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Sanity Zone 1-19-2013 Positive Rights

Posted 01-18-2013 at 04:08 PM by xan

In political theory, a positive right is a right that is accorded to you by society. In contrast, a negative right is a right that society can take away from you. Negative rights are freedom of speech, freedom of religious belief, freedom to act in self-preservation. Examples of positive rights are things like education, health care, vacations, police and fire protection. Positive rights are things that society allows you to add to yourself.

Negative rights are things you pay...
Professor Crab and
Site Donor 2014
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Fun facts: Since legalizing marijuana in Washington and Colorado, the Broncos & Seahawks ...

Posted 01-07-2013 at 07:51 AM by SloMotion

... are undefeated. Or so I heard on the radio this morning. Performing due diligence prior to posting, I found it's actually a combined record of 15-1, but I did uncover some amusing facts:

- Seattle has gone 7-1, losing only to Miami since legalization. Come on, is there any bigger of a buzzkill than having to travel the width of the country, in a pressurized cabin, and than have to play a game in the Florida heat? They get a pass on that one. They are an impressive 4-0 at...
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Lomas Brown: I intentionally missed block to get Scott Mitchell hurt

Posted 12-28-2012 at 08:24 AM by SloMotion

Lomas, Lomas, Lomas, (smh) ... didn't your mom ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all? (and) Like the Detroit Lions need more bad publicity in the character, discipline & self-control department already. 1994? Really? What's your point now, 18yrs later? What's the motivation? What about the code, Lomas? "What happens in the trenches, stays in the trenches . . ."

Lomas Brown: I purposely missed a block to get Scott Mitchell hurt | ProFootballTalk...
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Sanity Zone 12-16-2012 Moral Hazard

Posted 12-19-2012 at 03:30 PM by xan

Our country is losing its way. We vote ourselves benefits and perks and earmarks while simultaneously foisting the bill on someone else, justifying it by using the theory that the intellectually and philosophically superior society is better off with those provisions. Its insidiousness has led to a culture of moral hazard.

Moral Hazard is the term used to describe behaviors an individual or group takes knowing that the consequences of those behaviors will be "paid" for by...
Professor Crab and
Site Donor 2014
Posted in Uncategorized
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Gun debates aside, Connecticut tragedy shows a cultural problem

Posted 12-17-2012 at 04:22 PM by neugey
Updated 12-17-2012 at 04:47 PM by neugey (categorize)

With the tragic school shooting in Connecticut on Friday, the hot-button issue is gun control or the lack thereof, but it's an issue I could care less about. In fact, this is the last time I'm going to use the word "gun" or mention firearms in this blog.

Also, I am not pointing to a lack of moral or compassionate populace in America. There are many, many thoughtful and compassionate people in America of all ages and all demographics. We live with them, work with them, worship...
Hu Dat!
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