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Colin Kaepernick-discuss

this is a discussion within the NFL Community Forum; In school they used to broadcast the Star Spangled Banner on the intercom system everyday and forced us to stand and then give our pledge of allegiance to the flag. My friends and I sat through both - telling our ...

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Old 09-01-2016, 12:24 AM   #71
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Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

In school they used to broadcast the Star Spangled Banner on the intercom system everyday and forced us to stand and then give our pledge of allegiance to the flag.

My friends and I sat through both - telling our selves we were protesting the Vietnam war. My older brother was of drafting age... There was much discussion and condemnation about it, the first time... but after a very few times the school just decided to ignore it, saying we had the right to do what we wanted and we did not have to Pledge our Allegiance.

The "controversy" blew over and of course the war went on.

I am a much older now, but still swell with pride knowing that I don't have to stand for the National Anthem. In fact I can't think of anything more UN-American than to be told you MUST stand for the National Anthem.

Reading these 7or so pages of folks saying how people have fought for and died for that flag. I respect the troops, for fighting and dieing for the right NOT to stand for a song, a flag or to take a pledge of Allegiance.

There is police brutality. There is. Period. There is a disproportionate amount of black incarceration. The police brutality may be less than in years past - for we have come a long way baby. I know I was raised in the segregated south. But unlike then, we today we have cell phones and other forms of instant communication that feed us a steady diet of how far we have yet to come.

People are upset about it. And I don't blame them. You should be to.

I stand up for this minor Quarterback and his right to sit down. He is standing up for many that can not stand up for them selves - by sitting down. His action sparked the dialogue that we are having right now.

On an national level, continued dialogue may just help to quell the problem.

True, Muhammad Ali he is not. But that makes it all the more important. and frankly, brave. Ali was a celebrity and risked and lost a great deal for his stand. However, in many ways, being a minor actor on a big stage Kaepernick is risking more.

I truly believe sports is an excellent place for kind of action, and I hope he inspires more athletes to behave similarly. In short, it worked. Sports draws a very diverse audience. And such actions gets us talking about the issues. Most if us have played at least enough of some organized game to learn a little sportsmanship when broaching such topics to be civil.

"it is from the lost, your culture has always been found." - chandler (9th ward new orleans #2)
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Old 09-01-2016, 04:02 AM   #72
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Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi View Post
Listen clearly, I give a rat A** what you think about me. You try so hard to switch the conversation from the subject of the brutality toward blacks with no success. If you claim to be the spokesman for EVERYONE in America really prove how dumb you are. I have no hatred toward cops or whites and in your case other, I don't like you but no hatred. I am simply saying wrong is wrong and right is right. When cops think more in line that when they cross path with a black individual they need to be more aggressive thats were the injustice plays a part.
First of all, I'm white, not "other". Whatever that was supposed to mean.

I haven't avoided your crap one little bit. I have told you time and again that if you just want to scour the internet for videos of blacks being beaten or shot, you can do that. But if you want to be honest and quit playing the victim, you will ACTUALLY SEARCH beyond the walls of your insecurity that somehow only blacks are being targeted. Or that it's disproportionate in favor of blacks being killed.

I'm not a troll. I don't want to liter this forum with youtube videos. So I've tried to reason with you. But all you can do is call me stupid. So hear you go... Here's my impression of you, only with opposite colors.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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Old 09-01-2016, 04:25 AM   #73
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Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

whether you stand up and stare at a flag is the most unimportant thing on earth. Symbolism is pointless/meaningless.

youll forget about this when the Vikings pick him up and Minn. runs down hill all season in that shiny new dome.
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Old 09-01-2016, 04:37 AM   #74
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Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

There's plenty more where that came from, but I'm not going to waste any more time than I already have in posting videos that could easily be found by anyone who wants look for it. If you are really about truth, go and see the rest for yourself. I can cherry pick video's just like you, it's not hard. That's my problem with you, and that's my problem with this whole narrative of black oppression.

If you were, as you claim, against police brutality, then you would be talking about ALL of the crime out there. But instead you just look for what supports your opinions.

Roughly twice as many whites, in the past year or so, have been killed by cops as blacks have. But where is this in the media? Where are the videos I posted in the media? You don't think it's just a little odd? Why are we outraged about violence against blacks instead of being outraged against violence, period?

