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Penn State: Does "Fanhood" blind?

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Posted 11-10-2011 at 11:17 AM by SapperSaint

Please understand that I fully understand that what I am about to discuss is in no way related to Saints football.

I the past few days scandal has rocked, shaken the pillars, or to be blunt... DESTROYED Penn State Football. While I am not a Penn State fan. I as a football fan do understand who Penn State is and who Joe Paterno is.

For those of you who many not know what I am talking about I will give you a quick run-down as to what is happening.

Gerry Sandusky was current/former/who the hell really know; coach for Penn State Football. He has been charged with sexually assault of 8 known minor boys. It is alleged that He, (Sandusky) was visually seen in the act, on campus in the Football Showering room. The person who witnessed the act was an intern that upon seeing this act; did not stop it. Rather, he called his father and the next day the intern and his father told Coach JoePa about what he had seen. JoePa the states he told the AD and the Vice President about the incident. (This all took place in 2002).

Fast forward to 10 November 2011.

The Penn State University announces that Coach Joe Paterno has been released as Head Coach of Penn State. Effective, immediately. With More firings to come.

Now the issue I have with this whole thing (Other than the obvious). Is the reaction of some of the Penn State fans. In reading some of their comments on ESPN; they feel he has done nothing wrong. "It wasn't Joe who raped the boys", "Joe has done nothing wrong", "Joe had no responsibility to act on this".

Are you kidding me?!?!?! To say that Joe had no responsibility, had done nothing wrong; is absolutely mind blowing. These fans; and I'm talking about more that one here and one there....It's a lot of them.... They really feel as if Joe has been done wrong in this.

I won't get into a religious debate over this, we all have different views. However, one thing make's us all equal. We are Human Beings!

Joe Paterno watched this guy, Sandusky, everyday walk the halls of the football building. Knowing what he had been accused of and never asking the question "Why is he still here?", "What is being done about this?", nothing. Joe Paterno did nothing. All of the firings that will be taking place for the next couple of weeks will all be "damage control".

Now don't get me wrong. I am not placing Joe as the sole blame for nothing being done. Because he is in no way the only other person to blame for this. I place that on the entire institution. But for the fan's to not only say it, but believe it whole heartedly; that Joe Paterno did nothing wrong is just, well wrong.

Joe ran what is being said to be one of the cleanest football programs in NCAA history. If that is so. Why didn't he do something about the rape of children? I don't know about you; but paying football players and giving them cars, houses and what-nots; pales in comparison to the rape of a child. Much less 8 children. More and more is coming out on this. I just heard that Sandusky was told by personnel at Penn State that he was told not to bring "Minors" on campus. Are you F'in kidding me!!!!! That is saying; "We don't care what you do...just don't do it here".

And the fans scream injustice.......... Justice is not blind. We the people, the fan's have become blind. Blinded by our love for our teams. Blinded to the point that makes me wonder are we losing our humanity? I sure hope I never reach that level of fanhood. Even with my love for LSU and the Saints. I hope if this type of thing happened at LSU I could step out of my Purple and Gold aura and see the truth.

Posted in Sports, College
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  1. Old Comment
    One word for his supporters

    Posted 11-10-2011 at 11:28 AM by strato strato is offline

  2. Old Comment
    Halo's Avatar
    Couldn't agree more Sapper because...


    Posted 11-10-2011 at 12:38 PM by Halo Halo is offline
  3. Old Comment
    iceshack149's Avatar
    Students rally in defense of Paterno

    Thousands of Penn State students rally in defense of Paterno

    It gets worse...
    Lamp posts were tipped over and broken on Beaver Avenue, part of the campus business district, where students were met by police and pepper spray. A television truck was overturned, and students rushed the university's administration building, "Old Main," a couple of blocks away.
    Students chanted "We Are Penn State," "We want Joe" and "One more game" and yelled Paterno's name as they rushed the building, where a half-dozen police officers waited on the steps, preventing the mob from going inside.
    Posted 11-10-2011 at 01:18 PM by iceshack149 iceshack149 is offline
  4. Old Comment
    SapperSaint's Avatar
    you're killing me HALO.
    Posted 11-10-2011 at 01:32 PM by SapperSaint SapperSaint is offline
  5. Old Comment
    That's them quaker heads...let that crap happen down here...i don't think folks would be..so nice.
    Posted 11-10-2011 at 01:35 PM by strato strato is offline
  6. Old Comment
    SapperSaint's Avatar
    me either STRATO. I think lynchings would be bountiful. But hey... after all what does it matter what us dumb Southern hicks think anyway? We don't even know what shoes are.
    Posted 11-10-2011 at 01:40 PM by SapperSaint SapperSaint is offline
  7. Old Comment
    Halo's Avatar
    Originally Posted by SapperSaint View Comment
    you're killing me HALO.
    Kim Jong-Il watch out not to die with still in power.
    Someone take power from family (even-though it socialist nirvana).
    Posted 11-10-2011 at 05:47 PM by Halo Halo is offline
  8. Old Comment
    homerj07's Avatar
    I cannot put into words how upset this make me.

    How can a man watch a child getting raped and then DO NOTHING ABOUT IT???
    Posted 11-10-2011 at 09:27 PM by homerj07 homerj07 is offline
  9. Old Comment
    Halo's Avatar
    Originally Posted by homerj07 View Comment
    I cannot put into words how upset this make me.

    How can a man watch a child getting raped and then DO NOTHING ABOUT IT???
    Well, he did tell Joe Pa...... come to think of it, yeah he basically did nothing!
    Posted 11-10-2011 at 10:56 PM by Halo Halo is offline
  10. Old Comment
    Sapper, well said.
    You need to post this somehwere else like PSU's message board, or other univ. messages boards.
    Posted 11-12-2011 at 12:14 PM by OldMaid OldMaid is offline
  11. Old Comment
    Crusader's Avatar
    Sandusky, from Penn State to State Penn....
    Posted 11-14-2011 at 01:17 AM by Crusader Crusader is offline
  12. Old Comment
    hagan714's Avatar
    you know the board of regents knew about this and there is a law firm that is guilty of the advices they gave when Joe called the cops. Sorry the chargers and blame do not stop with the staff
    Posted 11-20-2011 at 04:12 PM by hagan714 hagan714 is offline
  13. Old Comment
    CantonLegend's Avatar
    apparently joe pa didnt know exactly what happened. he went to his superior to ask what needed to be done just like any employee at any job would've done

    to say he was required to do more is all based on morality and not legality

    fwiw sandusky has not been convicted of any crimes and has not admitted to any wrong doing.....you cannot fire someone in good faith without knowing all the details

    if a company is willing to fire employees without knowing all the facts that shows people that no matter how long you've been a member of an organization and no matter how many great things you've done.....a negative allegation is more than enough to not support you in any way whatsoever and completely drop you from affiliation you have with said organization

    regardless....joe pa deserved and earned the benefit of the doubt over his countless years of service to penn state university.....at least until all the facts were known
    Posted 12-09-2011 at 03:54 PM by CantonLegend CantonLegend is offline
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