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hitta 07-09-2020 02:46 AM

Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
It's sickening after how Brees got treated for essentially saying he thought people should stand for the flag(which is a personal opinion, and has nothing to do with race at all) and DeSean Jackson posts something far worse and nobody even gives a ****. Then to top it off, the guy that wouldn't accept Brees apology and said horrible stuff about Brees, Stephen Jackson, comes out and tries to defend DeSean Jackson's post. It's hypocritical, it's completely unfair, and the double standard is sickening.

spkb25 07-09-2020 07:02 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by hitta (Post 892151)
It's sickening after how Brees got treated for essentially saying he thought people should stand for the flag(which is a personal opinion, and has nothing to do with race at all) and DeSean Jackson posts something far worse and nobody even gives a ****. Then to top it off, the guy that wouldn't accept Brees apology and said horrible stuff about Brees, Stephen Jackson, comes out and tries to defend DeSean Jackson's post. It's hypocritical, it's completely unfair, and the double standard is sickening.

That is black privilege sir. Below for anyone who wants to help mom bury her daughter.

spkb25 07-09-2020 07:04 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by hitta (Post 892151)
It's sickening after how Brees got treated for essentially saying he thought people should stand for the flag(which is a personal opinion, and has nothing to do with race at all) and DeSean Jackson posts something far worse and nobody even gives a ****. Then to top it off, the guy that wouldn't accept Brees apology and said horrible stuff about Brees, Stephen Jackson, comes out and tries to defend DeSean Jackson's post. It's hypocritical, it's completely unfair, and the double standard is sickening.

That and Drew Brees is a coward, as us his wife. All he had to say was that is my belief for me, not forcing it on anyone else. Give it a week or two, shut up and don't respond to anyone or anything and it would die.

But because he was petrified to lose his announcer gig after football he tucked himself like a man with breasts...what do they call those?

iceshack149 07-09-2020 12:22 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson


"I've been getting hit up by everyone asking me about this DeSean Jackson post and I wanted to take some time before I responded because it's a complicated issue and I wanted it to be thoughtful," Edelman said in a social media video. "I wrote down some of my thinking. I've seen DeSean play in his career, make outstanding football plays. We've communicated over social media. I've got nothing but respect for his game. I know he said some ugly things, but I do see an opportunity to have a conversation."
No outrage. Just one of very few Jewish players politely offering his opinion in hopes of enlightening what appears to be a truly bigoted man.

The Dude 07-09-2020 02:27 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
I’m just glad we heard about it and it didn’t get swept under the rug. Social injustice is everywhere and although the focus is on black Americans ( as it should be) people need to be reminded that it’s not limited to black Americans. If you are using your celebrity status as a platform to speak out you are subject to the same rules as everyone else.
I really wish all Americans could visit some of the countries I have been to and come back and talk about who’s privileged and who’s not. We are extremely lucky. All of us.

WillMacKenzie 07-09-2020 03:09 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
How far back do we go? Oppression isn’t/wasn’t strictly a black phenomenon. Nearly everyone’s ancestry is touched by it at some point.

What secret textbook dictates the right amount of years that has to elapse before we get on with it? Cause nobody’s talking about my oppression or your oppression or their oppression over there.

What’s the benefit of holding onto bitterness like an anchor that will sink you to the bottom until you drown? It’s an excuse. Take responsibility for your life and work your ass off. You’ll be rejected, not everything will work out, not everyone will love you — that’s human. Be better than that.

dizzle88 07-09-2020 04:20 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
The world is a scary place nowadays, all this so called "freedom of speech" we are meant to have. People used to be able to have an opinion, now any opinion that doesn't match another opinion, and you're automatically called a Racist, Ignorant etc

Comedy shows that were made years ago are now apologising and removing episodes, when the greatest thing about Comedy shows is they show our own hypocrisy and flaws in human history and how we are now able to poke fun at eachother, we aren't allowed to do that apparently anymore. They are scared to death of offending any group of people, nothing will be acceptable soon.

If we can't look at our past and see it as a growing point, then we'll just forever be in a circle of people not being able to have a joke with each other.

Certain stuff was extremely messed up in the past, the majority of the world acknowledges that and is able to see right from wrong. So why are we suffering for the behaviour of a group of idiotic individuals? Especially when we are talking about hundreds and hundreds of years ago.

St. Sherman 07-09-2020 04:58 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
So people and corporations can virtue signal, increase their wealth and power and shame others into silence. What did you think any of this was about, change? Its about power.

