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The amusing disaster of Roger Goodell and his extension.

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Posted 12-09-2017 at 11:58 PM by burningmetal

How dumb are the owners to have extended Goodell's contract? I mean, seriously? This bungled mess in Los Angeles with the lack of fan support is just another obvious sign that the NFL will collapse under his watch. Let's take a look back at his record of "accomplishments" for just a bit:

You have the witch hunts ("bountygate", "inflategate", etc.), then the incredibly inconsistent punishments for all of the various offenses (or supposed offenses), and all of the silly penalties that have been added during his tenure that seem to betray the very nature of what football is... A violent sport. You can't make a "safe" violent sport. That is a contradiction, not only in terms, but in reality. Certain rules I am on board with, such as helmet to helmet hits, but there have to be replays to show intent to injure, and touching a QB on the helmet should not be a 15 yard penalty.

Aside from all of that, Goodell consistently shows that he has no logistical common sense, nor does he understand his market. The London games are just complete nonsense that screw the home town fans, and it also puts a massive strain on teams. Then you have the idiotic idea of having Thursday games every week. Football is not a game you play on three days rest, period. And he wants to go to an 18 game schedule on top of that? But he claims to care about "safety" with all of the new rules and the whole bountygate fiasco, huh? Right...

He also wants to have a permanent team in London. How exactly would that work? You can give teams a bye week following the London trip, right now, but if you put a franchise there, what will you do then? Can you imagine the logistical nightmare that team will have traveling back and forth across the ocean, all season, while other teams get to have a normal practice schedule, and without jet lag? I can sure imagine it... But clearly Roger hasn't thought that far. That's too hard for him. I know that there are fans overseas, and some of them post here. It's no disrespect to them. It's strictly a matter of logistics and common sense for the team that would be involved.

And that brings me to this Los Angeles situation. I laughed whenever I first heard about the idea of moving one, let alone TWO teams to L.A.

Why do you suppose the Raiders AND Rams already left that city before? What would make anyone think this would be different? Just as the media does with pushing their political agendas, the NFL gave false impressions of fan interest in Los Angeles, by showing gatherings of fans holding signs, pleading to get their teams back. The NFL didn't give any comprehensive data to show just HOW MUCH that market wanted a football team. It's an over saturated market that is notorious for fair weather fans across all sports, IF they can even get those type of fans to show up.

And so here we are. Both teams are apparently doing fairly well on the field, and yet no one seems to care. The NFL wanted the big market, but they failed to learn from the past. They want to expand overseas because they think "well, golly gee, if it works here, why not try it internationally?". But they are too deaf to listen to reason when it comes to the practicality of making it work, logistically.

Then there is the massive public relations nightmare with the concussion lawsuits, which have been discussed ad nauseam, for years; and, of course, the absolute lack of leadership with the protesting matter. Caving to players, and ignoring his overall market. Despite all of this, owners STILL extended Goodell's contract. Tell me how he has earned one penny? People watch because they like football, not because Goodell "grew" anything. Fantasy football has been an enormous part of this, as well, as it makes even casual fans engage much more because of their personal stake in player statistics. Was that Roger's idea? Nope.

So not only is he not doing anything that would actually bring about growth, he is now driving fans away, from the political mess, to unfair rules/punishments, and now pushing teams into unsupportive markets, while alienating the fans that are left behind.

Good job, Goodell. Good job, owners. What a bunch of fools.
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  1. Old Comment
    Halo's Avatar
    Posted 12-12-2017 at 09:10 AM by Halo Halo is offline

  2. Old Comment
    hagan714's Avatar
    it is all about the money
    Posted 12-14-2017 at 08:14 PM by hagan714 hagan714 is offline
  3. Old Comment
    But why should it be about the money? That's one of the points I'm making, is that for all the harm he's done, the excuse that owners are apparently using for him that he's making the league money, doesn't hold up with me, because the truth is that he really isn't. He hasn't implemented anything that would cause more fans to show up and spend money. He inherited something that was ready-made, and has continually embarrassed the league.

    It doesn't take a genius to make money in something like the NFL. But you need someone who is stable, fair, and consistent in his judgment to lead, which we all know Goodell is none of those things. It seems really lazy to just keep handing him the keys. But that's their problem to deal with now.
    Posted 12-14-2017 at 10:50 PM by burningmetal burningmetal is offline
  4. Old Comment
    neugey's Avatar
    Roger is the poop in the giant punch bowl. The more I drank, the worse it tasted.

    I can't think of one silver lining Goodell has going for him. Not one.
    Posted 01-15-2018 at 07:35 AM by neugey neugey is offline
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