this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Originally Posted by burningmetal Of course the media engages in hyperbole and click baiting. But it only takes a tiny amount of discernment to figure out that the reactions of his teammates are not click bait. These are THEIR words ...
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#21 |
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Re: Tom Brady Reportedly Had ‘Serious Interest’ In The Saints If Drew Brees Retired
Originally Posted by burningmetal
Well then it's about time you abandon the Saints and the NFL for good if it upsets you so. I'm sure that would treat them right for hurting your feelings.![]()
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#22 |
1000 Posts +
Re: Tom Brady Reportedly Had ‘Serious Interest’ In The Saints If Drew Brees Retired
Originally Posted by AsylumGuido
Let me try this one more time. Make sure you're paying attention, this time. They didn't "work out" their problems. Brees had to completely change his stance and throw away his principles, in order for them to "forgive" him.![]()
He was given no right to his own opinion. He was savagely attacked. And, once more, IF they were real adults, they NEVER would have allowed their beef to be public. They wanted to make this an issue. THEY made this public with the direct intent of pressuring Drew into backing down, which is exactly what he did. If he had not, they would not have let it go. How do I know that? Listen closely... Because if they hated him for what he said, initially, they surely would have continued to hate if if he doubled down on it. Understand now? |
If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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#23 |
1000 Posts +
Re: Tom Brady Reportedly Had ‘Serious Interest’ In The Saints If Drew Brees Retired
Originally Posted by AsylumGuido
I already have cut ties with both. But they didn't "hurt" my "feelings".![]()
When someone does something that you think is reprehensible, and you say "I have no respect for that person" or "those people", does that mean your feelings are hurt by it? Does finding a problem with something automatically equate to hurt feelings in your little bubble? Try not to embarrass yourself. |
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#24 |
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Bossier City, LA
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Re: Tom Brady Reportedly Had ‘Serious Interest’ In The Saints If Drew Brees Retired
Originally Posted by burningmetal
Not the one embarrassing myself. You're the one trying to make a big deal about a beef between two professional entertainers. Lighten up, Francis.![]()
![]() And a beef that has since been resolved ... albeit you fail to understand that simple concept. Understand now? Also, what are you doing hanging out on an NFL affiliated forum centered around the Saints if you have "cut ties with both"? Must be those hurt feelings. Those entertainers can be so mean. |
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#25 |
1000 Posts +
Re: Tom Brady Reportedly Had ‘Serious Interest’ In The Saints If Drew Brees Retired
Originally Posted by AsylumGuido
Trust me... You've embarrassed yourself beyond belief, at this point, friend.![]()
A couple of things: Being "entertainers" as has nothing to do with how your actions should be viewed. We're not talking about entertainment. We're talking about bigots spewing a false narrative that is going on across America, right now, and threatening to tear the country apart. You call that entertainment? This shows your unbelievable lack of perspective. Your have your eyes and ears covered, yelling "lalalalala, I can't hear you!", because the only thing you seem to care about is being entertained. Also, why do you keep saying "between two professionals"? This wasn't between two people. It was between pretty much every player who had a twitter account, and Brees. That's not some small thing. And for the THIRD time, nothing was "worked out". You failed to even address what I said. That's how kids argue. They just keep repeating "you don't know nothin', shut up!". In no way is bullying someone into taking your position, "working things out". And this bullying is going on across the nation, and these celebrities have a platform that allows them to reach a lot of people with what they say. They have chosen to use that platform to spread derision and outright hatred. That's why this matters to me, matters to a lot of people, and should matter to everyone. What I choose to freely discuss on a board that I've been a member of for over 8 years, is my business. This isn't a football discussion. It just happens to involve football players. You had this same condescending, self-righteous attitude during kneel-gate. You wanted everyone who was disgusted to just go away. Well, guess what? This board isn't about you. You can disagree all you want, just like I can. But you don't get to dictate what a person chooses to use this site for, much less whether they can even be here, at all. You are a phony. |
If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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#26 |
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Re: Tom Brady Reportedly Had ‘Serious Interest’ In The Saints If Drew Brees Retired
Originally Posted by burningmetal
Nope. I am genuine. Not phony at all. I am tolerant. I believe in the human spirit. I believe people can make mistakes, can hurt others feelings, can even cause major emotional pain ... and yet, with open (private) dialog can come to understandings and work together to make things better.![]()
As for "every player that had a twitter account", you need to do your homework. Spend some time and list EVERY player that came out against Brees' statement and then compare it to the total number of players that indeed have Twitter accounts and I suspect in percentage it would not approach "every", but would indeed be infinitesimal. Please be thorough in your research ... unless you know you were totally wrong, of course. Now, going under the assumption that you did indeed do said research, subtract the number of those players that have since accepted Brees' apology and were ready to move on. Now, where does that leave us? Am I guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of .00001%? And people say the media spews hyperbole. 19-0 Baby! ![]() |
“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston Churchill
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#27 |
1000 Posts +
Re: Tom Brady Reportedly Had ‘Serious Interest’ In The Saints If Drew Brees Retired
Originally Posted by AsylumGuido
