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2005: The Hopeful Realist
WhoDat hates all the draft talk (and I\'m not into that much,either) and this is a discussion that we\'ve had for the past few years. We\'re just trying to get our teams picked (moonshiners vs. sunshiners) before the season starts. We love to say: \"I told ya so.\" ;) LMAO!! |
2005: The Hopeful Realist
There\'s nothing wrong with thinking this team is going to be 8-8. There\'s nothing in the world wrong with feeling that way. But there are a few select folks who love to try and convince fans that this team sucks and there is no reason to expect anything other than 8-8. Note: If someone is getting offended right about now, then I am probably talking about you. It\'s not hard to recognize the \"doom and gloom\" preachers. It\'s really not. Those guys can think of 1000 different reasons why we will suck .. but they can\'t think of ONE reason why we might not. That\'s all folks!! ;) |
2005: The Hopeful Realist
Another Billy great folks.
You said that \"WE\" love to say told you so... I don\'t remember you having been able to do that yet... But 2005 is a new year. Funny, you\'re predicting the same as me right now so no matter what you won\'t be able to say I told you so this year either. Maybe some day. Quote:
2005: The Hopeful Realist
WhoDat --
Listen up real close and you might understand. While I wouldn\'t bet any real money that the Saints will finish better than 8-8 ... I don\'t post that over and over and over and over and over and over ... and over and over and over and over and over and over. Just a sec.... and over and over and over .. on a Saints\' message baord. Some of the pessimisits are so full of crap. You guys can think of one-thousand reasons why the Saints will suck but can\'t think of ONE reason why they might not. And what\'s a damn shame is you guys try to beat everyone down with the same ol\' tired stuff. Why are some of you guys so intent to beat folks over the head with this 8-8 stuff? Did you know ... I predicted 8-8 for the Saints last season? But, it would have not suprised me if the Saints had won 10 or even 11-games. And that\'s the same way I feel this year. I think the Saints could finish anywhere from 6-10 to 11-5. That\'s not unrealistic. But the smart money says bet 8-8. Saying this team is going to be 8-8 takes absolutely NO courage, WhoDat. Get some b*alls and really make a prediction. |
2005: The Hopeful Realist
You know Gator said the same think to me two years ago in preseason but used the corresponding female anatomy. How\'d the Saints finish? Never have I said that the Saints CAN\'T get better. Saying 8-8 over and over and being correct is apparently a problem for you. I can understand that, you haven\'t been right in 4 years. How exactly is predicting 13-3 better again? And one more time - what have the Saints done this offseason to adequately address the biggest areas of need this offseason?? Next to nothing. You said so yourself. That the middle is weak. Shall I find a quote? |
2005: The Hopeful Realist
WhoDat --
I don\'t know how to be more clear. But, no one is running around here saying the Saints are going to make the playoffs. No one is saying the Saints have addressed all of their needs. Yet, there are a few select folks who want to beat folks over the head anytime they make an optimistic post regarding the Saints and the playoffs. Some of you guys act as if it\'s UNrealistic that we could make the playoffs. I don\'t know what y\'alls deal is. Maybe you guys are just bitter. Maybe it makes some of you mad as hell for someone to suggest the Saints might be a contender!! You guys love to point to the past as the end-all for what\'s going to happen this year. And that ruins a lot of good discussions here. Instead of debating what is relevant to the thread, we have to stop and address the whole tenure under Jim Haslett. Or sometimes ... we have to debate the whole 38-year history of the New Orleans Saints. What gets me is how hung-up on the past some of you are. No one wants to beat over the head with the doom and gloom posts. And no one wants to have sunshine pumped up their butt. For the most part I think the over-all balance is much better on this board. I like for folks to call me out if I\'m being too optimistic. But I do not like when folks continuiously bring up the same ol\' tired arguements for the sole purpose of convincing folks that this team sucks. |
2005: The Hopeful Realist
So you would say that the pessimism you say some are bringing to the board by constantly bringing up the past is quite similar to the arguments that are used to defend AB by bringing up everyone but AB? Like the line and the receivers and yatta yatta yatta. So in one argument, it is okay to look beyond just the subject of the argument, but in another it\'s totally pessimistic and ruins arguments? Yikes.
So just so we are clear, if someone wants to discuss AB\'s faults, you are allowed to bring up the line and the defense and the running game and the receivers but if someone wants to discuss this team and their outlook next year, they have to be myopic and not look at recent history? Yeah, seems fair. Double standard much? |
2005: The Hopeful Realist
saintwhodi --
First of all ... it\'s not the Brooks\' supporters who run around here starting 100,000 threads tellin\' everyone how great Brooks is. It\'s the Brooks\' bashers that go around making all kinds of outragous remarks. And get this, whodi ... You can\'t discuss the play of the QB without discussing other players!!! I know that must come as quite a shock to you. I know you think the QB makes plays and mistakes by himself. I know you have blinders on and can see only the QB. When it fits your arguement anyway. Of course, you would never blame Peyton for any of those playoff losses. It\'s never Peyton\'s fault and it\'s always Brooks\' fault. Short-sighted much? |
2005: The Hopeful Realist
So basically you agree that when looking at a situation it is okay to look at it from more than one angle, which in this case would be looking at recent history we seem to be repeating when discussing the upcoming season? Thanks for agreeing. So you should have no more problem with anyone predicting 8-8. Have a good one. :o
2005: The Hopeful Realist
Man, the draft can\'t get here quick enough. Nerves are getting as raw as sushi around here. ;)
Just a question. Ain\'t it a little early for ANY of us - optimists, pessimists, realists, methodists ... whoever - to be making predictions right now? Heck, it\'s April for chrissake! I\'ve somehow gotten less \"pessimistic\" lately ... probably a little less \"realistic\" too, but I\'ve got big hopes for draft day (and next season for that matter). Sure, history doesn\'t provide evidence that we\'ll have a good draft (or a good season), but like my old man used to say, \"the sun shines on every dog\'s @ss every once in a while.\" Still waitin\' on that sunshine... - Mutey, putting my bong away now [Edited on 21/4/2005 by mutineer10] |
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