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The Dude 03-29-2020 03:32 PM

Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
Am I the only one thAt thinks they should just let this virus run it’s course. It’s a matter of Mother Nature making corrections to an overpopulated world. Maybe there needs to be a good culling.

vpheughan 03-30-2020 06:55 AM

Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 883577)
Am I the only one thAt thinks they should just let this virus run it’s course. It’s a matter of Mother Nature making corrections to an overpopulated world. Maybe there needs to be a good culling.

Dude give it up with the EGGSPURT thing already.

“Jawohl mein fuhrer”.

Why, Strike a nerve?

In your "honor" EGGSPURT will now be the German EXPERTEN!

"Compassionate" Posts like the one above spawned the expression!

Your concern for your fellow man is quite Hitlerain.

Perhaps all at risk persons should be singled out and put into "Isolation Camps"?

Being well past the at risk age it's nice to know you would like me, my family, friends, other members of the group, to as you put it "Be Culled"

Something culled, especially something picked out and put aside as inferior.

I don't believe I am inferior.
Funny how playing "Devil's Advocate " can spark a firestorm but this kind of comment....................???????????????

TheOak 03-30-2020 07:29 AM

Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 883577)
Am I the only one thAt thinks they should just let this virus run it’s course. It’s a matter of Mother Nature making corrections to an overpopulated world. Maybe there needs to be a good culling.

No, you aren't and if the economy isn't turned back on soon the lives that people think they are saving are going to have trouble staying healthy when no one can afford healthcare in a recession.

JayFoster 03-30-2020 09:13 AM

Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 883604)
No, you aren't and if the economy isn't turned back on soon the lives that people think they are saving are going to have trouble staying healthy when no one can afford healthcare in a recession.

So both of you should volunteer yourselves and your family members right now to get infected. Go right on down to your local infected nursing home and expose yourselves and your family to the virus. Make sure you take your kids and your grandpas and grandmas with you.

Rugby Saint II 03-30-2020 01:07 PM

Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 883577)
Am I the only one thAt thinks they should just let this virus run it’s course. It’s a matter of Mother Nature making corrections to an overpopulated world. Maybe there needs to be a good culling.

Well, since I'm over 60 I just can't agree with you. I'd like to live. Thank you very much! You might feel differently if you were in my shoes. There is this thing called should try it sometime. :argue:

saintfan 03-30-2020 01:27 PM

Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread
Lets all try to keep our sense of humor. Serious times. Everybody take a deep breath, keep your distance, wash your hands, and keep a sense of humor. *Language*

TheOak 03-30-2020 05:58 PM

Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread

Originally Posted by JayFoster (Post 883611)
So both of you should volunteer yourselves and your family members right now to get infected. Go right on down to your local infected nursing home and expose yourselves and your family to the virus. Make sure you take your kids and your grandpas and grandmas with you.

I am going to remain civil though your comment warrants otherwise. That sort of comment is uncalled for and has no place in these forums.

If it is all the same, I exposed myself to enough chemical and biological weapons for my country.

TheOak 03-30-2020 06:20 PM

Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 883643)
Well, since I'm over 60 I just can't agree with you. I'd like to live. Thank you very much! You might feel differently if you were in my shoes. There is this thing called should try it sometime. :argue:

Rugby, who said they do not want you to live? Allowing high-risk people to remain isolated while those that can and want to work do so is not wishing harm to anyone.

A shut down and restart of an economy has never been attempted. Its like a body and longer circulation is stopped, the more damage is done.

You are concerned with living and health.... When unemployment hits 20% that will be 60 Million people without healthcare. When the tax base dries up that will kill Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security... How will your healthcare be then?

I want you to live, and i want you to have healthcare in August lol.

BTW, my loving mother is 71 so please do not think my thoughts were formed in a vacuum.

AsylumGuido 03-30-2020 07:49 PM

Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 883656)
Rugby, who said they do not want you to live? Allowing high-risk people to remain isolated while those that can and want to work do so is not wishing harm to anyone.

A shut down and restart of an economy has never been attempted. Its like a body and longer circulation is stopped, the more damage is done.

You are concerned with living and health.... When unemployment hits 20% that will be 60 Million people without healthcare. When the tax base dries up that will kill Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security... How will your healthcare be then?

I want you to live, and i want you to have healthcare in August lol.

BTW, my loving mother is 71 so please do not think my thoughts were formed in a vacuum.

My mother and mother-in-law are both in their 80's. I just want everyone to be as smart and as safe as possible until most dangers subside. But, you are wrong about Social Security. It is not supported by taxes. It is supported by everything those of us have paid into it for most of our lives OUTSIDE of taxes. It is OUR money already allotted for return based entirely on what we paid into it.

burningmetal 03-30-2020 07:55 PM

Re: Louisiana issues statewide stay-at-home order to combat coronavirus spread

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 883656)
Rugby, who said they do not want you to live? Allowing high-risk people to remain isolated while those that can and want to work do so is not wishing harm to anyone.

A shut down and restart of an economy has never been attempted. Its like a body and longer circulation is stopped, the more damage is done.

You are concerned with living and health.... When unemployment hits 20% that will be 60 Million people without healthcare. When the tax base dries up that will kill Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security... How will your healthcare be then?

I want you to live, and i want you to have healthcare in August lol.

BTW, my loving mother is 71 so please do not think my thoughts were formed in a vacuum.

While you and I are in complete agreement about this virus, and how it should actually be handled, I think you missed what "The Dude" really said. He didn't merely suggest that the at risk people should self-isolate. He's saying the world is over populated (which is nonsense) and that we should just let "nature" kill the "weak", so we'll no longer be over populated. Which, again, is total nonsense, and it's kind of sick.

It's a fact, that people die in the thousands from viruses every year, because of age or preexisting conditions. And if at risk people don't protect themselves properly, they have themselves to blame, unfortunately. Which is why this whole shutdown is idiotic. But the way The Dude said it, came across as saying the more weak people that die, the better. And there is just no place for that kind of talk.

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