baronm 03-22-2005 03:38 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
just cuz he has the best saints stats doesn\'t mean anything...we haven\'t ever really had a primo quarterback...and we\'ve never had a really deep playoff run...see the correlation.

blackwidows 03-22-2005 03:44 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
Well just to adsd another stat and i\'m done with this. AB has the most come from behind to win ratio ever out of all the qbs ever to dawn a Saints uniform. I do think this has alot to do with a good running game the past 6 years though.

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 03:49 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

just cuz he has the best saints stats doesn\'t mean anything...we haven\'t ever really had a primo quarterback...and we\'ve never had a really deep playoff run...see the correlation.
To steal from baron.

GumboBC 03-22-2005 03:53 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
The problem many fans have is they have been \"conditioned\" to believe that the QB is most responsible for winning and losing.

They hear terms like \"Field General\" and they think the battles on the field are won and lost by the QB. But, that\'s really not the case.

And it\'s really ashamed that folks can wach football all their lives and not understand this.

I\'ve never seen the NFL keep an offical stat for wins/losses for a QB.

I\'ve never seen a succesful team that only had a great QB.

The best I can tell is that football is the ultimate team game and some folks have their head in the sand. And it really shows!

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 04:01 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
I.E. why anyone would blame Brooks for our problems when we could blame the TEAM is beyond me(football is a team game). If you are blaming Brooks, you are blind or don\'t know the NFL(head in the sand). I do cause I have watched it, unlike you guys(I\'ve never seen a successful team that only had a great QB). And what I have found by watching it is if I want, I can take any negative statement about Brooks and find a way to blame someone else for that(the best I can tell is football is the ultimate team game). :P

GumboBC 03-22-2005 04:15 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

You\'re a big boy here on B&G and I\'m going to give you the cold hard facts.

Brooks has never kept this team from accomplishing anything. And to focus on Brooks when we have about the worst defense in the NFL over the past 4 years is very misguided.

Now, you want to say I\'m defllecting blame from Aaron by talking about the defense. Well, since we know this is a team game and the defense is half the team, it would be foolish not to talk about the defense.

But, the problems don\'t end with the defense. Let\'s put some blame on the offensive line too. Surly you agree with me there. If not, then I\'d have to think you really haven\'t watched too many Saints\' games.

And let\'s not be greedy with the blame. How \'bout this great coaching staff? You know, the one you guys bash on a consistent basis. It seems that this coaching staff has held back every player on the Saints but Aaron Brooks. At least , accoding to popular logic here at B&G.

But, I\'m not blind. I see Brooks struggling. Now, I could be foolish and pin that all on Brooks too. I could refuse to see the other problems on offesne that would affect any QB.

Still -- Brooks has his short-comings. But those problems haven\'t kept the Saints from anything because the other problems have just been too great.

It\'s really ashamed that some fans have been \"conditioned\" to believe that QBs are most responsilble for winning and losing.

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 04:20 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
Wow, I almost got drug in. Almost. I could shoot more holes in that than swiss cheese, but no need. You\'ve made your point Gumbo, i\'ll bow out with the knowledge that I disagree. Maybe I will just look up one of those old posts with an AB debate so we can play this out again. Using the same arguments thathave been shot down a month or so ago doesn\'t make them any more valid though. I have a very good memory, especially since I am theone that disputed most of what you are claiming as \"problems that aren\'t AB\'s fault.\" Cheers. :cheers:

GumboBC 03-22-2005 04:24 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
saintwhodi --

Hey man.. you\'ve done a great job of keeping your word about the AB debates. And generally you impress me with most of your posts. You\'re a very good member.

But you\'re going to get dragged back in to the AB debate sooner or later. LMAO :P

No better time than now. AB has been keeping the offseasons going here at B&G for 3 years... :D

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 04:26 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
The dark side is strong in you Gumbo. :lightsabrefight:

RockyMountainSaint 03-22-2005 05:11 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
How bout this?
AB is an exceptional athlete, just not an exceptional Football Player.
No one here has a problem applying that tag to others on this team, Tebucky, Linebackers etc.
It is how his perfomance strikes me.
Most here would agree that he is \"Special\" or \"Exceptional\" ;) l

baronm 03-22-2005 05:20 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

saintwhodi --

Hey man.. you\'ve done a great job of keeping your word about the AB debates. And generally you impress me with most of your posts. You\'re a very good member.

But you\'re going to get dragged back in to the AB debate sooner or later. LMAO :P

No better time than now. AB has been keeping the offseasons going here at B&G for 3 years... :D
and yet you still don\'t get what everyone else sees...we need an upgrade in quarterback or atleast to hold our current one accountable.

saintz08 03-22-2005 05:28 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

The dark side is strong in you Gumbo.
Looks like we will be selling Demons on Ice tickets here real soon ....


Saint_LB 03-22-2005 05:56 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
So far I\'ve counted two moderators and two pro-bowlers in this \"newbie\" thread. :D

BlackandBlue 03-22-2005 06:01 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION

So far I\'ve counted two moderators and two pro-bowlers in this \"newbie\" thread.


Now, as for some of you guys ... you\'ve got a long way to go before you can get under my skin like WhoDat.

JOESAM2002 03-22-2005 06:09 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
:fanclub: Why not? Everybody else is. :cheering:

saintfan 03-22-2005 06:15 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
No point in this discussion really. But, as a moderator, I didn\'t wanna feel left out.

Brooks, good or bad, does pretty good with one quality WR, a questionable O-Line and a piss poor running game no? LOL

Nothin\' like a good \'ol Brooks debate.

Saint_LB 03-22-2005 06:33 PM

Brooks Sucks! Brooks All The Way- NEWBIE VERSION
And the mods come with a late, heavy surge to gain a now commanding 5-2 lead over the pro-bowlers. Let\'s see if the pro-bowlers have anything left in the tank, Al.

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