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VooDoo 05-17-2005 11:20 AM

Why so negative?
Hi, guys. I'm new to the board. BTW, Nice site. But why so negative in here?

Where's the postive news that I see posted elsewhere? Y'all just don't like reading that stuff I suppose.

I read where Sullivan lost an additional 10 or 15 pounds. Good news??

I've heard nothing but good things so far. Sounds encouraging to me.

Nobody's feeling good?

Halo 05-17-2005 11:24 AM

RE: Why so negative?
Sometimes our guys get down on things. A lot of us have seen the Shawn Knights come through here and never make it. That's the way the NFL goes, but you're right I heard he did lose some weight and some of the other players on the team are mentoring him.

I'll tell you this much, we need him to produce this year and if he does, it will have a big impact on our D-line. But believe me, if you listen to talk radio, everyone is down on him, it's not just the forum at

WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VooDoo 05-17-2005 11:28 AM

I wasn't referring to everyone being down on Sullivan. That's understandable. But it seems like the majority of people here are just down on the Saints in general. What's up with that? Like there looking for the negatives and don't care to discuss the positives.

Just a causal observation I made before posting. But we shall see.

JKool 05-17-2005 11:32 AM

RE: Why so negative?
Heya VooDoo.

There are some here who like to vent their frustrations. This usually appears negative.

Post the positive, take on the "negative" arguments, see what our boys have to offer in return. Some have made a living of it here.

I hope you enjoy the board. Welcome.

As far as Sully goes, I think that this is the inference:
1. Every year there are some reports that Sully is ready to be a productive member of the team.
2. Every year he fails to be a productive member of the team (or at least productive enough to make any real impact).
3. There is little reason to think that this year will be different.
C. Sully will not be a productive member of the team.

What is wrong with that argument? (He said, fully knowing what he thought was wrong with it.)

JKool 05-17-2005 11:33 AM

RE: Why so negative?
PS - I feel good about the team (except our LBs and DTs), we're looking pretty darned good this year!

VooDoo 05-17-2005 11:39 AM


Thanks for the welcome. But why are you making an arguement against Sullivan? I never said I expected anything from Sullivan.

All I said was that it was reported Sullivan dropped 10 or 15 pounds. Good news? I would think so. It's about the best news I could hope for this time of year as Sullivan can hardly prove himself this time of year.

Overall I would have to say I've read a lot of overly negative posts here. It just seems that there has to more more postive than is being talked about on here.

ScottyRo 05-17-2005 11:39 AM

RE: Why so negative?
Welcome, VooDoo! Glad to have you on board.

Maybe I'm just so used to the negativity that I don't see it. I think it's mostly just some of us are wary to the party line after so many years of hearing the same thing. There's nothing like a few wins to perk up the positives though. That's all we can ask.

As far as Sullivan, I really hope he does something this year. It'd be nice not to have wasterd a couple of 1st round picks on him. If he is truly keeping his weight down, then I am encourages, but I'm going to take a wait and see attitude towards him for now.

JKool 05-17-2005 11:52 AM

RE: Why so negative?

I just wanted to know what you thought of it, since I know many of the other members views.

I think you'll find that is actually only a handful of people (who post very frequently) that seem to be a bit on the "negative" side. There are lots of positive guys. Also, that info on Sully was posted here several weeks ago by an infamous poster sometiems called "Gumbo", so I guess people are just over that good news already.

Either way, you should meet Danno. He's our new White Wizard of optimism. You'll like him.

JKool 05-17-2005 11:55 AM

RE: Why so negative?
EDIT: Accidental double post. Apologies.

VooDoo 05-17-2005 12:06 PM


I see. But the news on Sullivan losing 15 pounds was just reported yesterday. This is in addition to the previously reported weight loss.

I've been reading this site for about 2 months now. I know who the negative posters are and who the positive posters are. I see the negative posters ganging up on the positve guys much of the time. I was just wondering why it is so negative here. Seems counter-productive if you ask me. This is a Saints' fan fourm, is it not? I was kinda hesitant to post in this forum because of the reactions by the negative guys.