Many of the stories that come out about cop brutality are grainy, choppy videos with no context as to what started it. Is there real police brutality? Of course there is. There are bad people in the world, and the vast, vast majority of them are NOT cops. But a few of them end up making their way into law enforcement and, well, you give a bad man a badge and a gun (he would have a gun anyway) and you have a real problem. But if you take cops away, then everybody dies.

But in the media, it's all focused on the bad cops and even cops who haven't done anything wrong, who are being accused of murder simply because of the color of the person they shot. There ARE REAL CRIMINALS, who are not cops, as well. How quickly society has forgotten that. We'd rather start a racial war than to ACTUALLY do something about what's going on.

That's what's wrong with sitting for the national anthem and citing mistreatment of minorities as your reasoning. It's inaccurate to say that there is a disproportion, firstly, but in saying that he is also belittling the problems that so many others are facing. That's selfish, and if it's not prejudiced, I don't know what is.

And you know what's sad? When you tell someone that more whites are being killed than blacks, people say it's because there are more white people......... Wow. Yeah, there ARE more white people. But if this is supposedly a concentrated war against black people, then why are the numbers still doubled?

So if I line up 100 white people and 5 black people in front of a firing squad, and I decide to shoot 60 of the whites and 4 of the five black people, that means I killed 60 percent of the whites and 80 percent of the blacks, right? Simple arithmetic. But then the question has to be asked... Why did I pick 100 white people and only 5 blacks?

The point there is really simple. It doesn't matter the population percentage of one color to another. If you are killing more of the other, you are still killing more of the other, and in no way is the significance diminished. We have a CRIME PROBLEM. And it is not about race or being cop vs. being a civilian. And we will never make it right by pointing fingers at one side.
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If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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Old 09-01-2016, 04:44 AM   #75
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Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by A.8Manning View Post
whether you stand up and stare at a flag is the most unimportant thing on earth. Symbolism is pointless/meaningless.

youll forget about this when the Vikings pick him up and Minn. runs down hill all season in that shiny new dome.
That's a pretty lazy way to look at it. It isn't merely the symbolism of standing or not standing for a flag. It was his reasoning behind it. And that is what we're discussing. Not standing up for the flag doesn't send a message to police or government. It says "screw you, America". If he had said that was his reason, we'd still be calling him a loser, but at least his intentions would be more clear. His reasons are instead very misguided, and he's just following along with this movement of playing the race card.

As far as him having the right. He was allowed to do it and wasn't thrown in prison, right? And we aren't saying to throw him in prison. That's all "rights" afford anyone. It doesn't shield you from criticism. People need to get that straight.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:03 PM   #76
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Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

You folks know what was a sizeable portion of the Haight/Asbury population in the 60s? Kids from Marin.

See, the rich kids from Marin used to come down to the Haight, smoke a little pot, dream about Utopia, then go back home to the parent's houses on hill sides overlooking the San Francisco Bay or the Pacific Ocean.

Not all of course. There were a lot of things that converged there as most of us know, and many who were there were truly trying to make change. After 67 it became a Heroin fest and the rest is a pretty sad history.

But there were some genuinely political people involved who did make some genuinely good arguments against the establishment. It got bastardized and that's pretty much that.

To Kaepernick, here's what we know:
  • Took the league by storm
  • league figures him out (like is usually does)
  • Looses his starting gig
  • has contract squabbles with Niners
  • Won't renegotiate his 11 million to leave and start with Denver
  • Gets involved with BLM DJ Hottie
  • Converts to Islam
  • Starts wearing Castro t-shirts but nobody cares because the Che Gueva ship sailed in the 60s
  • Starts wearing socks with pigs wearing police hats - nobody cares
  • Isn't getting enough attention so sits during anthem

And all over the internet people lose their damn minds. Look this kid is looking for attention and couldn't hold an equitable conversation on the subject of his protest even with someone like me. The hottie DJ probably has as much to do with his 'protest for the downtrodden' as any true activism he might have in his tiny, pea brain. Probably (likely) much much more.

