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The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
https://media.townhall.com/townhall/...f528b050fe.jpg Today’s headlines tell me that Kansas City Chiefs’ player Marcus Peters sat out the National Anthem during last night’s NFL opener. I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t watching. As consumers in America, we have a freedom to choose the products we purchase with the money we keep from our hard work after our government masters take their half. With that money, we buy the things we need and enjoy. It’s a simple concept; I don’t need or enjoy the NFL, so I do not participate in its offerings. I don’t go to games, I don’t watch them on television or the internet, and I don’t purchase NFL or player paraphernalia. I do this for a variety of reasons: The NFL has become a bastion of political correctness and Leftist thought. It may be a small handful of players opposing their country’s anthem, but as long as it is accepted by the owners and coaches, then they have lost me as a viewer. Yes, in the U.S.A. you have the freedom to express your views however ridiculous they may be. I, too, have a right to express my disapproval of your views through my pocketbook.The NFL is a business that sells a product. I happen to now find that product unattractive, overpriced, and out of style - so I refuse to buy it. The NFL has immersed itself in the hip-hop culture. Yes, I know this automatically makes me a racist according to the Left, but I simply don’t like the hip-hop culture and the things it represents that have nothing to do with skin color. I don’t approve of a culture whose music refers to women as “b**ches” and “h*s”, glorifies drug usage and violence, and encourages an illicit lifestyle. Plus, I don’t like the clothing. Pull up your pants, you look like an idiot. When this type of “music” blares out over the sound system in the stadium, as it did when I attended my last NFL game, I’m gone. It’s a game. As I age, certain things become more valuable to me. Time is a resource and I refuse to give it up to something I don’t enjoy. I do still attend some college games and cheer for my alma mater, so it’s not the game I don’t enjoy; rather, it’s the commercialization and the culture. At the last professional football game I attended, I looked around at the people spending $9.00 for a beer wearing their $90 team jersey, and decided I didn’t want to be one of them. I can still enjoy the game by watching my local high school team. I can even walk onto the field afterwards and make a young person feel good by congratulating them on a good game, great tackle, or exceptional run. The anthem. I served my country for six years, and the National Anthem brings a tear to my eye every time I hear it. Every. Time. It represents the collective sacrifice of my friends and colleagues and everyone who went before us. It’s the same flag that was draped over my former teammate’s coffin after being killed in Afghanistan. It’s personal to me, very personal. To sit it out, talk during it, raise your fist, or any other form of disrespect is unacceptable to me. Period. I’m simply not willing to look beyond that. There is no pass on this one. If you can’t stand still and respect the flag of this great nation and everything for which it stands, then you and everyone associated with you isn’t getting one dime from me. When Chiefs fans replace the last word of the anthem with the word “Chiefs” I don’t find it cute or excuse the behavior. It’s disrespectful to the millions of brave souls who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that these slobs could swill their $9 beers and scream at players on a Sunday afternoon. It’s inappropriate, disrespectful and I’m not going to participate. ... So, Colin Kaepernick, Marcus Peters and every other flag protesting twit, this American is done with the likes of you. And, I’m not alone. Welcome to the unemployment line coming soon to your future. https://townhall.com/notebook/steves...onger-n2378823 |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Ratings are down yet another 12% so far as a consequence.
:popcorn: |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
My reasons are different. I cannot stand Goodell's greedy and two-faced ways, and the stench of it is all over the NFL. Just watching the Saints this year, and pretty much nothing else. Yesterday I didn't even bother looking at the scores let alone turn on an NFL game. Watched the US Open and HS/college football this weekend and that was plenty of entertainment for me.
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
This is my second year playing fantasy football. Such a great escape from work, politics. I don't even watch the games anymore other than the Saints and highlights. Very engaging taking calculated risks, watching waiver wires, injury reports. I started Kareem Hunt for example this weekend. I don't know his politics nor do I care. He scored a massive amount of points. I could have watched the game but it was more fun watching my stats go up while doing other things. I will be watching the Saints tonight but I'm not going to watch 2-3 games a week ever again.
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Attention whores need attention. We need to stop giving these disrespectful turd holes a platform to push their personal agenda. While I'm glad the announcers made it a point to single Peters out when he did it, it's actually giving the turd exactly what he wanted. I was hoping someone would pop on the field.
Standing for the national anthem should just be a natural sign of etiquettecy like opening doors for other people, getting up and letting someone else sit who really needs it, covering your mouth when you cough... basic levels of etiquette/respect that should have been ingrained in our heads at an early stage in our lives. I would be embarrassed to see my son or daughter do such a thing on especially on national TV. |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Goodell does not work for "himself" he is an employee of the OWNERS!
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Shoutout to hip-hop culture, Marcus Peters, Michael Bennett, and Beast Mode.
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
"The NFL has immersed itself in the hip-hop culture. Yes, I know this automatically makes me a racist according to the Left, but I simply don’t like the hip-hop culture and the things it represents that have nothing to do with skin color. I don’t approve of a culture whose music refers to women as “b**ches” and “h*s”, glorifies drug usage and violence, and encourages an illicit lifestyle. Plus, I don’t like the clothing. Pull up your pants, you look like an idiot. When this type of “music” blares out over the sound system in the stadium, as it did when I attended my last NFL game, I’m gone." |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Buses leave every day from the US to Canada. They got a nice little league up there called the Canadian Football League. They got Funky Uniforms
and you can still get your Gatorade there. And best of all you can go wave to the Canadian Flag. Choice is simple to me and the Fans love ex-NFL Players up there. After all the grass is always greener in Canada. |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Everybody's got Choices.........