Oh, and I read the infamous Gumbo's posts too. Pretty funny.

tiggerpolice 05-17-2005 12:14 PM

RE: Why so negative?
whats up VooDoo....i'm new to this site also but its not always negative in here.....its just that the negatives always sticks out more than the positives....and that applies to anything.....

saintswhodi 05-17-2005 12:19 PM

I wonder why it is when you refuse to toe the company line it is "negative?" What's that all about? Is everyone supposed to predict 13-3 and a division title? We have been Saints fans for a long time, forgive us if it's hard to predict things we have never done, like make it to a Superbowl, or NFC champ game. Win more than A playoff game. And in recent history, do anything above being mediocre. Everyone here is hopeful no matter how they post, but blowing smoke isn't gonna make this a better forum. It is a forum and in here more than anywhere else, EVERYONE's opinion is welcome. If you see no wrong, post it. If you don't like the way the team is shaping up again, post it. Noone can begrudge you that cause that is what we are all here for. Let's not call people "negative" just cause they don't agree with your outlook. We have one "when is the sun gonna shine" guy already.

All I can say on Sullivan is I HOPE he turns into something besides waste this year, but his history has shown it isn't in him. If he has lost weight, that is great, I hope as well he has gained a desire to earn his paycheck and contribute to this team. We could use the help.

VooDoo 05-17-2005 12:29 PM


I wondered when you'd come running in. Why put words in my mouth?

I asked for no predictions from you. Why ramble on about predictions? You can read, right?

Save all that "blowing smoke" talk for someone else. I'm not interested.

I made an observation on all the negativity on this board. Nothing you can say can change that.

JKool 05-17-2005 12:39 PM

I see the trap was set, and it paid off as you'd anticipated VooDoo. Clever.

Whodi, I agree that people not "towing the line" should not get called negative. I also agree that I am more interested in realistic assessments than negative or positive ones, but aren't we all? Eitherway, I am sure that neither you nor I are interested in a discussion of negativity and positivity (I just wanted to say that).

It really is good just to have everyone back! And great to see some new faces too!

I also agree with this:

Everyone here is hopeful no matter how they post, but blowing smoke isn't gonna make this a better forum. It is a forum and in here more than anywhere else, EVERYONE's opinion is welcome. If you see no wrong, post it. If you don't like the way the team is shaping up again, post it. Noone can begrudge you that cause that is what we are all here for.
Well put.

VooDoo 05-17-2005 12:47 PM


Setting a trap? Hardly. I asked a very simple question and now I'm being accused of setting a trap. And you're a moderator? Next time send me a personal message instead of calling me out on the board.

In fact, I really don't have a whole lot left to say if this is the type of stuff I've got to anwser to.

saintswhodi 05-17-2005 12:51 PM

Thanks Kool. I see the new guy wants to make a name for himself. Good go bud, voodoo is it, but I ain't gonna argue with you. See what you wish. But it is no more negative here than what you can read any day of the week in the papers and online about the Saints. More people on this forum are hopeful than anywhere else I have seen, and that comes with being a Saints fan. Running in and calling people negative then jumping on them is not the way to be endeared to a board. If you have a "positive" view, we all welcome it. Everyone who posts makes this a better forum, whether you agree with what they say or not.

VooDoo 05-17-2005 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Thanks Kool. I see the new guy wants to make a name for himself. Good go bud, voodoo is it, but I ain't gonna argue with you. See what you wish. But it is no more negative here than what you can read any day of the week in the papers and online about the Saints. More people on this forum are hopeful than anywhere else I have seen, and that comes with being a Saints fan. Running in and calling people negative then jumping on them is not the way to be endeared to a board. If you have a "positive" view, we all welcome it. Everyone who posts makes this a better forum, whether you agree with what they say or not.

So far I've got saintwhodi trying to run me off the baord. Then I've got Jkool (a moderator) accusing me of setting traps.

Way to go guys. I ask why so many negative posts and this is the response I get? I don't need this.


JKool 05-17-2005 12:57 PM

Acused? I was joking. I thought it was funny that you seemed to be waiting for Whodi.

JKool 05-17-2005 01:00 PM

I'm currently not moderating the site, and I apologize that you took me the wrong way.

No one wants you "run off". I was actually trying to compliment you.

Oh well.

saintswhodi 05-17-2005 01:03 PM


If you have a "positive" view, we all welcome it. Everyone who posts makes this a better forum, whether you agree with what they say or not.
Forgive me, but what about this statement would lead anyone to believe someone was trying to run them off?

VooDoo 05-17-2005 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by JKool
I'm currently not moderating the site, and I apologize that you took me the wrong way.

No one wants you "run off". I was actually trying to compliment you.

Oh well.