ChrisXVI 07-09-2020 06:34 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
How quickly the oppressed can become the oppressors.

rezburna 07-09-2020 07:32 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
I kept telling my people to stop sharing that quote because Hitler never said it in the first place. I looked for it years ago. It’s been circulating for a long time. I do understand how one can interpret the scripture and then begin to assume that those who claim to be the children of Israel may not actually be, but attempt to prove that point with actual scholarship and the doctrine itself.

People do a horrible job of going to primary sources and researching in general. My search to learn about the origins of the Hebrew people 10 years ago is the reason I stopped practicing the Abrahamic faiths. Anti-Semitic? Nah. They just think they’re Semitic. I’ve been trying to tell them they’re not...just had a debate about it on a podcast the other day.

cmike 07-09-2020 08:07 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 892153)
That is black privilege sir. Below for anyone who wants to help mom bury her daughter.

There’s no such thing as black privilege. A black person can get called the N-Word by any other race and it hurts them to the core. A black person can use any disparaging word against any other race and it won’t mean as much because their still looked upon as an N-Word.

Bottom line, are people really comparing Jackson to Brees. Jackson has been a bonehead probably forever. I’d go to war with Brees and trust him with watching my six.

ChrisXVI 07-09-2020 08:57 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 892197)
I kept telling my people to stop sharing that quote because Hitler never said it in the first place. I looked for it years ago. It’s been circulating for a long time. I do understand how one can interpret the scripture and then begin to assume that those who claim to be the children of Israel may not actually be, but attempt to prove that point with actual scholarship and the doctrine itself.

People do a horrible job of going to primary sources and researching in general. My search to learn about the origins of the Hebrew people 10 years ago is the reason I stopped practicing the Abrahamic faiths. Anti-Semitic? Nah. They just think they’re Semitic. I’ve been trying to tell them they’re not...just had a debate about it on a podcast the other day.

Ashkenazi Jews... there’s certainly some truth to the perversion of Abrahamic faith.

rezburna 07-09-2020 09:10 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 892199)
Ashkenazi Jews... there’s certainly some truth to the perversion of Abrahamic faith.


hitta 07-10-2020 03:24 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 892154)
That and Drew Brees is a coward, as us his wife. All he had to say was that is my belief for me, not forcing it on anyone else. Give it a week or two, shut up and don't respond to anyone or anything and it would die.

But because he was petrified to lose his announcer gig after football he tucked himself like a man with breasts...what do they call those?

You can call Brees a coward, and there may have some truth to it. The thing about Brees though is I think he's more worried about the team's continuity than anything else. He saw the team fracturing and did whatever was needed to be done to keep it from tearing apart. I think if it was just Brees alone being criticized and he didn't have to worry about keeping the team together, he may have taken a different route. That still doesn't absolve him from backing down from his principles, but it gives a certain complexity to his situation. Judging Brees based on one's own individual perspective is a bit unfair. Brees has a lot of weight on his shoulders, perhaps 10 times more than the typical person that would be in that kind of scenario. Until you've walked in the man's shoes, giving blanket statements about what he did was right or wrong to me is unjust. I'm not saying I agree with what he did, I'm just saying that every situation is different. Brees has always has a team first/city first(cause he considers the city part of the team) perspective, and I think he's the type of person that would fall on the sword for the betterment of the team.

SaintFanInATLHELL 07-10-2020 10:02 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
I don't think Brees backed down from his principles. Brees got caught in a firestorm that conflated to completely different items that folks on both sides are deliberately trying to link together: (A) Standing/Kneeling for the National Anthem and (B) supporting Black Lives.

It just so happens that Kaepernik and others have decided to link the two together. Brees was asked about one (A), answered about one (A), and was criticized for not supporting (B). But as he finally figured out, (A) and (B) really have nothing to do with one another. It's possible to stand for the flag and support Black Lives without compromising your integrity. I believe that's the path he is choosing to follow.

I believe he would compromise his principles if he kneeled during the anthem. I have absolutely no expectation of him doing that. In fact I'd be disappointed if he did. By the same token he, or we, can agree or disagree if others should do it. But Brees can support the cause of the call to action without performing the action itself.

Of course I think much of it is empty gestures when not backed with policy proscriptions to change the situation. But that's a story for another day, I guess in another forum.


dizzle88 07-10-2020 01:16 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
And now Malcolm Jenkins the Hypocrite rises once more.

"Comments were made and they were wrong, but this is all a distraction, Jewish people aren't our problem."

