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AssGrinch 06-23-2007 10:14 PM

My concern is it's in New Orleans East. The only logical location to put a new stadium is where the Iberville projects now stand on Canal. Of course the state of Louisiana, especially New Orleans doesn't operate on common sense.

blacksaint 06-23-2007 11:52 PM

Louisiana lawmaker: Time to go on record in support of new Saints stadium
Gannett News Service

A Louisiana lawmaker has put many of his colleagues on record in support of the state talking with the Saints about building a new stadium in eastern New Orleans.
State Rep. Austin Badon won passage recently of a House resolution supporting his stance. The resolution, which is non-binding, is pending in the Senate. But Badon said he thinks the possibility of a new stadium needs to be discussed.

Badon said his hurricane-ravaged, mostly residential district, which is about seven miles east of downtown, is the best place to invest upwards of $700 million in a stadium.

The Saints have committed to remaining until their current, incentive-rich Superdome lease runs out following the 2010 season. By then, Badon says, the Saints may become a strong candidate to move to a larger city like Los Angeles if the state has not made progress on a new stadium.

"I really hope this is not a possiblity, they look to be very serious about the East, Ijust hope the other lawmakers don't feel the same way."

blacksaint 06-23-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by AssGrinch (Post 132441)
My concern is it's in New Orleans East. The only logical location to put a new stadium is where the Iberville projects now stand on Canal. Of course the state of Louisiana, especially New Orleans doesn't operate on common sense.

That's not a good spot either, the traffic would be backed up down Canal st. all the way to the river, and don't talk about Claiborne Ave., that whole lil area would be too congested. I still say the best area is along the riverfront towards the warehouse district uptown area.

AssGrinch 06-24-2007 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by blacksaint (Post 132446)
That's not a good spot either, the traffic would be backed up down Canal st. all the way to the river, and don't talk about Claiborne Ave., that whole lil area would be too congested. I still say the best area is along the riverfront towards the warehouse district uptown area.

Actually it's the exact opposite with regards to traffic.

blacksaint 06-24-2007 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by AssGrinch (Post 132448)
Actually it's the exact opposite with regards to traffic.

I don't see how that's possible, please explain.

AssGrinch 06-24-2007 12:28 PM

Take a look at a map google. For one, it isn't that far from the superdome. It's on large amount of land, and it sits right next to the I-10. It would expand almost all of canal street. It's what the city needs, especially after Katrina.

fishdaddy 06-24-2007 02:26 PM

terrible idea
They need to keep it where it is. I love the dome. Sure it needs to be updated and they need to put seats closer to the sidelines. But beside Mardi Gras, the superdome is the city's biggest attraction. How many Super bowl you think will be headed this way if they move the stadium anywhere outside downtown. It is the best place to hoist Super bowls because of it's close proximity to Hotel, restaurants, shopping and dare I say it, strip clubs. I can't imagine the city's skyline without the superdome in it. I doubt a stadium in the East will be able to support any business that think they could make it, there would be no more than a dozen Saints games there a year. How would the businesses make it in the spring and summer months. I doubt people would move there because we built a stadium there. Like someone said in a post earlier, the only business that would benefit from this would be the mobil vending business.

Nemesis 06-24-2007 02:42 PM

Hey fellas. I don't understand the concern about crime being an issue for the Dome being located in the East. The Superdome is surrounded by multiple projects, and all sorts hang around the CBD during special events. The east is predominately mid to upper middle class residents. Comparing its appearance in past years to a city in Iraq was stretching it quite a bit. Anyway, the police presence would be massive.

I'm not in favor of a stadium in the east, or even a new stadium. If we had to have one, I'd look into tearing down those nearby projects. They're an eyesore, and may discourage more upscale investment during our recovery. We could also consider the west bank along the river. If there, I'd like one end open with a view of the city. Some have suggested near UNO along the lake.

Anyway, the Dome's location within walking distance of the FQ, etc is what other cities droll over. We'd probably risk losing SBs and other events, by fooling with our superb logistics.

AssGrinch 06-24-2007 02:52 PM

ugh the superdome is a piece of crap.

Nemesis 06-24-2007 03:56 PM

I'm sure a new Dome will be built to secure a lease with Benson. I'd just hate to implode what is now an internationally recognized icon, while the state has some serious issuses that need tending to. Scores would've otherwise perished without the Dome's shelter, and I felt renovations could keep a structurally sound part of our heritage viable for a long time. Whatever happened to "The Dome is Our Home"?

Welp, I'll be trying to finesse my way into Gillette Stadium next season. I just hope the state puts together a sound plan, for once.

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