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Penn State: Does "Fanhood" blind?

Posted 11-10-2011 at 11:17 AM by SapperSaint

Please understand that I fully understand that what I am about to discuss is in no way related to Saints football.

I the past few days scandal has rocked, shaken the pillars, or to be blunt... DESTROYED Penn State Football. While I am not a Penn State fan. I as a football fan do understand who Penn State is and who Joe Paterno is.

For those of you who many not know what I am talking about I will give you a quick run-down as to what is happening.

Pink Nightmare
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Posted 09-21-2011 at 09:52 PM by AlaskaSaints
Tags throwback

Got word that we're going to be wearing 'throwback' uniforms this weekend at home against the Texans.

Hate the idea. Just don't live in the past. I revisit in memory only and only on special occasions! LOL

Anyway, yesterday, my neighbor brings over a Gameday Program from back in 1988. It reminded me of how much simpler times used to be back then. It doesn't seem like '88 was that long ago, but if a guy had at that time brought me an old Gameday Program just as old,...
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2-Game road trip in December for AlaskaSaints!

Posted 09-14-2011 at 07:22 PM by AlaskaSaints

I just got my Section 141, row 12 seats for the Super Dome, Dec. 4 against the Lions!
Stoked, I tell ya... Can't wait to tailgate with you guys prior to the game. I haven't been to a home game in a LOOONNNNGGG time.

Gonna go from their up to Nashville to catch that game as well. If any of you guys are going, we'll have to party prior to the game.

Looking forward to meeting you guys!

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Green Bay Packers, Aaron Rodgers, Randall Cobb hold off Drew Brees and New Orleans Saints, 42-34

Posted 09-09-2011 at 03:00 AM by Halo (Nose Bleed)

If this was a Super Bowl hangover, there will be a lot of people trying to find out what the Packers have been drinking.

If anything, Aaron Rodgers and the Pack looked even more imposing at Lambeau Field Thursday night as the Super Bowl XLV MVP outdueled Drew Brees, the Super Bowl XLIV MVP, in a 42-34 Green Bay victory that got the NFL season off and running in a hail of offense that was finally...
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Posted in Sports, NFL, Saints
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PATRIOT size moves..

Posted 07-28-2011 at 07:03 PM by WestBankbOrn

I am B&G through n through, but I can't help but notice the offseason moves the patriots seem to always pull off. First, to trade and sign a guy like Haynesworth for close to nothing, then do the same with " Ochocinco " for the same amount he was making in Cincy....How do they seem to pull these trades/signings off every year?

All I know if we continue to model our franchise after theirs, we will always be in good shape.
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