No, you aren't genuine. Your opinion blows with the wind. You are a contrarian. A contrarian, by his very nature, cannot be genuine. You don't want to be seen as controversial. So instead, you just behave like a jerk toward anyone who dares to raise a controversial point about your team, or players on your team. That's pathetic.![]()
You are also making straw man arguments. Nobody is making the statement that people can't make mistakes. Nor is anyone saying that people can't work it out. I believe in all of that, and I believe people can change. That has nothing to do with the point I'm making. Drew didn't make a mistake. He said he wouldn't support disrespecting the flag. Let me translate that for you: That doesn't mean he was taking a position on whether blacks are oppressed or not (which is a subject several of us have addressed here), it means he disagreed with the method of protest. And they didn't work it out. They didn't decide "ok, we disagree with you, but we respect your opinion, and we don't believe you meant anything malicious by what you said" (which, of course it wasn't malicious). They pushed on him until he caved. It doesn't matter if it was behind closed doors by that time. They didn't allow him to have his own opinion. And Drew, for his part, failed to stand up for himself. I know you like to literalize words when you can't formulate a sound, or even remotely reasonable, rebuttal. First, I didn't say "every player", I said "pretty much every player who had a twitter", if you are going to be literal about it. But it's a figure of speech, meaning an overwhelming majority. You already knew that, of course, but you always resort to misdirection tactics. It wasn't just Saints players, it was players all across the league. Name one who came out in SUPPORT of Drew? I have yet to see one single person. Only some fans, and conservative commentators defended him. Not football players. Is it possible that SOMEONE in the league supported him? I guess, but it speaks volumes that I have yet to see one. I know you were hoping to get somewhere with your attempt to divert from the subject at hand. Sorry to disappoint you. |
If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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#28 |
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Re: Tom Brady Reportedly Had ‘Serious Interest’ In The Saints If Drew Brees Retired
Originally Posted by burningmetal
First of all, addressing Brees' initial objection to the means of protest, he definitely didn't approve of it. Neither did many Americans, including myself. But, after meaningful conversation I have come to accept it as a very valid means of protest, as has many Americans including the NFL as a whole. Why you would demonize Brees for coming to the very same conclusion is baffling. Brees is admirable as he is willing to listen and learn. That isn't easy to do.![]()
I understand your objection, It is your right, but as an American you should understand all of others as well. As for the formula of your Twitter argument. I'll let you off the hook and ask you to then use "an overwhelming majority" of players with Twitter accounts as you now have amended. I'd still like to see the same calculations as requested based upon a very conservative majority of 50.0001% of the players with accounts. Waiting ........... |
“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston Churchill
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#29 |
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Bossier City, LA
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Re: Tom Brady Reportedly Had ‘Serious Interest’ In The Saints If Drew Brees Retired
You need help to come up with all of those hundreds of players, burningmetal?
Michael Thomas Emmanuel Sanders Demario Davis Malcolm Jenkins Lebron James (does he count? Not an NFL player like you claimed, but you need the numbers) Aaron Rodgers Still looking. I guess I am putting in more effort than you. Come on. You can do it. Let's build this list of the majority of NFL players with Twitter accounts that slammed Brees. Okay? Edit: Shannon Sharpe (still searching!) You given up yet? |
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#30 |
1000 Posts +
Re: Tom Brady Reportedly Had ‘Serious Interest’ In The Saints If Drew Brees Retired
Originally Posted by AsylumGuido
You haven't had a "meaningful" conversation about any of this. You can't have a meaningful conversation about something that is based in a lie, and leads to more lies. This whole black oppression narrative is a lie. And Drew's stance was not wrong. It was his opinion, and one that I agree with. The "issue" of "systemic racism" that these players claim to be protesting is also an opinion, but one which is directly refuted by overwhelming statistics.![]()
Where is the "conversation" about that? You, like Brees after he backpedaled, simply don't want to be vilified by the mob, and so you pretend to understand something that most people know full well to be a lie. Drew didn't just suddenly come to understand some new perspective. Anyone with the slightest common sense knows that there was a specific reason they ONLY knelt during the anthem. They were showing their disdain for America, by putting on their display during the anthem, with that big American flag waving across that field. They could have chosen ANY OTHER time to protest whatever it is they think is so racist about America. But they chose THAT time to do it. Drew knows why, I know why, you know why, everyone knows why. It's because of the backlash that players got for their poorly timed demonstrations that they pretended then, and still do today, that it "wasn't about the flag". And now, because of the backlash Drew got, simply for answering a QUESTION honestly, he has suddenly done a 180. You know better than to believe Drew has changed his private stance. He simply changed his public stance so he'd be left alone. And guess what? Some guys still don't "forgive" Him. Read this: https://ftw.usatoday.com/2020/06/dre...y-nfl-reaction Everywhere you look, people are taking shots at him, even now. I'm not going to engage in your wish for me to scour the entire twitter universe to list ever single player who came against Brees. EVERYTHING I have seen, was negative after he made his initial comments. If you want to make a point with me, why don't you show me a list of players who tweeted about Brees' comments, who were NOT negative? Demario Davis was the one guy who seemed to not lose his mind, but he strongly believed Drew was wrong. And he can believe that all he wants. It doesn't make him right. |
If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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