So y'all keep on yelling back and forth. Few of you can see the forest for the trees, but some of you can, and I like you. The rest of you are sheep. This isn't a race thing this is a guy trying to please his girl who also craves the spotlight that shined on him briefly...before we all came to understand he's not a very good QB.

Simple simple. Here endeth the lesson.
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C'mon Man...
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Old 09-01-2016, 03:43 PM   #77
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Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by burningmetal View Post
First of all, I'm white, not "other". Whatever that was supposed to mean.

I haven't avoided your crap one little bit. I have told you time and again that if you just want to scour the internet for videos of blacks being beaten or shot, you can do that. But if you want to be honest and quit playing the victim, you will ACTUALLY SEARCH beyond the walls of your insecurity that somehow only blacks are being targeted. Or that it's disproportionate in favor of blacks being killed.

I'm not a troll. I don't want to liter this forum with youtube videos. So I've tried to reason with you. But all you can do is call me stupid. So hear you go... Here's my impression of you, only with opposite colors.

Police kill more whites than blacks. You just don't hear about it. - YouTube

Police Asked To See Her Gun Then They Shot Her - YouTube

Police Taze And Shoot Unarmed White Teen 7 Times Before Killing Him....NO CHARGES FILED - YouTube

Police in Ottawa, Kansas fatally shot unarmed white teen 16 times! WTF? - YouTube
How does this help your argument? You might need to go back and read my statements if you think I said white people are not targeted, also! I can only come to a conclusion that you think IF WHITE PEOPLE ARE TARGETED WHY SHOULD BLACK PEOPLE PROTEST? ARE YOU SAYING IF WHITE PEOPLE TARGETED WHY IS IT A BLACK LIVE MATTER MOVEMENT INSTEAD OF A ALL LIVES MATTER? Well if you asking why is it a black live matter movement, the simple answer to this in MY OPINION is that after many complaints by blacks that police are targeting blacks many people refused to believe. people will say they must deserve what happen to them, the police was using self defense or the most ridiculous one is they cause the injury to themselves. well after the Rodney King beating was broadcast on T.V. people thought that will shed the light on the truth and justice will prevail but as you and I know the officers were acquitted of any wrong doing. Why would blacks believe in JUSTICE FOR ALL after that slap in the face? Then the assaults by pedestrian (STAND YOUR GROUND LAW) was causing a lot of blacks to be killed are assaulted (TRAYVON MARTIN tapes clearly was evidence that Zimmerman pursued Trayvon after the 911 responder told him not to follow) now you have a series of events that happening within the year with clear footage of what is happening, so that's started the BLACK LIVES MOVEMENT. Its not to say white people or other don't matter. Its to let people know we are tired of seeing our children, daughters, sons and men being slaughtered with NO JUSTICE NO PEACE

Last edited by nola_swammi; 09-01-2016 at 04:30 PM.. Reason: CORRECTION
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Old 09-01-2016, 03:56 PM   #78
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Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi View Post
How does this help your argument? You might need to go back and read my statements if you think I said white people are not targeted, also! I can only come to a conclusion that you think IF WHITE PEOPLE ARE TARGETED WHY SHOULD BLACK PEOPLE PROTEST? ARE YOU SAYING IF WHITE PEOPLE TARGETED WHY IS IT A BLACK LIVE MATTER MOVEMENT INSTEAD OF A ALL LIVES MATTER? Well if you asking why is it a black live matter movement, the simple answer to this in MY OPINION is that after many complaints by blacks that police are targeting blacks many people refused to believe. people will say they must deserve what happen to them, the police was using self defense or the most ridiculous one is they cause the injury to themselves. well after the Rodney King beating was broadcast on T.V. people thought that will shed the light on the truth and justice will prevail but as you and I know the officers were acquitted of any wrong doing. Why would blacks believe in JUSTICE FOR ALL after that slap in the face? Then the assaults by pedestrian (STAND YOUR GROUND LAW) was preventing a lot of blacks to be killed are assaulted (TRAYVON MARTIN) now you have a series of events that happening within the year with clear footage of what is happening, so that's started the BLACK LIVES MOVEMENT. Its not to say white people or other don't matter. Its to let people know we are tired of seeing our children, daughters, sons and men being slaughtered with NO JUSTICE NO PEACE
Want to know what happens to a guy like me who chooses to exercise his 'rights' and walk down certain streets in Oakland, CA after dark? Wanna know why I don't? Wanna know the color of the man giving me such very good advice, and why?

