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Windows XP - "Live to die another day"

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Posted 07-28-2010 at 11:57 AM by Halo

Microsoft announced Tuesday that Windows XP will "live to die another day" in a curious drama where the operating system was scheduled to expire over 2 years ago. The previous release of the seriously "bugged out" Windows Vista has propelled XP in to another life cycle.

Nowadays most of the consumer Windows users are either using the new Windows 7 platform or are in the process of upgrading to it. Even those that lived out the dreadful Windows Vista start (and fall on face) have migrated to the new Windows 7.

But on the business side of things, that migration has not happened. Microsoft long prides itself as "the giant" in commercial, government and small business arenas. With its granular license plans and "contact your computer manufacturer for support" model of doing business, it shouldn't be hard for anyone to wonder why they are on almost all business desktops... no really, consumers, even business consumers, love torture.

For the average I.T. person, the nightmare of Windows Vista with all the bugs and horrible press made it a "skippable" release of Windows.

Business and enterprise environments must work at peak effeciency for a long time so the I.T. guru's can get some rest. Software updates can make life hard for I.T. professionals; software upgrades cause sleepless nights, undo anxiety, exhaustion making life practically unbearable for months on end.

If you're an I.T. professional that LOVES to upgrade software across an enterprise environment on a regular basis, then you, sir/madam, are INSANE!

Once an enterprise environment finally gets trained and questions like "where's the menu thing for this" and "I lost my web" are finally answered, IT professionals prefer that things stay that way for a while. That's why so many clamored to the Microsoft powers that be to "leave things alone"...

But for everyone running XP at home, just make sure you're running SP3 because SP2 is no longer supported. Then again, you probably have automatic updates running and SP3 is already installed without you realizing it.

And so Windows XP, even in the era of Widows 7, is really living to die another day making it the longest running supported Windows platform ever... but believe me, you WANT Windows 7 - it's the best version of Windows I've ever used. It makes XP seem slow like a dinosaur.
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