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Sanity Zone 11-4-2010 Post Election Analysis

Posted 11-04-2010 at 06:20 PM by xan

Nothing less than the expected results for the midterm elections on Tuesday. While there were a couple of suprises both ways, several trends emerged.

Today, we address The Rise of the Far Right

Tea Partiers who believe in a smaller government and fewer regulations advanced. In some cases, the Tea Party Republican displaced a moderate Republican or RINO (Republican In Name Only). In others, they replaced a “Blue Dog” Democrat, one that, for the...
Professor Crab and
Site Donor 2014
Views 7214 Comments 4 Trackbacks 0 xan is offline

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Sanity Zone 10-28-2010

Posted 10-28-2010 at 03:54 PM by xan

After watching a bit of propaganda from both political extremes, it occurred to me that people may not know what kind of economic policy options that are available to our leaders. Believe it or not, it’s pretty easy to draw up and easy to understand.

I realize that there is a lot of anger in some people’s attitude toward our government, and it is rightly deserved. Our leaders have screwed up. However, policy options and their effects on the economy and jobs don’t change when there’s...
Professor Crab and
Site Donor 2014
Views 6701 Comments 3 Trackbacks 0 xan is offline

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