Wanna know?
Give a ****?
Bet not.

It's hard to change a man's ethos, and yours needs changing. BLM didn't bring attention to a damn thing. There exists corruption in every corner of every thing on the face of this earth so long as people are involved. You're using color as an excuse, just like Trayvon Martin. Just like Oscar Grant. Just like so many others.

Simply acting right will keep you and your kids out of most trouble, even in the face of corrupt cops. Sure works for me and my kids, and all my black friends and their kids too. Just acting right will do it. That's color blind. Black. White. Orange. Yellow. Yes sir Mr Officer. No sir Mr Officer. You may loathe the Son of a ***** for stopping you, harassing you, writing you a ticket, asking you questions. Whatever. Your experience is no different than mine. Bet.

You appear to be capable only to see only what you've been programmed to see and you're not enlightened enough to get out and take a universal stand - you only see color and you can't even admit it to yourself.

It's like that woman who said she was on the beach with her young daughter when they saw a truck drive down the road with a rebel flag and this woman clutched her child and trembled in fear at the sight. So yeah, her kid is going to grow up fearing a symbol, and she may never truly understand why. That's what I'm talking about, but I'll go ahead and bet the family farm you won't get it.

C'mon Man...
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Old 09-01-2016, 04:29 PM   #79
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Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Meanwhile...anti-cop socks?

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Old 09-01-2016, 04:53 PM   #80
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Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by saintfan View Post
Want to know what happens to a guy like me who chooses to exercise his 'rights' and walk down certain streets in Oakland, CA after dark? Wanna know why I don't? Wanna know the color of the man giving me such very good advice, and why?

Wanna know?
Give a ****?
Bet not.

It's hard to change a man's ethos, and yours needs changing. BLM didn't bring attention to a damn thing. There exists corruption in every corner of every thing on the face of this earth so long as people are involved. You're using color as an excuse, just like Trayvon Martin. Just like Oscar Grant. Just like so many others.

Simply acting right will keep you and your kids out of most trouble, even in the face of corrupt cops. Sure works for me and my kids, and all my black friends and their kids too. Just acting right will do it. That's color blind. Black. White. Orange. Yellow. Yes sir Mr Officer. No sir Mr Officer. You may loathe the Son of a ***** for stopping you, harassing you, writing you a ticket, asking you questions. Whatever. Your experience is no different than mine. Bet.

You appear to be capable only to see only what you've been programmed to see and you're not enlightened enough to get out and take a universal stand - you only see color and you can't even admit it to yourself.

It's like that woman who said she was on the beach with her young daughter when they saw a truck drive down the road with a rebel flag and this woman clutched her child and trembled in fear at the sight. So yeah, her kid is going to grow up fearing a symbol, and she may never truly understand why. That's what I'm talking about, but I'll go ahead and bet the family farm you won't get it.

Want to know what happens to a guy like me who chooses to exercise his 'rights' and walk down certain streets in Oakland, CA after dark?HOW CAN I ANSWER THAT? I DONT LIVE IN OAKLAND, IF YOU TOO SCARED TO WALK ASK A FRIEND OR A TRUSTWORTHY OFFICER TO WALK YOU *STUPID OR IRREVELANT QUESTIONS, GOOGLE*


Simply acting right will keep you and your kids out of most trouble, even in the face of corrupt cops. Sure works for me and my kids, and all my black friends and their kids too. Just acting right will do it. That's color blind. Black. White. Orange. Yellow. Yes sir Mr Officer. No sir Mr Officer. WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF CORRUPT COP? THAT IS STUPID, IF YOU THINK A CORRUPT COP CARE IF YOU ACT RIGHT

You appear to be capable only to see only what you've been programmed to see and you're not enlightened enough to get out and take a universal stand - you only see color and you can't even admit it to yourself. IS THIS LATEST EXCUSE AGAINST PEOPLE WHO SPEAK OUT, THAT I AM PROGRAMMED, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM READING ANYTHING I WRITE AND I WILL DO THE SAME FOR YOU
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