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Football 101:Salary Cap, Free Agency and Franchise Tags

Posted 12-18-2008 at 08:46 AM by hagan714

The NFL salary cap is calculated by the current CBA to be 59.5% of the total projected league revenue for the upcoming year. This number, divided by the number of teams, determines an individual team's maximum salary cap. For 2008, this was approximately $116 million per team. For 2009, a minimum 6% increase raised this number to at least $123 million. For all of you nerds out there, here is the actual mathematical calculation:

Projected revenue x CBA Percentage...
LB Mentallity
Posted in Sports, NFL
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I can not give up. It's just not in me.

Posted 10-21-2008 at 11:44 AM by SapperSaint

I have seen way too many "The season is over" post, and I just can't take it anymore.

Guys and Gals we are Saints fans. Some of the other teams have claimed that they are the best and most loyal fans in the NFL, but I greatly disagree.

Our (The Fans) biggest problem is that we know, WE KNOW, this team is close to being the best team we have ever had. A few more players in some much needed holes and this dream of ours will come true. We always find something...
Pink Nightmare
Posted in Sports, Saints
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Defense: The Butchers’ Toll Part 1

Posted 07-21-2008 at 05:17 PM by hagan714
Updated 05-04-2009 at 07:46 PM by hagan714

The Butchers’ Toll
Part 1

No one can tell me we played the same system as in 2006. By the end of 2006 the fans and the rest of the NFL knew how to kill the Saints’ defense. Attack it. So in 2007 the Saints went for a safer approach and decided it was safer to read and react to opposing offense and try to minimize the bleeding. Well that did not work. The Saints’ Defensive blood had to be cleaned for the field every Sunday. Napoleon would always ask for “What’s The Butchers’...
LB Mentallity
Views 6027 Comments 2 Trackbacks 0 hagan714 is offline

Defense: The Butchers’ Toll Part 2

Posted 07-21-2008 at 05:16 PM by hagan714
Updated 05-04-2009 at 07:47 PM by hagan714

The Butchers’ Toll
Part 2

Now what did the Saints do?
Let’s face facts here. Youth is the main need for our defense. We rented a Defense now for two years and they were not really any spring chickens out there. The Saints’ went all out in FA and the draft for defense. Yes we did add another group of aging vets to one year contracts in FA. Well that is our standard mode of operation. What was surprising was the signing of Randell Gay , Bobby McCray and the trade...
LB Mentallity
Views 4457 Comments 1 Trackbacks 0 hagan714 is offline

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