Yet he basically tried to turn the whole world against Brees when it was an issue he felt strongly about.

LafayetteSaint 07-10-2020 01:31 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
I really like Drew and believe that is an a great person but I wish that he had stood his ground stating "hey this is my beliefs."

AsylumGuido 07-10-2020 01:58 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by SaintFanInATLHELL (Post 892233)
I don't think Brees backed down from his principles. Brees got caught in a firestorm that conflated to completely different items that folks on both sides are deliberately trying to link together: (A) Standing/Kneeling for the National Anthem and (B) supporting Black Lives.

It just so happens that Kaepernik and others have decided to link the two together. Brees was asked about one (A), answered about one (A), and was criticized for not supporting (B). But as he finally figured out, (A) and (B) really have nothing to do with one another. It's possible to stand for the flag and support Black Lives without compromising your integrity. I believe that's the path he is choosing to follow.

I believe he would compromise his principles if he kneeled during the anthem. I have absolutely no expectation of him doing that. In fact I'd be disappointed if he did. By the same token he, or we, can agree or disagree if others should do it. But Brees can support the cause of the call to action without performing the action itself.

Of course I think much of it is empty gestures when not backed with policy proscriptions to change the situation. But that's a story for another day, I guess in another forum.


Another voice of reason. Although, yours usually is ...


Cruize 07-10-2020 02:45 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
Most of what gets attention in our current culture is from those who are angry, loud and propagate hate. While I do absolutely believe those individuals are largely in the minority, they are strong in their numbers. We all say things others disagree with. We all disagree with what others say. Beyond that, it's a personal choice. If it means something to you, join the conversation. Make the effort to make that conversation open minded and honest. And if you can only agree to disagree, do so respectfully. I try not to sweat the small stuff. Things that don't effect my daily life. Things that don't matter to me and are none of my business. Mostly I succeed. Sometimes I fail. We are all in this together. It's amazing what working together can accomplish.

spkb25 07-10-2020 02:51 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by cmike (Post 892198)
There’s no such thing as black privilege. A black person can get called the N-Word by any other race and it hurts them to the core. A black person can use any disparaging word against any other race and it won’t mean as much because their still looked upon as an N-Word.

Bottom line, are people really comparing Jackson to Brees. Jackson has been a bonehead probably forever. I’d go to war with Brees and trust him with watching my six.

All I heard was blah blah im making excuses and I'm FOS. Bye hypocrite

spkb25 07-10-2020 02:52 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by hitta (Post 892206)
You can call Brees and a coward, and there may have some truth to it. The thing about Brees though is I think he's more worried about the team's continuity than anything else. He saw the team fracturing and did whatever was needed to be done to keep it from tearing apart. I think if it was just Brees alone being criticized and he didn't have to worry about keeping the team together, he may have taken a different route. That still doesn't absolve him from backing down from his principles, but it gives a certain complexity to his situation. Judging Brees based on one's own individual perspective is a bit unfair. Brees has a lot of weight on his shoulders, perhaps 10 times more than the typical person that would be in that kind of scenario. Until you've walked in the man's shoes, giving blanket statements about what he did was right or wrong to me is unjust. I'm not saying I agree with what he did, I'm just saying that every situation is different. Brees has always has a team first/city first(cause he considers the city part of the team) perspective, and I think he's the type of person that would fall on the sword for the betterment of the team.

he's more worried about his next job

blackangold 07-10-2020 03:15 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 892249)
he's more worried about his next job

He doesn't need to be worried about anything. Very disappointing to see people in positions to have a impact cower to SJW mantras. I am not specifically looking at the Brees situation here... but taking his into account, it's not about retaliation or the loss of something. Drew has **** you money and every record in the book, I don't get why he seemed so cowardly.

I don't think he truly understood why taking a Knee didn't mean what he thought... not many of us did until recently. I have no issue with players taking a knee. To be honest it's silly and not useful for anyone.

For real safety, security and opportunity in the black community to occur there needs to be action by policy makers. Unfortunately (((they))) aim to maintain power and control, and to do that (((they))) are keeping people divided.

spkb25 07-12-2020 04:36 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by blackangold (Post 892251)
He doesn't need to be worried about anything. Very disappointing to see people in positions to have a impact cower to SJW mantras. I am not specifically looking at the Brees situation here... but taking his into account, it's not about retaliation or the loss of something. Drew has **** you money and every record in the book, I don't get why he seemed so cowardly.

I don't think he truly understood why taking a Knee didn't mean what he thought... not many of us did until recently. I have no issue with players taking a knee. To be honest it's silly and not useful for anyone.

