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Why does this site mean more than just football?

Rating: 1 votes, 4.00 average.
Posted 12-22-2008 at 12:42 AM by SapperSaint

One December 15th last year we lost a true friend to this website. JoeSam.

I remember that day very well, as do many of us here. I don't think back on that day as a total bad day. Because it reminds me just how important this site has been in my life for the past couple of years. It has gotten my through a war, and opened up countless new friendships.

Yes, I know, at times, I get too mushy for a football site, and I know Kevin will give me friendly grief for it....but hey, he knows that's the kinda guy I am.

HALO and the others that make this site as great as it can be, do a great job. However, it still all boils down to the members we have on this site. Sure we don't always see eye to eye, and how can you not love Euph when he is at his wits end and is ready to fire everyone on the Dline or Oline(don't mean to point you out nuthin but love for ya Bro!); but that is what makes this site far beyond other Saints sites. The members, who are like a second family to most if not all.

I really just wanted this entry to be about Joe, and in my own way it kinda is. Because if not for him and others here on this site, I just don't think it would be the same. I am glad I got to know friend.

We miss you Bro.
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  1. Old Comment
    Halo's Avatar

    Thanks for the kind words. It was hard at first when JoeSam passed away. He was like a brother and a partner in everything with this site- he was a good friend.

    It's been hard keeping up with the site and making it go, but so many other people have stepped up to help moderate, give recommendations, and just write to say hi. It helps when you have a community of people to back you up when it can be a lot of work keeping a site like this going.

    This site is for the members. We're not ban happy or anything- if something goes wrong everyone can look at themselves and ask why. While some are content contributors, others are nay-sayers, some just come to read what is going on. What I remind everyone is we're all Saints fans, or the Saints have brought us here somehow. When everyone gets their feathers ruffled, that's a great mantra that this site lives by.

    So with all the diverse people, we get along and that makes this site fun.

    I hope everyone enjoys the site, and don't hesitate to PM or email me at anytime if you want to help or join in somehow.

    Halo (Mark)
    Posted 12-22-2008 at 09:12 PM by Halo Halo is offline

  2. Old Comment
    hagan714's Avatar
    Sorry I can not give you grief on this one. I agree with everything you have said. I to still get mushy when Joe is the topic. Call me girlie boy if you want and I will dress the part. It was Joe that got me so involved in this site as he did with so many others here.

    Mark thank you for this site!
    Posted 12-23-2008 at 11:04 AM by hagan714 hagan714 is offline
  3. Old Comment
    I'm certainly enjoying the site. Its good talking & reading about the Saints, and not having politics shoved down my throat. The discussion is lively, but unlike the last place I posted, everyone here seems to be taking their meds as scheduled, and not spitting pea soup.

    Already some folks here have showed up at my favorite sports bar here in Houston and joined the real-life Saints party--- which shows you the positive power here. This is much more about supporting the team and each other, and less about playing Dungeons & Dragons & spewing out the nonsense that chokes most of the internet.

    One suggestion: I'd like to see a [B]Louisiana/ Gulf Coast sub-forum[/B] where you can discuss topics or share information relatable to folks who either live in or visit the region. You could talk about anything from what to see in New Orleans/Gulf Coast, to crawfish boiling, things happening in the state, concerts? festivals? hurricane info? history? small town stories? fishing? oil industry stuff? Mardi Gras? Whatever we're interested in.

    I know I'm always looking for the best hole in the wall bars/restaurants, bed & breakfasts in the middle of nowhere, and [B]secret escape routes[/B] out of N.O. after Saints games.
    Posted 12-29-2008 at 09:39 AM by
  4. Old Comment
    Sapper I apologize. Re-reading your opening post, I feel like I've hijacked your thread here. I meant well.

    I did a good deal of reading here before I started posting, and looked at some old threads, and so in my first post, expressed that I definitely feel I missed out on your friend JoeSam. Even more considering his home was listed at Crystal Beach... which tells me much, I dont know how to express it, you'd just have to hang w/ the people there.... Reading his writings, I cant help but feel like I know him.
    Posted 12-30-2008 at 08:44 AM by
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