Originally Posted by burningmetal
Nothing virtuous about my posts. I didn't mention anyone in here who isn't boycotting, and didn't bash anybody. You, on the other hand, seem to believe that being a fan above all other principles is virtuous, and you also believe that other fans can't be frustrated after a painful loss. We're all entitled to opinions. Disagree if you will. But the whole "you should never come back" that you said to someone in another thread, and now your comment to me, is where I take exception.
My opinion on the Saints is honest. I don't watch games, but I am aware of what is going on. I see sportscenter, I've seen highlights, I know the Saints players tendencies after years of watching many of them (did you think I forgot everything that quickly?). I also remember watching the Saints play the Vikings before my boycott began. I gave some thoughts on this matchup earlier in the week, and it looks like I wasn't exactly off base. Does that mean the Saints suck? No, that was your word that you tried to put in my mouth.
If you want to trash my take on what I've said, maybe you could tell me where I was proven wrong, and then we can have an adult conversation.
No I get it now. Your Saints boycott was so important you couldn’t resist reminding everyone on a SAINTS FORUM that you were still boycotting. But you won’t boycott from sharing your views on how poorly they play. Boy are we suckers for watching the Saints. Man I’m so glad you’re around to remind us all just how much better you are.