For real safety, security and opportunity in the black community to occur there needs to be action by policy makers. Unfortunately (((they))) aim to maintain power and control, and to do that (((they))) are keeping people divided.

There needs to be action by individual black people. All of the issues in those communities are self inflicted due to poor choices.

Drew Brees is a coward.

shawnkytonk 07-12-2020 09:17 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 892248)
All I heard was blah blah im making excuses and I'm FOS. Bye hypocrite

You mad bro?

Rell&Gold 07-13-2020 01:42 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 892321)
There needs to be action by individual black people. All of the issues in those communities are self inflicted due to poor choices.

Drew Brees is a coward.

You speak in bold statements, for someone who says the ignorant things they say. "All of the issue's are self inflicted " YOU are apart of the problem in this country CLEARLY.

Be a GREAT man , and be apart of the solution/creation of something bigger than yourself. You could learn alot from Drew Brees.

Rell&Gold 07-13-2020 01:52 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
Drew Brees realized his view isn't the only view that matters in this particular situation and that what was at stake Respect, Relationships, Trust. I'm a blackman and didn't and still don't feel any type because of Drew Brees stance on kneeling during the Anthem or what have you. Actually think I understood what he was saying, but 1. That wasnt the time or place. 2. Drew already kneeled. 3. Military personnel suggested the kneeling.

Going to Someone's funeral telling everyone that he owed you 500$ is irrelevant. Celebrate his life or dont come. Support or shut up.

nola_swammi 07-13-2020 04:07 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
Some of y’all really do forget. Not to dilute what Jackson said or to say it wasn’t as outrageous as Brees. Brees knew what the protest was about to the point he actually kneeled in solidarity with his teammates. At some point he felt it was necessary to show his support for the military men & women by personally attending troops functions. What pissed off teammates and other players is at the point of the movement, when it is crystal clear to the nations that BLM is about police brutality and killing of black Americans, once again he TRIED to change the NARRATIVE to DISRESPECTING THE FLAG. Kneeling at the flag with hand on heart is not disrespectful. I can go back and post pictures where it was look upon as favorable. It’s that it was a protest that is meaningful to black people that some white people detest.

Just wanted you to see the picture

OldMaid 07-13-2020 08:11 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson
Drees Brees not a coward on or off the field.

Danno 07-13-2020 09:02 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by OldMaid (Post 892331)
Drees Brees not a coward on or off the field.

His actions say otherwise.

gumbeau 07-13-2020 09:24 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 892330)
Some of y’all really do forget. Not to dilute what Jackson said or to say it wasn’t as outrageous as Brees. Brees knew what the protest was about to the point he actually kneeled in solidarity with his teammates. At some point he felt it was necessary to show his support for the military men & women by personally attending troops functions. What pissed off teammates and other players is at the point of the movement, when it is crystal clear to the nations that BLM is about police brutality and killing of black Americans, once again he TRIED to change the NARRATIVE to DISRESPECTING THE FLAG. Kneeling at the flag with hand on heart is not disrespectful. I can go back and post pictures where it was look upon as favorable. It’s that it was a protest that is meaningful to black people that some white people detest.

Just wanted you to see the picture

BLM is a racist, Marxist totalitarian revolutionary movement using people to further their quest for power and money.

You and Drew Brees are just pawns in their game.

Danno 07-13-2020 10:53 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by gumbeau (Post 892335)
BLM is a racist, Marxist totalitarian revolutionary movement using people to further their quest for power and money.

You and Drew Brees are just pawns in their game.

rezburna 07-13-2020 11:01 AM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by gumbeau (Post 892335)
BLM is a racist, Marxist totalitarian revolutionary movement using people to further their quest for power and money.

You and Drew Brees are just pawns in their game.

They aren’t revolutionary at all if you ask me. Very reformist.

gumbeau 07-13-2020 03:36 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 892338)
They aren’t revolutionary at all if you ask me. Very reformist.

Reform implies improvement or change within an existing system.

Revolution implies replacement of the existing system.

The evidence points to the latter.

AsylumGuido 07-13-2020 04:33 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 892333)
His actions say otherwise.

List all of his actions that say he is a coward. The man has more fortitude than most anyone I know. Have you read his book to understand what he went through to get where he is?

I feel he is just the opposite of being a coward to listen and learn from others to do what he feels is right. A coward would hide behind the hatred as a shield. The cowards are those that are terrified by change.