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Goodel is doing exactly what he's being paid to do. Focus all the attention on himself. Magicians use "misdirection" all the time. "Pay no attention those owners behind the curtain pulling his strings"
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
I agree with papz, stop giving these players the attention for their protests and start bringing the active duty and veterans down on the field to stand right in front of them between camera and player. Let the camera focus on the guys and gals that sacrifice for their rights.
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Don't give a flying f*ck what culture it is, if someone has given their life so that you live in a free society that allows you to be paid $$$$ to play a game - get off your arse and show some respect...
Otherwise, put your money where your mouth is, show you're really committed and forfeit a game check and don't play... |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
I thought Chris Rock straighten this out back in 1996. :cool: |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
If you're asking me about the "n" word specifically, I won't lose sleep if I read about someone other than a Black person using it. If it's directed towards me or said around me by someone outside of my race, I'd probably feel inclined to react then. I don't find these concepts difficult to understand, but I know plenty of people who want to make them difficult. I let them do it for someone else. |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Personally... I don't know any white people that use the word unless as pure comedy or a way of describing the worst part of the black community. Like I said... Chris Rock says it best. ;) CANT FORGET THIS CLASSIC Dave Chappelle - The Niggar Family - Video | KillSomeTime.com |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
The protests don't bother me. I don't pay much attention to them. I figure a couple of the guys sitting during the anthem are actually passionate about their cause, the rest are just trying to be contrarian cool.
If they wanna make a political statement and their bosses are cool with it, then go for it. But, just my opinion, pissing off most of the general public is a stupid way to protest. They're certainly not winning people over to their cause. |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
These jackasses need to realize that their efforts are an insult to most of those who put on the uniform.
You want to protest Trump, Obama or any other politician or cause then feel free but the national anthem and the flag are not the vehicle to do so. Spoiled millionaires out of touch with mainstream America as Americans pony up the dough for their pay checks. Men and women died, were maimed, or gave up time with their families to provide a safe place for you to be filthy rich and you spit in their face by disrespecting this nation. Sure this country is not perfect, but its as close as it gets on earth. NFL will suffer as a whole for allowing this to continue and expand in scope... you should all be cut and allowed to find a job here in the real world with the rest of us. I can guarantee that players are available to take each and every one of your places... PS - to the Saints players participating, I hope all 10 of you are cut |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
I no longer watch the games. Only highlights and track my fantasy scores. I have been doing this for several years. I do attend a couple of games but likely won't be doing that anymore. The sport is dying. It's dying ever year slowly but surely. It has nothing to do with "hip hop", kneeling, or the N word. People just don't care anymore. The brain damage is real. Parents don't want the sport. It's going to die.
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
what did George Soros paid the NFL to make people sit down for the national anthem. https://i0.wp.com/www.stalkerzone.or...?fit=300%2C190 http://iruntheinternet.com/lulzdump/...092425.gif?id= http://www.wfmynews2.com/img/resize/...preset=534-401 |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Boycott these "Official Sponsors"
Anheuser-Busch Barclaycard US Bose Bridgestone Campbell's Soup Company Castrol Courtyard Marriott Dairy Management, Inc. (Fuel Up to Play 60) Dannon Extreme Networks FedEx Frito-Lay Gatorade Hyundai Motor America Mars Snackfood Microsoft Nationwide News America Papa John's Pepsi Procter & Gamble Quaker Verizon Visa USAA |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
The owners are in a tough spot because they will be strung-up by the media if they dare to take a stance against these players. The fans now have a chance to voice their disapproval by not supporting the league. In the end, everyone will suffer. But IMO, this is exactly what these players are trying to accomplish through their protest. These players feel that their people being wronged and disrespected, so they feel they are just returning the favor. They will in turn piss off veterans, which will in turn piss off white people, who will then turn on the league, whose owners will be hit in the pocketbook. In this way they achieve their goal of making everyone marginalized. Don't be fooled into thinking it has any other goal. Their point was made long ago, it's not even about that anymore. It's payback. |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
For those of you wondering how this will all end.
I foresee this continuing on for a week or two, with TV viewership (and more importantly, related NFL sales) continuing to decline. This will drive the media as a stand-off of sorts beings to form: pissed-off fans versus the league. Owners' hands will be tied as will have no choice but to stand with the players who wear the uniforms. Eventually, when things get bad enough, I see the man who started this whole thing stepping in and calling an end to the protests. Kaepernick will come out with some BS about how this whole thing created a dialog which is what his original goal was. He'll be hailed as a hero and uniter by the league and the media and we'll all be expected to be participants in the healing. That's just my prediction. Seeing as the league's response to this whole mess was closely coordinated across all teams, I wouldn't be surprised if there is already an agreement in place for all players to begin standing starting next week. I think they understand the blow back from this won't be good for who they see as their slave masters. If an agreement already isn't in place, I think one will quickly be formed after a week or two. |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Your prediction is a likely as any - the NFL will not approach this in any other way outside their bottom line end game. That's why the whole thing is so silly. |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
NFL is in a no win situation. On one hand, the anthem, flag, tribute to Veterans, police and first responders are a big part of the "NFL" experience. On the other, ant-anthem, flag haters, Veteran haters and police haters are an increasingly bigger percentage of their employees and the media in general. Staying in the locker room is likely the best solution right now for all teams. It eliminates the visual of the problem and silences the kneelers. Out of sight out of mind. Back to business.
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
I just read that Jesse Jackson has joined the list of people pushing for a boycott. You know what that means. |
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer
Need to find out what is going on in Chicago with all the black on black murders. That situation is out of control. If that takes kneeling at the National Anthem to get things going I am all for it.
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