Maybe I took your post the wrong way jkool. I didn't know you were no longer a moderator on this board, either. My apolgies if you were only joking. It just sounded like you were acussing me of something.

And as far as saintswhodi goes. I was only asking why so many negative posts were on this board. I was talking about no one in particular. saintswhodi, i suppose, feels like he has to talk down to me to get his point across.

If saintswhodi dosen't feel like there's more negative than postive here at this site, that's fine, I can live with that. But I'm not going to sit back and take saintswhodi's crap. I've seen how he interacts with other people on here. Which is why I was wondering when he'd come running in.

lynwood 05-17-2005 01:13 PM


Setting a trap? Hardly. I asked a very simple question and now IVooDoo,
First, welcome!
If you were reading the boards as much as you claim then you know you were going to have to come under fire once in awhile if someone disagreed with your opinion or statement. You seem to have a short fuse. If talking about a lack of production from certain players, or wasted picks, or bad management makes this a "negative" forum then so be it. This team has issues that need to be addressed. Sully lost weight, great! But that was expected of him. He has a lot of making up to do to prove himself.

Danno 05-17-2005 01:15 PM

VooDoo, yeah this site is definitely more negative than most other sites, and I'm a member of about six others. But these guys are really fun to argue with and I get a ton of enjoyment exposing their over-pessimistic viewpoints. They're pretty persistent, but I hope you decide to stay because I could definitely use the help. Oh and JKool is one of the most polite level-headed posters I've ever known. You definitely took him the wrong way. He's a great guy.

Exposing pessimists one post at a time,

VooDoo 05-17-2005 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by VooDoo

Setting a trap? Hardly. I asked a very simple question and now IVooDoo,
First, welcome!
If you were reading the boards as much as you claim then you know you were going to have to come under fire once in awhile if someone disagreed with your opinion or statement. You seem to have a short fuse. If talking about a lack of production from certain players, or wasted picks, or bad management makes this a "negative" forum then so be it. This team has issues that need to be addressed. Sully lost weight, great! But that was expected of him. He has a lot of making up to do to prove himself.

Oh forget it. You people are incredible.

I asked a simple question and saintswhodi goes off on some rant about making predictions and he took a very hostile "tone".

Then jkool suggests that I was setting a trap. How was I to know he was playing? He seemed pretty serious to me.

And when I answer these "comments" (for lack of a better term) I get told that I have a short fuse or whatever.

You know what ... I really don't care. You guys can have this board.

I read the "rules" and they don't seem to be enforced around here.

Hey, whatever ......

lynwood 05-17-2005 01:21 PM

Short fuse.

Tobias-Reiper 05-17-2005 01:39 PM

Welcome back, Gumbo...

VooDoo 05-17-2005 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper
Welcome back, Gumbo...

Yeah, I'm gumbo. You're a genius. :!:

For the last couple of months I've read this board to keep with with things I normally couldn't find elsewhere. During that time I did read gumbo's posts.

I don't know what the problem was with gumbo, nor do I really care. I did think he added a lot to this board. Apparently he's no longer here???

Sure, I'm gumbo.

saintswhodi 05-17-2005 02:21 PM

I also seemed to notice a familiar tone tobias.

Here' my thing. I said:

Everyone here is hopeful no matter how they post, but blowing smoke isn't gonna make this a better forum. It is a forum and in here more than anywhere else, EVERYONE's opinion is welcome. If you see no wrong, post it. If you don't like the way the team is shaping up again, post it. Noone can begrudge you that cause that is what we are all here for.

If you have a "positive" view, we all welcome it. Everyone who posts makes this a better forum, whether you agree with what they say or not.
and I am trying to run someone off? Priceless. Truly. You got what you wanted man, attention. Talk down to you? Give me a break. A little less estrogen with your meals please. I was very cordial to you and told you twice your opinion was welcomed. Come off it dude. Short fuse is right lynnwood. I haven't been this confused since the last time my wife yelled at me and I had no reason what for. :shock:

JKool 05-17-2005 02:23 PM

I too am confused.

JKool 05-17-2005 02:24 PM

PS - What the heck is The Manning Award?

VooDoo 05-17-2005 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
I also seemed to notice a familiar tone tobias.

Here' my thing. I said:

Everyone here is hopeful no matter how they post, but blowing smoke isn't gonna make this a better forum. It is a forum and in here more than anywhere else, EVERYONE's opinion is welcome. If you see no wrong, post it. If you don't like the way the team is shaping up again, post it. Noone can begrudge you that cause that is what we are all here for.

