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AsylumGuido 07-15-2020 01:46 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 892450)
To the moderators, I appreciate you letting us hash things out without fear of being suspended or worse, being banned. This discussion is the most complicated topic to tackle since we've all had positive and negative experiences with members of other races regardless of our locations on this planet. It's mostly healthy to speak about this and hopefully gain perspective so that we all can attempt to empathize with our fellow Americans and people of all nationalities.

To my friends and fellow members, please try to at the very least sympathize with other people's walks in life. To be prejudiced against a person because of the color of their skin or other differences they have from you is just silly. Black, white or otherwise. I've learned that there are great people from every race and there are terrible people from every race. To assume what a person is like based on their appearance is ignorant.


Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 892453)
Couldn't say it better myself. Every race, every workplace, every group of people, every country, they all have a minority of idiotic people and unfortunately some people see that and automatically think that is true for the entire group.

Uncertain times we are living in, but you can't argue with idiots, you'll never win.

I agree completely with all of this.

spkb25 07-15-2020 01:53 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 892450)
To the moderators, I appreciate you letting us hash things out without fear of being suspended or worse, being banned. This discussion is the most complicated topic to tackle since we've all had positive and negative experiences with members of other races regardless of our locations on this planet. It's mostly healthy to speak about this and hopefully gain perspective so that we all can attempt to empathize with our fellow Americans and people of all nationalities.

To my friends and fellow members, please try to at the very least sympathize with other people's walks in life. To be prejudiced against a person because of the color of their skin or other differences they have from you is just silly. Black, white or otherwise. I've learned that there are great people from every race and there are terrible people from every race. To assume what a person is like based on their appearance is ignorant.

Well yeah bro, we are all the same human animals, same DNA. You can watch videos or read studies and see how kids from all over the planet pretty much have all similar if not identical behaviors.

Amazing the evil we are capable of, and equally as amazing is the acts of love and selflessness we are capable of.

iceshack149 07-15-2020 02:05 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 892457)
Well yeah bro, we are all the same human animals, same DNA. You can watch videos or read studies and see how kids from all over the planet pretty much have all similar if not identical behaviors.

Amazing the evil we are capable of, and equally as amazing is the acts of love and selflessness we are capable of.

Extremely frustrating that the former garners all the attention while the latter goes largely unnoticed.

Every news outlet and social media platform have evil entities filling their ears and their pockets.

SaintGup 07-15-2020 04:32 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by cmike (Post 892198)
There’s no such thing as black privilege. A black person can get called the N-Word by any other race and it hurts them to the core. A black person can use any disparaging word against any other race and it won’t mean as much because their still looked upon as an N-Word.

Bottom line, are people really comparing Jackson to Brees. Jackson has been a bonehead probably forever. I’d go to war with Brees and trust him with watching my six.

There is black privilege, there is white privilege. There is male privilege and female privilege. Privilege exists in many forms yet it seems that white privilege is the only one being talked about. Everyone just shut up and send me money.

SaintGup 07-15-2020 05:38 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 892330)
Some of y’all really do forget. Not to dilute what Jackson said or to say it wasn’t as outrageous as Brees. Brees knew what the protest was about to the point he actually kneeled in solidarity with his teammates. At some point he felt it was necessary to show his support for the military men & women by personally attending troops functions. What pissed off teammates and other players is at the point of the movement, when it is crystal clear to the nations that BLM is about police brutality and killing of black Americans, once again he TRIED to change the NARRATIVE to DISRESPECTING THE FLAG. Kneeling at the flag with hand on heart is not disrespectful. I can go back and post pictures where it was look upon as favorable. It’s that it was a protest that is meaningful to black people that some white people detest.

Just wanted you to see the picture

BLM is not about black lives or police brutality. There are many things that they want and one of them is the destruction of western family values, of the nuclear family. They don't want the typical 'ma and pa raising kids' household. If they cared about black lives they wouldbe wanting to strengthen this. The whole black lives and police brutality thing is just a tool they use to get what they want and they use it as a cover.

nola_swammi 07-15-2020 10:11 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by SaintGup (Post 892486)
BLM is not about black lives or police brutality. There are many things that they want and one of them is the destruction of western family values, of the nuclear family. They don't want the typical 'ma and pa raising kids' household. If they cared about black lives they wouldbe wanting to strengthen this. The whole black lives and police brutality thing is just a tool they use to get what they want and they use it as a cover.

You stupid

frydaddy 07-15-2020 10:20 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 892496)
You stupid

You blind

SaintGup 07-22-2020 08:06 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 892496)
You stupid

Good comeback, you really got me there but here's an idea...go to BLM's webpage and have a look at their mission statements (this means what they are advocating for. Sorry, this means what they want) and then do some thinking for yourself.

SaintGup 07-22-2020 08:15 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 892411)
BLM started in order to bring awareness to police brutality, everyone can agree on that. It started because black people have been treated as if their lives don’t matter and it was meant to be all inclusive not exclusive of any race. I supported it 100% when it started and I still support that idea.
Over time it got hijacked by groups like Antifa and other anti government political B.S. It has turned into the opposite of what it was supposed to be. Those attachments have done more harm to the black community than good.
I know a lot of conservatives that were starting to understand that BLM did not mean other lives don’t matter until the rioting and defunding the police issues came up. At that point it ceased to be about black lives and became just another front for a political agenda.

No, everyone cannot agree on that. It was started when Michael Brown got shot in the 'hands up, don't shoot' debacle. It was two or three (sue me) radical feminists, some say they were lesbian, but I don't know what country they came from. Anyway, they want to bring down the nuclear family and destroy the institution of marriage. The 'police brutality' statement was just a cover.

Rugby Saint II 07-22-2020 11:08 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
Well, I've lost respect for a large group of posters here who are speaking off the cuff and are simply spouting rhetoric of hatred and bias. Drew is not a coward! Drew is a good man who may or may not have made a mistake by standing up for his values. Regardless, he doesn't ever want to offend anyone and will do his best not to. Not because of pressure but because he believes it's the right thing to do.

One more thing. Black lives matter needs to be renamed ex-con lives matter. The majority of black lives lost would be fewer if they would only cooperate with authority instead of escalating a situation. Almost everyone of the blacks killed by police are ex-cons who don't value human life. These people aren't heroes. They robbed and killed innocent people and we turn them into martyrs. If we turn on our ancestors who owned slaves then why can't we turn against the ex-cons who turned against society?

All lives matter...but mostly ex-con lives matter the most. Hard working people don't matter. Right?

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