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Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
What about Pneumonia? Around 1 million people are admitted to the hospital every year in the US from it, and about 50,000 die from it. With all these viruses going around, why haven't we been in fear before now? By the way, it appears that chloroquine may be a cure for coronavirus. Is anybody touting that on TV? Nah, fear is much more entertaining and profitable for the disgusting elites in Washington, the media, and Hollywood to blame on Trump. And please don't tell me "don't go there", because if you watch and read what is being said by these people, that's exactly what they are doing. A person has to have their head really deep in the sand to not see what's going on. |
Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
Thank God I'm a prepper! If anyone is wondering where all the toilet paper is? I've got it!
Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
Flu death rate worldwide hovers around 1% each and every year. We are not a full year through Corona and currently worldwide the death rate is 4.3%.
Not sure why everyone wants to completely downplay this virus. It is easier to contract than the FLU, lays dormant in your system for longer than the FLU, and obvious based on current numbers it kills at a much higher rate than the FLU. Sure you can say, the percentage could drop as more people get it, and more testing is available. COULD is a dangerous word with a disease that kills at a higher percentage so far and is more contagious and lays dormant longer(thereby making spreading it much more easy) I decide what to to about communicable diseases/viruses from the people who have schooled and trained most of their adult life, you know, the CDC. The talking heads from MSNBC, CNN, and FOX News are morons, and taking advice from them about a virus is similar to taking your car to a bicycle shop to have work done on it. |
Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
The current death rate in the US for coronavirus is about 1.25%. And continues to drop. It's not a matter of "might" go down, the number IS going down. You are lumping in world rates where places like China and Italy have people piled on top of each other, and have far less healthy populations. The healthcare in both countries is atrocious, and Italy has the second oldest population in the world. This virus is killing the elderly, and those with preexisting conditions. Same thing the flu does. Once again, there is no hard evidence to suggest this is even more contagious than the flu, because we're just going by the rate of new cases per day, and that number is skewed as a lot of people are being tested at once, as testing becomes available. How many people with the flu do you suppose go get tested on a yearly basis, by percentage? I've seen numbers from the CDC showing that they estimate there are between 9 million and 45 million "illnesses", annually from the flu, since 2010. That's a pretty huge margin for an estimate, wouldn't you say? This is probably because they are having to guess at the number of people who never report that they have the flu. People are used to dealing with the flu. Coronavirus is new, and coupled with the hype in the media, people are freaking out and getting tested. The numbers are likely to level out as more and more are tested, and that is according to opinions of health experts who have dealt with new outbreaks, not according to me. Another thing the media refuses to acknowledge, as they desperately try to paralyze our society with fear of this "rapidly spreading" virus, is that it has probably been here since November. That's when it started in China, but they were hiding it from the public, as the Chinese are apt to do. Do you have any idea how much travel has taken place between China and the US since that time? Do you know how many foreign exchange students come from China, as they infiltrate our technical schools and steal our intellectual property? You think this just all of a sudden started spreading? Not likely, my friend. |
Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
Mike Pence isn't playing doctor. He's heading a task force. His job is organization and oversight of all the economic logistics regarding supply and demand of urgent items, and things of that nature. And I'd imagine the President wants him to be his informant on the ground, so that he can know he's getting reliable information back. If you haven't noticed, many government officials have tried to undermine him during and before his presidency. Economic impact is more important than many are willing to admit, by the way. If you over react and crash the economy, you send millions into financial hardship and poverty. Poverty leads to more sickness. More sickness leads to an even greater burden on the healthcare system, and more death. |
Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
Why you may ask? Right now only Tom Hanks, his wife, a number of celebrities high profile types are being tested, along with retirement home outbreaks... (You know why you don't like to visit Grand Mama, the smells, imminent death make you uncomfortable)... But as the general population gets tested and the number of infected is revealed (therefore raising the infected number) the resultant deaths percentage will reduce dramatically - if we all do our part... Now that doesn't help ease the collective minds of our communities who've many loved ones who are vulnerable to this disease (including one of our very own, I'd remind y'all)... Don't mistake people keeping calm and not panicking for not taking it serious... But don't, don't give an agenda'd, compromised, #CorporateMSM more power by letting them do the thinking for you - use your head, take back your power for God's Sake, try some critical thinking, diverse your news sources... Be Smart, Practice Good Daily Hygiene and Clean Your Environment... Be Considerate, Don't Put Others At Risk or their Loved Ones... Be Informed, Check Sources, their Compensation Sources, their Motives, their Agenda... Be Patient, Quarantine and Isolation is a marathon of the mind, not a sprint... Free LifeHack Tip: While Covid-19 is a unique strain, it is nonetheless a corona class virus which that class accounts for more than a third of common colds... ...so drink plenty of room temp water with lemon juice, no sugar, at regular intervals (I do 500 ml/Q 2hrs awake)... Should you experience in symptoms, this will help thin mucous in the affected areas, included bronchial tubes should symptoms arise, and don't wait, seek MD Attn promptly to rule out underlying, serious conditions... |
Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
This is very dangerous than the common cold. It will be airborne for 3 hours just think about how people can likely walk through it and reset it in common or hot spots. If people don’t distant themselves this highly infectious can cause more death to the old and young.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mar...B-16F630C69909 The scientists found that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the new disease COVID-19, was detectable in the air for up to three hours, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel. For those reasons, officials recommend washing hands, cleaning surfaces and “social distancing” in public spaces. |
Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
Remember, this President is worried about his economic status more than American lives. Right or wrong I'm not convinced that Mike Pence needs to give us the information(true or not) The government told 33 lies(or misleading info) about the virus in March alone. I know this isn't the political board but it seems relevant. |
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