If you have a "positive" view, we all welcome it. Everyone who posts makes this a better forum, whether you agree with what they say or not.
and I am trying to run someone off? Priceless. Truly. You got what you wanted man, attention. Talk down to you? Give me a break. A little less estrogen with your meals please. I was very cordial to you and told you twice your opinion was welcomed. Come off it dude. Short fuse is right lynnwood. I haven't been this confused since the last time my wife yelled at me and I had no reason what for. :shock:

You just can't drop it can you, saintswhodi? Now you're accusing me of trying to get attention? Why do you feel the need to call me out?

Have I called you out saintswhodi? No, I did not. And I don't appreciate being called out by you. And I didn't appreciate being accused of setting a trap by jkool. Jkool said he was kidding and I took him at his word.

I don't have a short fuse. I just don't like being accused of things.

I can tell by saintswhodi's posting style that he probably causes a lot of trouble on this board. He comes after me (the new guy) when I said absolutely nothing to him.

You seemed to be offended when I suggested this board tended to be negative.

saintswhodi 05-17-2005 02:39 PM


PS - What the heck is The Manning Award?
I don't know JKool. I was hoping someone would tell me the significance. I

Okay Gum, I mean voodoo. I'll leave you to your thing. Enjoy the forum should you stay around. Everyone's opinion is welcome. Crap, I hope that didn't sound too much like trying to run you off. I wonder what the response would have been had WhoDat posted in this thread. Hhhmmm....

JKool 05-17-2005 02:44 PM

When I find out, I'll let you know.

Also, don't you mean "carp"? 8)

lynwood 05-17-2005 02:48 PM

Yeah, this dissussion has gone on past it's time. My last words on this topic will just be welcome to the forum. You have already made an impression and hopefully in time some things will clear up with other topic posts.

VooDoo 05-17-2005 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi

PS - What the heck is The Manning Award?
I don't know JKool. I was hoping someone would tell me the significance. I

Okay Gum, I mean voodoo. I'll leave you to your thing. Enjoy the forum should you stay around. Everyone's opinion is welcome. Crap, I hope that didn't sound too much like trying to run you off. I wonder what the response would have been had WhoDat posted in this thread. Hhhmmm....

I can assure you that I am not gumbo. My real name is Jimmy Jones. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I've been a Saints fan my whole life.

This whole thing got off on the wrong foot because I asked "why so negative"? It seems like you took great offense to that question and went on some long ramble about towing the company line. When all I wanted to know was why most here felt less than encouraged by their favorite team.

I automatically felt the need to get on the defensive when you went on your (uncalled for) rant and then jkool (I know now he was joking) suggested I was trying to "set a trap". Which I can assure eveyone I wasn't.

How is it that I ask a very simple question and some of you guys get so worked up. It's like some of you get defensive when I suggest some are negative about this team.

Maybe some of you guys are just self-conscious.

JKool 05-17-2005 02:53 PM

No worries VooDoo (sometimes people get off track)

Whodi, Gumbo would have known I was joking, so I'm certain that VooDoo is telling the truth that he is not Gumbo.

Welcome abord, again, VooDoo. I look forward to your finding the positives out there and sharing them with all of us.

I for one am optimistic about our offense. Our defense on the other hand still seems to be in need of run stuffers in the middle - same ol', I guess?

saintswhodi 05-17-2005 02:56 PM


Whodi, Gumbo would have known I was joking
Therein lies the trick. :twisted: J/K J/K

WhoDat 05-17-2005 04:14 PM

First - Voodoo isn't Gumbo.

Second - With all due respect Voodoo, it seems like you came into this thread asking for a fight. Maybe not, but what exactly was your intention when you suggested that everyone on the site was negative and asked why?

You were also very quick to suggest that you were being mistreated. Why is that? 5 posts and you're a victim? Let me ask you, do you belong to other Saints boards?

ScottyRo 05-17-2005 04:53 PM

Zero to ballistic in < 10 posts. That's got to be a record or something. Some say it's negative around here. Others call it realism. Who cares what each person labels it?

The only valuable nugget of info I've seen in this thread (and I skimmed a lot of it) is the info on Sully losing 15 more pounds. However, it begs the questions: What's the source? Is there a link?

I'd just like some substantiation on it before I start feeling all warm and fuzzy about Buffet-Boy.

kojakhinton 05-18-2005 06:17 PM

cant we all just get along?????????

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