AsylumGuido 07-13-2020 04:35 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by gumbeau (Post 892347)
Reform implies improvement or change within an existing system.

Revolution implies replacement of the existing system.

The evidence points to the latter.

This one went right over his head, rez. He swung and totally missed your point. But then again, I know you.

rezburna 07-13-2020 04:39 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 892350)
This one went right over his head, rez. He swung and totally missed your point. But then again, I know you.

Indeed. No real revolutionary is going to ask you for change. They aren’t hoping it plays out in their favor through diplomacy and trust in the system. Revolutionaries forcibly overthrow the system because they don’t trust the system in the first place. BLM is asking for policy changes and trying to leverage the Black vote and dollars into political power. They have no intentions of overthrowing the government. The REVOLUTIONARY WAR is a good example...key word...WAR.

shawnkytonk 07-13-2020 05:41 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by gumbeau (Post 892335)
BLM is a racist, Marxist totalitarian revolutionary movement using people to further their quest for power and money.

You and Drew Brees are just pawns in their game.

Straight from Roger Stone's mouth.

nola_swammi 07-13-2020 06:38 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by gumbeau (Post 892335)
BLM is a racist, Marxist totalitarian revolutionary movement using people to further their quest for power and money.

You and Drew Brees are just pawns in their game.

You making claims without proof. Why bring to awareness to BREAST CANCER, don’t PROSTATE CANCER matter, even better ALL CANCER matter. You look at BLACK LIVE MATTER and only see BLACK. You don’t see the message of brutality and killing of black. Blacks on opioids are look as a MENACE of society but once the numbers show the whites are addicted it became a sad CRISIS. Yet BLM considered to be racist in your eyes. BLM isn’t looking for money, they’re looking for EQUALITY TREATMENT.

frydaddy 07-13-2020 09:20 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 892355)
You making claims without proof. Why bring to awareness to BREAST CANCER, don’t PROSTATE CANCER matter, even better ALL CANCER matter. You look at BLACK LIVE MATTER and only see BLACK. You don’t see the message of brutality and killing of black. Blacks on opioids are look as a MENACE of society but once the numbers show the whites are addicted it became a sad CRISIS. Yet BLM considered to be racist in your eyes. BLM isn’t looking for money, they’re looking for EQUALITY TREATMENT.

Well one of the BLM founders said openly in an interview that they are trained marxists, so theres your proof. As for your apples to oranges cancer comparison, there are statistical and scientific FACTS in abundance behind cancer. The "facts" and statistics that BLM throws out are cherry picked and demonstrably false when you take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

If black folks really want change and equality they should stop voting democrat. That party has kept them under foot since before the civil war. They incentivize broken families and dependence on the government by dangling welfare, food stamps and section 8 in front of them and making it extremely difficult to qualify for any of them if you're married. The housing they provide is always ****ty and the benefits are barely enough to survive on, and if you go get yourself a job they'll slash or eliminate your benefits, so unless you find a job that pays really well, you're in no better shape..possibly worse. They promise black folks the world every election cycle and never deliver. Obama had a democrat majority in the house and Senate, he did nothing for blacks. The only thing that changed was that the black unemployment rate doubled under his "leadership." This is what frustrates me most about the BLM stuff, of all the fingers being pointed, none are being pointed at the actual source of the problem. There is actual, provable systemic racism at the root of the democratic party.

gumbeau 07-13-2020 09:31 PM

Re: Drew Brees-Desean Jackson

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 892355)
You making claims without proof. Why bring to awareness to BREAST CANCER, don’t PROSTATE CANCER matter, even better ALL CANCER matter. You look at BLACK LIVE MATTER and only see BLACK. You don’t see the message of brutality and killing of black. Blacks on opioids are look as a MENACE of society but once the numbers show the whites are addicted it became a sad CRISIS. Yet BLM considered to be racist in your eyes. BLM isn’t looking for money, they’re looking for EQUALITY TREATMENT.

I have personally witnessed race motivated police brutality. I grew up around racism, as everyone my age from Louisiana has. I know what it is and what it does.

The police have some serious problems with their "Us versus the world" mentality and black Americans bear the brunt of their militarization and decades of immunity from real consequences.

It is a good thing that it is finally getting some serious attention.

However, that does not change the fact that, while black lives matter, Black Lives Matter is a racist, Marxist, totalitarian organization desirous of the power and wealth that would come from the successful implementation of their revolutionary ideology. They were rather open about this but the last few weeks have resulted in full spin mode with some rather laughable denials.

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