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How to define Insanity

Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.
Posted 01-11-2012 at 10:48 PM by SapperSaint

After all the hype. After all the agruements. After all the good times and the hangovers....

I am at a loss, my friends.

The 2011 LSU Tigers Football season has come to a close. It has been full of just about every emotion a fan could experience. Anger, concern, fear, doubt, and let me not forget...PRIDE. I do have one other feeling left to mention. However, it's not an emotion at all. In fact it is a condition. A mental one at that.

The condition I am talking about is insanity. Insanity is defined as; doing the same exact thing over and over again. While expecting a different outcome.

On January 2nd 2012, insanity is just what the Tiger Nation, Bama Goon platoon and the rest of the college football loving folks witnessed during the 2011 BCS National Championship game. I know what you are thinking... Sapper is just mad because the Tigers lost. Well, part "Yes" and part "No". I'll explain.

The two best teams in NCAA D1 football are without a doubt LSU and Alabama. Maybe thats just my opinion but hey... it's my blog. Anyway. The issue I have with the loss is just pure mind boggling to me. Warning, this is going to take a little bit for me to explain, so bear with me. I will jump to the meat and potatoes of the BCS NC game just to shorten this up.

While I was watching the game I noticed the Tigers were running the same plays over and over and over and over and over (use the Pee Wee Herman voice when saying that part). Plays were as follows: Pass into the flat to the WR; Option pass to RB; QB draw; QB RB option; rare 5 yrd pass. This happened every offensive play of every quarter.

Can anyone explain this madness to me?

The Alabama Defense played their game plan to a "T". If you watch the replay of the game. You will notice that the Bama D Game plan was to contain Jordan Jefferson. PERIOD. Bama loaded the line with the front 7. No linebackers covered TE's, RB's in the slot WR position, nor did they cover WR's.Their job and only job was to stop the hijinks of Jordan Jefferson. For that they get an A++.

Now, if ole Sapper could see that.... WHY COULDN'T THE COACHES OF LSU SEE IT!!!! (Calm down Paul gotta get through this entry.)

The maddening part of all this is why Miles left Jefferson in and left Lee on the sideline. Coach Miles made the statement that he didn't feel like Lee was mobile enough. (Cough.horsecrap UH HUM. Excuse me, had to clear my throat). I'll tell you why he didn't let Lee get in the game. Coach Miles is hard headed. Les was going to live and die by Jordan Jefferson. I'll tell you who else knew that.....Nick Saban. If I was a betting man. I'd bet my retirement that Nick never game planned for Lee. He knew Miles wouldn't change his QB. Scary thought, isn't it. It's not that far off to think he would know that.... How many of you "Knew" Les was gonna put Lee in? Hell, when I saw him stretching; I wished I had the number to the "Red" phone on the sideline. My conversation would have been something like this....

Me: "Get Jarrett on the phone"
Some Guy: "Ok"
Jarrett: "Hello"
Me: "Jarrett, just pull your helmet off son. walk out of the Dome I have a car to take you back to BR. He's not putting you in."
Jarrett: "Yes sir. What Gate is the taxi at?"

That's about how it would have gone.

Well, I guess I'm done ranting. I do have one last thing to say to "Our" boys in Purple and Gold.

Tigers, I am very proud of each of you! To our Graduating Seniors; thank you for your years of serve to the Tiger Nation and wish you the best in your future. Do not forget this Loss. Let it fuel you for not only next year but for the rest of your life; both in and out of football.

Lastly to the rest of the Tiger Nation.... enjoy the season we just had. Think about how many times we were on the brink of doom and our Tigers finished the year with 1 loss. Be proud of that. Tigers Forever Forever Tigers! Geaux Tigers!


AKA Sapper
AKA Big Bad Booty Daddy
AKA Clap Doctor Supreme
Posted in Sports, College
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  1. Old Comment
    Extremely frustrating. That Lee couldn't sniff the field boggles the mind.
    Posted 01-12-2012 at 12:41 PM by saintfan saintfan is offline

  2. Old Comment
    Halo's Avatar
    Originally Posted by saintfan View Comment
    Extremely frustrating. That Lee couldn't sniff the field boggles the mind.
    Kudos to Bama. They came prepared and kicked butt. Kudos to Nick Saban who prepared his team. Bama's d-line was overwhelming LSU's o-line.
    I noticed Bama was dug in the trenches ready to stop LSU's option attack.

    So what does LSU and Les Miles do? The run the option and ONLY throw screens to the corners.

    I wasn't at this game as I was lucky enough to attend the last 2 BCS Championships LSU won. I read that receivers were open down field most of the evening.

    I believe if LSU moved to a straight up running game and pro style offense, Bama would have been caught off guard.

    As for Les.... SHAME ON YOU for attempting to destroy the potential PRO career of Jarrett Lee. SHAME! LSU was 8 - 0 under Lee. Les, what you did was hurt Lee's career, but you also hurt Jefferson who is NOT pro quality to start with - and he proved that in the big game.

    Saban knew Miles was too hard headed to make a switch to Lee so he keyed on Jefferson. That gamble paid off big-time. SHAME ON YOU LES MILES. Congrats Bama.
    Posted 01-12-2012 at 07:20 PM by Halo Halo is offline
  3. Old Comment
    SapperSaint's Avatar
    Originally Posted by Halo View Comment
    As for Les.... SHAME ON YOU for attempting to destroy the potential PRO career of Jarrett Lee. SHAME! LSU was 8 - 0 under Lee. Les, what you did was hurt Lee's career, but you also hurt Jefferson who is NOT pro quality to start with - and he proved that in the big game.

    Saban knew Miles was too hard headed to make a switch to Lee so he keyed on Jefferson. That gamble paid off big-time. SHAME ON YOU LES MILES.
    My thoughts exactly, Mark. Great comment.
    Posted 01-12-2012 at 09:31 PM by SapperSaint SapperSaint is offline
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