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saintfan 09-25-2017 07:18 PM

Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 766556)
Gospel, Blues, Ragtime, Jazz, Rock N Roll, Soul, Funk, and R&B all have their origins within Afrikan-American culture...hell...even disco. Hip-Hop is influenced by all those things. All these art forms built on each other over time.

As far as White artists, they not only "borrowed" the sounds, but actually took entire songs word for word for decades. Elvis immediately comes to mind. They wouldn't even play the Black artists on the radio for the longest. The cultural appropriation in just music alone runs rampant. We don't even need to get into fashion, vernacular, and customs. It goes far beyond appropriating Black culture at this point. Every other culture voices similar complaints.

You're aware that those black artists who were picked from the cotton fields by white record execs didn't own those songs either, right? They were handed down generation to generation, and by the time Muddy Waters got to the studio he didn't know who penned them either. That's why Jimmy Page et al were able to assign themselves writer credits. 100% Muddy Waters got screwed, but it wasn't a 'white man' conspiracy by any stretch of anyone's imagination - even yours.

Beastmode 09-25-2017 07:19 PM

Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 766556)
Gospel, Blues, Ragtime, Jazz, Rock N Roll, Soul, Funk, and R&B all have their origins within Afrikan-American culture...hell...even disco. Hip-Hop is influenced by all those things. All these art forms built on each other over time.

As far as White artists, they not only "borrowed" the sounds, but actually took entire songs word for word for decades. Elvis immediately comes to mind. They wouldn't even play the Black artists on the radio for the longest. The cultural appropriation in just music alone runs rampant. We don't even need to get into fashion, vernacular, and customs. It goes far beyond appropriating Black culture at this point. Every other culture voices similar complaints.

The theft of artistic material has been going on since Shakespeare. Not a new thing. Here though, 70 years after the author's death is the law, free to pilfer. Music composed in 1947 if the artist died that year for example is free game. You can take, borrow, steal, do whatever with it.

At least here we have copyright laws, but it is relatively new, 1976. It took some time to create this situation. We are still a young country. In most countries there is no protection. Just something to think about how bad things are here in regards to artists. Go find a better situation for them if you think it is so awful.

rezburna 09-25-2017 07:19 PM

Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 766561)
You're aware that those black artists who were picked from the cotton fields by white record execs didn't own those songs either, right? They were handed down generation to generation, and by the time Muddy Waters got to the studio he didn't know who penned them either.

You're aware that if it started in the cotton fields and was passed down from generation to generation that's the basis of establishing culture correct?

saintfan 09-25-2017 07:21 PM

Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 766563)
You're aware that if it started in the cotton fields and was passed down from generation to generation that's the basis of establishing culture correct?

To what end? What culture was established?

I'm aware it didn't start in Africa, which is your position. Care to revisit?

rezburna 09-25-2017 07:25 PM

Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 766560)
So basically, because blacks and whites do a lot of the same things, that means that whites are ripping you off?

Well get off your computer, you didn't invent that, a white guy did. You better find a horse to get around, because white people invented cars. Don't fly in planes or ride in a train, as they were invented by white people. Turn in your phone, it was invented by a white guy. You like electricity? Find some candles, because white people discovered it and found a way to harness it.

Don't you dare use all of the daily things that come from white people. You're ripping off white privilege.

We all share in our discoveries, inventions, music and various other resources. You named off a few types of music that may or may not have originated with black people, and yet there are countless other genres of music that come from all over the place. And so what? Who cares, anyway? You're the only one in here who gives a crap about who started what, all to support your ignorant narrative.

White people invented the patent office. There's countless things invented by Black people that aren't accredited to them. That's ripping off creations. That's stealing culture. If you create something and I reap the financial benefit and get the recognition then that's a problem. You're making false equivalencies. Fallacies.

rezburna 09-25-2017 07:27 PM

Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 766564)
To what end? What culture was established?

I'm aware it didn't start in Africa, which is your position. Care to revisit?

Did I not say these art forms have their origins in Afrikan-American culture? Did I ever claim they were simply Afrikan in origin?

Beastmode 09-25-2017 07:30 PM

Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
I have no issue with the kneeling but it should have a defined purpose. I personally want violence in inner cities dealt with. This situation in Chicago is sickening to me. All these people being murdered for what? And no cops involved. How do we stop it? Kneeling is not going to stop it.

WHODATINCA 09-25-2017 07:31 PM

Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
The "President" called these players mother's b*tches. I'm surprised they were as dignified in their protest as they were.

This "president" is the great divider. It is shameful.

saintfan 09-25-2017 07:33 PM

Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 766566)
Did I not say these art forms have origins in Afrikan-American culture? Did I ever claim they were Afrikan in origin?

Indeed you did. Were you also not insinuating they were, at least at one time, uniquely African-American?

Because they were black and most certainly trace themselves back to Africa doesn't stand. Nobody in Africa was singing the blues. This is your bias that you don't see. You see black. I see American. You can't seem to find the demarcation point.

My heritage is French. I don't know a damn thing about wine. See what I mean? You're working too hard at it man and it shows really badly which is why, well, I know you know why.

Can you elaborate, just a little, on the white man's contribution to the blues? What about Charlie Pride? Uh oh...

Sorry, that was weak but a funny way to make the point you're missing.

Beastmode 09-25-2017 07:35 PM

Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 766569)
The "President" called these players mother's b*tches. I'm surprised they were as dignified in their protest as they were.

This "president" is the great divider. It is shameful.

They called themselves *******. Kirpatrick's mother said it herself. He won the election. He brought the divided together. Defeated all the candidates. Somewhat flawed reasoning on your part but that is because the media tells you people are split. They are not. NFL ratings are dropping and will continue to do so. It's going to be the worst year on record for ratings for them.

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